Sakayanagi Arisu (Tapestry) Short Story: The Morning of Fulfilment
I was deep at sleep.
The appearances of myself when I was young, and of him was repeatedly projected within.
A famous museum of that world. Even the exhibition objects made for an artistic spectacle I think. It was that grandeur, that sweet, and that madly affectionable.
In a sense, that was love.
There are many kinds of love.
Love, charity, affection love-and-hate.
I think, I feel all of those towards him.
3 hours and 36 minutes
Each time I wake up, I always check how much time Ive slept. If I dont sleep for 7-8 hours, I dont feel refreshed. That was because I was so excited last night that I couldnt sleep.
The body pillow I use to support my sleep every day didnt seem to work that much.
I let out a sweet laughter before I knew it.
I have never experienced becoming this excited before so I couldnt control my feelings.
The more I tried to hold back the laughter, a smile appeared, so naturally, on my face.
I cant help it.
I was exposed by the contradiction dwelling within myself right now.
A me that would never lose to anyone.
A him that maybe would teach me defeat.
The conflicting feelings were clashing, going back and forth, neither side yielding.
However, there will definitely be a conclusion.
In other words, superiority and inferiority will be decided.
Ah how beautiful it is.
I hugged my body pillow tightly and a pleasant drowsiness came over me.
I was already napping, wanting to enjoy a passionate dance with him.
That dream of mine was being interrupted by the cold sounds of the ringing sounds from my cellphone.
Was that Masumi? Shes also a worrywart, right.
I know. Lets continue the rest of my dream later tonight.
After I have settled it with him, made it clear as black and white.
At my leisure.