It has been 4 months. At this point, its become completely customary to release a new volume every 4 months.
Even with the arrival of the Reiwa era, your own Kinugasa still hasnt changed.
Volume 11 is over. This time we finished the main part of the first-year story arc. The closing ceremony safely ended, but before we transition to the second year arc, the next volume is going to be about the Spring Break. The plan is for the next volume to focus on how the students changed throughout the entire year, and how they will continue to change in the future.
Also there may or may not be some romantic developments. I wonder which one itll be!?
Anyway, since I just finished the main story for the first year arc, the first thing I have to say is There arent enough pages!
I originally wanted volume 10 and 11 to be one big volume, but thats completely impossible, right?
Once you start writing, the pages just keep adding up. There were so many things that I couldnt even fit in these two volumes. Whenever I start writing a volume I think to myself How am I gonna fill up 300 pages? How should I start? But before I realize it, only a handful of pages remain! I feel like this has started to happen the more I write
So, Id like to write some popular stories thatll carry over from this volume for Volume 11.5.
From here, lets just have a chat for a bit.
I very rarely meet people who work in the industry, but when I do, they tell me: I have no idea what youre doing all the time. Please get on social media! Even though I had made interactions because of blogging activities in the past, I didnt likeor should I sayI wasnt good at doing these kinds of things. I decided to give updates in the afterword, which is to me the most suitable.
Normally Im working and sometimes I play golf. I dont even go to the golf course (my skills are below average, its expensive, and I have no physical strength). I just go to the driving range and hit the balls for an hour or so and then Im done. But thats enough for me because it leaves me feeling satisfied.
Even if I had social media, Id prolly only share dull things like that.
Well, even the afterword ends with this type of dull content!
Ill see everyone again next time!