Part 2
After lunch, we parted ways with Ichinoses group. Once they were out of earshot, Haruka finally said whats on her mind.
Man, Ichinose-san sure is cute isnt she? That smile of hers at the end there was pretty much cheating. Dontcha think?
Me? Not really
Ah, Yukimuu, your face is turning red just thinking about it.
No it isnt.
You dont have to deny it. Like, Im a girl and even I think shes totally adorable, so Im sure boys are completely floored with her.
Airi seemed to agree with her, as she was nodding along fervently as Haruka spoke.
Miyatchi and Ayanokji-kun think so too right?
Since Akito and I didnt want to be targeted like Keisei, we both reluctantly forced a smile to avoid being questioned further. Oddly enough, Airi asked the next question.
I may just be imagining things, but has Ichinose-san ever used perfume before?
Ah, Ive been wondering about that too. She was using some kind of citrusy perfume wasnt she?
Yeah. That may have been what surprised me the most. Maybe shes had a change of heart or something?
Huh, what do you three think?
The two girls had begun talking about something that us boys couldnt possibly know anything about, so Harukas question put us on the spot again.
Was she wearing perfume? Either way, she mightve just felt like wearing some today or something, right?
Keiseis uninterested response prompted Haruka to let out a blatantly disappointed sigh.
Boys really dont notice the small stuff, do they?
Moving on Were not the only ones in a tough spot. From the looks of it, the other matchup has their own fair share of problems to get through.
Not wanting to deal with any more of Harukas teasing, Akito changed the subject.
In order to win against Class B, Class D probably cant afford to care about appearances anymore. Its totally possible that Class D might get even more serious with their harassment moving forward.
Taking the chance to escape, Keisei quickly got on board with Akitos new conversation topic. His prediction was probably right on the mark.
There were only three victims so far, but it wouldnt be surprising if that number went up a bit.
Ryen isnt taking the lead for them anymore, either. They probably dont stand much of a chance if they dont do something like this.
Even so, it seems to me like theyre going about it the same way Ryen-kun would.
Akito was right. Applying pressure like this felt like a strategy Ryen would employ.
But its pointless. It wont be enough to break through Class Bs stronghold. After talking to them today, Im starting to think it may be a good thing that our opponent is Class A. I simply dont wanna go against Class B.
Eh? Why do you think that Yukimuu?
Compared to everyone else, their unshakable unity and the way they tackle their problems head-on without overestimating their own abilities is just on another level. Theyll produce consistent results no matter what event it is. I dont feel like wed be able to win.
Keisei seemed to be afraid of the idea that Class B would perform above average at everything they put their minds to.
But like, even if theyre above average at everything, that doesnt mean anything if they lose, ya know?
Even if they got eighty or ninety percent in all seven events, theyd still lose if their opponent gets a full score.
Do you get what our chances are like when we dont know which events will get chosen on exam day? There might be some specialized events that the lower classes can win at, but at the same time, if those events dont get chosen, wed face a crushing defeat. The results would be disastrous.
I see You might be right.
Airi seemed to understand Keiseis explanation, as she nodded her head several times in agreement.
Hey, hey, Stop!
As we walked around a hallway corner with Keisei in the lead, Haruka abruptly grabbed his arm and called him to a stop.
Keisei tried to ask what was going on, but Haruka covered his mouth with her hand and pointed just in front of us.
She was pointing at Ike and Shinohara, who were walking together just a short bit ahead of us.
S-say, Shinohara.
Well Uhhh.
Cat got your tongue? What is it?
We all became silent and carefully listened to what we could hear of the conversation taking place before us.
A-are you free on Sunday or, something?
Sunday? I dont have anything planned at the moment, but Wait, what?
I mean, uhm, wanna hang out a bit, or something? Only if you want to, that is.
We could hear what they were talking about, albeit just barely. Haruka and Airi looked at each other with expressions that seemed to be filled with excitement, while Keisei and Akito, in stark contrast, shared a mutual expression of utter disbelief.
White day is on Sunday, isnt it? Do you think Shinohara-san gave Ike-kun chocolates on Valentines?
Although Shinohara at first seemed skeptical about Ikes invitation, she gradually seemed to pick up on what was happening.
Well, its just, you gave me chocolate and all So I thought Id like, return the favour, ya know.
Youre so sincere even though it was just obligatory chocolate. Do you even have any money?
Ive been saving up a bit N-nevermind, its fine if you dont want to.
I never said I didnt want to.
D-does that mean
D-dont get the wrong idea, kay? The special exam is coming up soon, so this is just my last chance to relax. And since youre saying youll pay and everything, how could I say no?
For some reason, seeing this reminded me of the conversation I had with Hoshinomiya-sensei this morning about room-sharing.
The small seeds of romance might be starting to bud in places I wasnt even aware of.
Lets go.
Huh? Wait. We just got to the good part.
Dont stick your neck into other peoples love affairs.
Akito grabbed Haruka by the collar of her shirt and began walking away in the opposite direction.
Come on, whats wrong with listening for just a bit longer? My hearts starting to flutter.
Mines not.
Ugh. What was I expecting from a clueless guy like you right, Airi?
Y-yeah. My hearts beating pretty fast too But, theyd be embarrassed if they saw us, wouldnt they?
Thats true, but like, its their fault for doing this in public in the first place.
If they were to notice us in this situation, it very well might interfere with their slowly budding relationship.