Part 1
We pushed together two tables in the corner of the cafe and sat down to have a meal together.
It was not only a group composed of both Class B and C, but a highly unusual group at that.
Sorry for inviting you all so suddenly like this. Its my treat, so dont hold back!
Ichinose spoke, presenting us with an apology.
Are you really sure about that? Ichinose?
Kanzakis reaction to her offer was somewhat excessive.
Just before the last special exam, Ichinose made a deal with Class D to prevent Ryens expulsion by promising that Class B would cast their praise votes for him.
In order to save their classmate, Class B shouldve had to cough up every last private point they could get their hands on.
While Im sure they had found some way to break even, they probably didnt have the luxury to be eating out like this, much less paying for others.
We were already on our way to eat here anyway, so well pay for ourselves.
After I spoke, everyone else in the group nodded along in agreement.
I kinda forced this on you, so you dont have to be so considerate
Its fine. This way, we can eat what we want without feeling guilty about it.
Under the pretense of sharing a peaceful meal together as equals, I once again turned down Ichinoses offer.
So Why did you invite us?
Keisei broached the subject, unable to hold himself back from asking about it.
Its because yall seemed kinda surprised with Shibata-kuns behavior earlier. I thought itd be better if I was just upfront with you about it instead of letting you guys speculate too much.
In a sense, Ichinoses judgment may be correct. If she hadnt called out to us, we wouldve probably ended up talking about what we saw for a while. Asking ourselves why he had gotten so riled up. And depending on the situation, it was also possible that a third-party might inadvertently overhear us, causing rumors to spread.
Kanzaki, however, wasnt so sure.
Are you sure you can tell them?
Do you really think this is something we need to keep quiet about?
We cant rule out the possibility that somebody in Class C is involved.
Even if there is, it wouldnt make any difference, would it?
Ichinose is right, it just sounds like we were whining at this point.
As soon as Shibata cut in, Kanzaki glared at him with a sharp look in his eyes.
W-what is it Kanzaki?
Shibata didnt seem to understand Kanzakis true intentions, but if I had to guess
Kanzaki probably thought that Shibatas words werent very appropriate, but nobody else seemed to catch onto this, so it wasnt a particularly big problem.
In any case, now that theyve already heard this much, wouldnt it be best to just tell them?
I guess.
Shibatas careless remark had been the deciding factor, forcing Kanzaki to back down.
Simply put, you could kinda say Class D has recently been harassing us a little bit.
A little bit?
Shibata cut in, his voice filled with conviction.
For some reason, me, Nakanishi, and even Beppu have all had to deal with the same crap from them. I dunno what to tell you, theyre pestering us constantly and following us around for no reason. My man Beppu was pretty scared when Albert went and just silently cornered him up against a wall earlier.
Just after Shibata finished, Kanzaki joined in on the complaining, probably deciding that it wouldnt make much of a difference at this point now that most everything had been put out into the open.
Ive spoken to those two about it myself, and pretty much everything checks out.
In other words, Class D had been targeting some of the students in Class B ever since the special exam started.
It hasnt gotten physical or anything, has it?
For now.
For the time being, it didnt appear that theyve resorted to anything more than stalking and intimidation.
Of course, if Class D really became violent, the problem would get several times larger.
Its probably their way of putting pressure on us. Were thinking theyre looking to wear us down by keeping this up until the exam starts.
Gimme a break. Class D is scary enough as it is. You do know that even Class Cs been swallowed up in the trouble theyve caused, right?
Shibata was probably referring to the time when Sud fought with Ishizaki and Komiya earlier this year.
Keisei had been quietly listening to their exchange, but at this point, he spoke up himself.
I know its kind of strange to get advice from another class, but I dont think their behavior is all that surprising. Class D certainly has a bad image, but a certain amount of external pressure is understandable. In fact, weve been seeing signs that Class A might be spying on our class.
Is that true?
With a nod, Keisei proceeded to tell them about the Class A students we had seen eavesdropping nearby our classroom.
Class D is also kinda desperate, so maybe theyre looking to pick up any information they can get their hands on?
Despite having only listened to Keiseis explanation for a short time, Shibata appeared to be convinced by what he was saying.
Be that as it may, it certainly seemed like Class B would be the one to sustain the most damage.
At the most basic level, this exam plays out in our favor, so its not unreasonable that theyd do something like that. We should probably expect them to continue their harassment right up until the limit of what the school rules allow them to.
This was Kanzakis analysis of the situation. That said, the part he hadnt considered was that Class D was only targeting a small fraction of Class Bs students.
Did they decide that it was too risky to challenge Ichinose or Kanzaki?
Or did they have their sights set on something else entirely?
I dont really think this is the kind of thing Kaneda-kun would be behind. Maybe its Ishizaki-kun?
Yeah probably.
I know its concerning, but we just have to do what we can. We just have to continue working together, choose the right events, and do our very best on the day of the exam. Right?
The two boys from Class B nodded along with Ichinoses hope-filled words.
Are you saying you arent gonna take any measures against Class D? Not even basic investigation?
Hmm, I dont think so. Were gonna focus our efforts on preparing for the ten events Class D come up with next week.
In other words, no matter what Class D would throw at them, they were planning to rely on the strength of their own class to make it through.
They would come face-to-face with the truth, without being deceived by false information. It was a safe, reliable strategy.
What can I say, Class B is really something else.
Keisei spoke, his voice filled with wonder, before continuing.
Wouldnt you normally do whatever it takes to beat a class thats above you? If stuff like spying and intimidation get results, it only makes sense that theyd make use of it. Honestly, your choice to take the high road and place your full confidence in your own capabilities is something that Class C would never be able to do.
Even though on the surface it didnt seem we were taking action against Class A, many of us were racking our brains for some way to find out information about them.
Who knows? Maybe were just not clever enough to do stuff like that?
Saying this, Ichinose let show a small smile, to which Keisei spoke up again.
Well, I think I get what you wanted to say to us. If rumors began to spread because we carelessly talked about Shibatas outburst back there, it would just end up broadcasting to Class D that their strategy is working.
Keisei had discovered the reason why Ichinose had invited us to eat lunch together.
If Class D were to find out that their harassment had done damage to Class B, it would only end up adding fuel to the fire.
In which case, Class B would have even more to deal with than they did now. They were looking to maintain their resolve and emphasize that Class Ds tactics hadnt had any effect on them.
Indeed. Thats why Id like to ask that you all do your best to keep this from spreading further.
Spreading it around wouldnt do us any good, and its not like we want to make an enemy out of Class B either.
Keisei agreed, with Haruka, Akito, and Airi nodding along shortly after without the slightest bit of hesitation.
Thank you so much everyone. Really.
As Ichinose thanked us, her eyes met mine for the first and only time.
At that moment, she casually brushed a strand of hair away from her face.
And then, as if carried on by the wind, a faint scent of citrus tickled my nose.
She quickly looked away, returning her gaze back to the group as a whole, and I found myself thinking that she was acting a little strange today.
Regardless, that wasnt something I was going to point out right now.