Part 1
That night, Ibuki visited Ryens dorm room without any prior notice.
The dry sound of her fist knocking on his door quietly reverberated through the chilly hallway.
After waiting for a bit, the door opened.
W-what the hell are you doing!?
His chest bare, Ryen had come to the door wearing nothing but his boxers.
If I told you I was doing something vulgar, would you bug off?
Id kick you in the nuts and go back to my room without looking back.
Kuku. I just got out of the bath, come in.
It seemed as though he was telling the truth, as his hair was indeed still wet.
Although she was still wary of Ryens teasing, Ibuki stepped into his room.
It was the first time she had done so ever since enrollment.
Contrary to her expectations, the room was decked out with various accessories, giving it a completely different impression than his room.
Youre not here because you wanted to sleep with me before I get expelled, are you?
Ibuki had no intention of drawing this out by getting caught up in his teasing, instead choosing to just get straight to the point.
Your private points. Hand them over.
Oh? Arent you the one who rejected them in the first place?
While drying his hair with a bath towel, Ryen took a plastic water bottle out of the fridge.
Though, rather than offer it to Ibuki, he popped off the cap and took a drink for himself.
Theres already nothing you can do to survive the exam. In other words, the points are going to be wasted right along with you.
I suppose. As it is now, if Im expelled, theyd all disappear.
The secret contract he had made with Class A would be terminated, leaving Class D with the short end of the stick.
So give them to me while you still can.
Well arent you shameless.
Its what you really want, isnt it? It wouldnt have been beneath you to go and waste them all if you really didnt want to hand them over, but it doesnt seem to me like youve done that. Its like youve been telling us to come and pick them up.
Ryen had been quietly keeping to himself over the past several days.
It was obvious that he had used, at most, only a couple thousand points.
Kuku, well arent you the smart one. Whatever, take em. Theyre useless to me anyway.
Ryen let show a smile as he stood before Ibuki.
He then picked up his cell phone and started tapping on the screen.
It only took a moment. Everything Ryen owned was transferred to Ibukis mobile phone.
It went through. Youve served your purpose with this, Ryen.
Ibuki attempted to put away her phone away as she spoke, but Ryen reached out and grabbed her by the arm.
With that, he shoved her against the wall.
Hey! What are you doing!?
Ibuki immediately let out a kick, but Ryen catches it with one hand, stopping it easily.
I dont dislike that aggressive personality of yours, you know.
Ibuki reacted with glaring hostility, unsure about what he was going to do, but Ryen just smirked and let go of her leg.
It was Ryens way of offering her one final farewell.
Youre strong, but if you ask me, youve got plenty of weak points. You cant beat Suzune like that.
Mind your own business.
Goodbye Ibuki.
Ryen turned away, appearing to have already lost interest in the conversation.
He then walked over to the front door to show her the way out.
There was a momentary silence as she put on her shoes.
Are you satisfied with your time here, at this school?
Ibuki asked, quietly breaking the silence with her back turned to him.
The answer was obvious just from looking at him.
Ryen wasnt satisfied at all.
As a matter of fact, he was going to quietly leave the school without ever being able to gain that satisfaction.
Ibuki stood up, the cold air from the hallway flowing in as she opened the door.
Goodbye then.
With these parting words, Ibuki left, closing the door behind her.
There was nobody else but her in the hallway this late at night.
A huge sum of private points was displayed on the screen of her cell phone.
She felt nothing but emptiness as she switched to another screen.
Ibuki made a phone call as she walked down the hallway.
She didnt care if the person on the other end was asleep.
If it went to voicemail, she intended to cut the call.
However, they picked up before the tone played twice.
Its me. Ive gotten all of Ryens private points.
She had finished her task, having reported to the person she needed to report to.
From the other end of the phone, he responded, stating that he wanted to meet up in person.
Thats fine, but
She trailed off as she thought about how she was already out and about.
After a short pause, Ibuki agreed to his request, resolving herself to head to his room.