Chapter 6: The Other Classes Ideas Introduction
From the very beginning, Class Ds stance on what to do hadnt changed in the slightest.
Approximately ninety percent of the class reached the same conclusion when the supplemental exam was first announced.
And by Friday, the day before the vote, that conclusion still hadnt changed.
The conclusion to expel Ryen Kakeru.
The majority of the class had already made up their minds without any prior discussion or planning.
Ryen had led the class like a dictator, ruling with an iron fist. However, nobody could say his actions had led the class to success, not even as flattery.
In fact, he was the reason their class had fallen from Class C, dropping them down into last place.
Moreover, many students had suffered from his rule of intimidation and violence. He took advantage of weak-minded students to create a situation where his demands wouldnt be questioned. He was the root of all evil. Many of the students thought that they wouldnt have fallen down to Class D if Ryen hadnt been around, even if they wouldve never been able to rise to Class B.
By the third day of the exam, a good portion of Class D had already reached an agreement. Namely, to make sure everyone casts one censure vote for Ryen, and to spread out the two remaining votes amongst the rest of the class to avoid concentrating too many votes on another person. This way, theyd be able to ensure Ryens expulsion.
Although Ishizaki truly didnt wish to see Ryen go, he had been put into a difficult position as the one credited with defeating him. He had been forced into the important role of amassing censure votes to work against Ryen.
When the details of the exam were first explained, Ryen immediately understood the complexity of the situation Ishizaki had found himself in and the collective stance of his classmates.
And so, he came to a decision. In this exam where the class wanted to kick him out, he wouldnt put up a shred of resistance.
For this reason, he was going to enjoy whatever time he had left until the supplemental exam came to an end.
After all, he still had to think about where he would go and what he would do after leaving the school.
Hence, he didnt want to waste his time sticking around in the classroom after school had ended for the day.
Ryen left the classroom right away.
Ibuki watched as he did, quietly thinking about how she would pass the time for the remainder of the day.
In the past, Ryen had often invited her to accompany him, but that hadnt happened for a while now.
A girl approached Ibuki as she stared blankly at the door Ryen had just passed through.
Well well, thats quite the miserable look on your face, now isnt it? Are you really that sad to see Ryuuen get expelled?
Haa You again? You really enjoy trying to pick a fight with me, dont you?
Not reeeally. Im just here cause Im worried about you; isnt that obvious? It seems to me like youve been increasingly less important ever since Ryen-kun lost, wouldnt you say?
The one saying these provocative words was none other than Ibukis classmate, Shiho Manabe, a central figure among the girls of Class D.
Ever since enrollment, the two had never gotten along well with each other. Manabe had butted heads with Ibuki more than just a few times, but because Ibuki was heavily supported by Ryen, Manabe had been unable to complain about her as much as she wanted to.
Inwardly, this had made Manabe extremely unhappy.
Her provocations were, most likely, her way of venting pent-up anger.
Youre gonna cast a censure vote for me, arent you Ibuki-san?
Just do it. Im gonna vote for you, so well be even that way.
Huh, is that so.
Manabe became somewhat annoyed by Ibukis indifferent reply.
After all, she really wanted to see her squirm and lose herself in anger.
Well, isnt it nice knowing that you wont be expelled, Ibuki-san? Even if a handful of people cast Ryen-kun their praise votes, hes still gonna get like, more than thirty censure votes.
Manabe was only able to be this cocky because Ryen wasnt in the room, but that didnt change the fact that many of the other students shared her stance on the matter.
Ishizaki got up out of his seat.
The supplemental exam would take place tomorrow, and once it began, nothing more could be done to change the situation.
Come with me for a bit, Ibuki.
Ishizaki approached the two girls as they glared at one another.
Despite her unclear response, Ibuki went along with Ishizakis request and proceeded to leave the classroom.
For Ibuki, she believed that pretty much anything would be preferable if it meant getting away from Manabe.
You can act as calm and composed as you want, but know that after Ryen-kun gets expelled, youre next.
Acting as though she was the ruler of the class, Manabe saw Ibuki off with one final provocation.
So, where are we going?
Ibuki asked after they left the classroom, with Manabe no longer in view.
Nowhere in particular. I kinda just wanted to talk to you for a bit about the private points Ryen-san is holding onto. What happened to em?
Nothing happened to them, hes still got them.
You still havent gotten em? The exams tomorrow you know? Well lose em all once he gets expelled.
And just who was the one who got all worked up about not taking them, again?
Thats I didnt care much about private points back then
If you want them so badly, why dont you go beg him for them yourself?
I aint gonna do that.
Ibuki spoke sharply because she already knew that this would be his answer.
As far as the rest of the class is concerned, youre the one responsible for knocking Ryen down a peg. Itd be pretty suspicious if people were to find out that you had been in touch with him. People might even start to question your loyalty.
For Ishizaki, being doubted by his classmates wouldnt be a terrible development, given that he wanted to prevent Ryens impending expulsion.
However, that would only put Ishizaki at risk of expulsion in Ryens stead. Moreover, the truth behind Ishizakis involvement in Ryens fall from power could be exposed. There was no way Ishizaki would be able to reach out to him.
He was suffering from two conflicting emotions: the desire to save Ryen, and the desire to save himself.
I Dammit, what should I do?
Its for the best to just let Ryen be expelled, isnt it? Even you should know that.
Is that really okay? Do you really think we can win in the future without Ryen-san?
He expected us to praise the hell out of him even though he never produced any decent results. His actions were impossible to understand, and moreover, seemed kinda stupid.
He certainly took a lot of risks, but without him, reaching Class A is nothing more than a pipe dream.
Even Ryen had been wary of Class As comprehensive overall power under Sakayanagis leadership.
And then there was Class Bs unwavering unity and consistent results under the command of Ichinose.
And furthermore, there was Class Cs Ayanokji, who had the brute strength to overwhelm Ryen and an immeasurable amount of knowledge and ingenuity to back that up.
The difference in power between the classes was painfully obvious, a fact that had left a strong impression on Ishizaki.
In order for Class D to contend with those monsters, it was crucial for them to have a monster of their own.
It was clear that Ryen Kakeru wasnt the correct student to get rid of during this exam.
Well, I admit Ryens far from normal.
Ibuki had her own thoughts on all of this as well.
For some reason, even though Ryen had been defeated by Ayanokji, her own opinion of him hadnt really gone down.
Ryen possessed a unique something that Sakayanagi and Ichinose didnt.
A something that might even be able to reach someone like Ayanokji.
At least, thats what she thought.
Watching Ishizaki vent his frustrations with a sidelong glance, Ibuki began to think about what she could do for this exam.
Even though Ishizaki was an unpleasant, hot-headed guy, he was still earnestly putting in his best efforts.
And yet, she only thought of protecting herself. Of how it would be safer to just stay silent and let Ryen be expelled.
Ibuki certainly didnt have as much leeway as Ishizaki.
She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was disliked by the rest of her class.
In fact, she knew that if Ryen disappeared, she would be targeted next.
There was more to Manabes statement earlier than mere harassment.
Nevertheless, as long as she stayed quiet this time, shed survive.
Or perhaps in the near future, another way forward might reveal itself.
This was the main aspect that was preventing her from taking action.
She thought back to what he had said.
This exam isnt simple enough for you to be able to save someone just because you say you want to.
He had already seen through Ibukis mindset, her way of thinking.
It was why she hadnt been able to face the situation seriously.
Hey Ishizaki.
You dont really want Ryen to be expelled, do you?
Yeah. I cant even lie about it.
There was absolutely no way someone was going to receive more censure votes than Ryen.
I dont really want to admit it, but I feel the same way. Just remember that after Ryens gone, Im next.
She explicitly laid out the facts.
Im going to see Ryen tonight and recover the private points. I might be the only one who can.
Those points would then be put to good use for Class Ds sake.
Ryens sacrifice would be used as a source of encouragement for the future.
So theres really no other way
Its pretty much all we can do.
Ibuki steeled her resolve.
She would recover every single private point Ryen Kakeru had.
As long as there was a chance they could benefit Class D, they absolutely needed to be obtained.