Volume 1, Epilogue: The victory celebration
Holding a can of juice, Ike shouted in excitement.
After the midterm results were announced, all the study group members gathered in the evening. Everyone, minus Horikita, was smiling because no one had to drop out.
With our friends, we all made it past the hardships. Is this what youth is?
I guess this isnt bad.
Whats with that gloomy face? Sudou wasnt kicked out, so everythings over, right?
I dont mind the celebration, but why is it in my room?
My rooms dirty, and so is Sudous and Yamauchis. We also cant go to the girls rooms, right? No, of course, Id love it if we were in Kushida-chans room. Thats why your wonderful and completely empty room is the best, Ayanokouji.
Its only been two months since the start of school. Its stranger to have so much stuff, rather.
Other than my daily necessities, theres nothing else I really need.
What do you think, Kushida-chan?
I think its fine. It feels clean, fresh, and simple.
Right? It must be nice to be praised by Kushida-chan. Hahahaha.
Ike, who looked like he had a personal grudge against me, pushed me lightly (but not really).
All things considered, though, this midterm was pretty dangerous. If we didnt do that study group, Ike and Sudou were definitely going to get kicked out.
Hah? You were pretty much on the edge too, you know?
No no, I would be able to get a perfect score if I tried. Seriously.
Everythings thanks to Horikita-sans effort. After all, she also taught Ike-kun, Sudou-kun, and Yamauchi-kun.
Horikita stayed outside of the circle, and was reading her novel by herself. When we said her name, though, she raised her head as she put the bookmark back in the book.
Im just acting for myself. If someone dropped out, class Ds points would drop as well.
Even if its a lie, say that you did it for us. Well think of you better.
Its fine if you dont think better of me.
Well, her attitude is the same as ever, but her participating in this group is an improvement in of itself.
If it was the old Horikita, she definitely wouldnt have come.
Well, but Horikitas surprisingly nice.
Follow up on her remark, Sudou replied.
Ever since Horikita apologized, Sudou stopped being so hostile towards her. Before, he declared her to be no good, but it looks like people change.
Anyway, why did Sensei decide to cancel Sudous expulsion?
I was also wondering about that. What sorcery did you use, Horikita-chan?
Eh, dont remember.
Uwa, a secret!?
Ike fell over exaggeratedly.
Just because we made it past the midterm, we shouldnt be celebrating wildly. Our next hurdle is the final exam. Obviously, the problems on the final exam will probably be harder than this exam. Also, we still have to look for a way to raise our points.
Do we have to start this hellish studying again Thats the worst.
Ike buried his head in his hands.
Dont you think we should start now so that it doesnt become too bad?
Guess not.
I dont understanding anything about the school, like the class division and the point system
Ah~ my points~. I want points~. Poverty is really the worst~.
Having used up all their points, Ike and Yamauchi were living only on free goods.
Hey, Horikita-san. Is it still really hard to get points?
We did well on the test, so we should be able to get some points, right!?
Have you seen our average? Among all the classes, were by far the lowest. If you think we can get points like that, you should change your way of thinking.
Like always, Horikita said the truth without mincing matters.
Then we get no points next month as well no
Just live a life in moderation and give up on your luxurious lifestyle.
Its ok, Ike-kun. We might not get any points right now, but well get some points in the near future. Right? Horikita-san.
I wonder.
Can I say something? Were all friends, after all. Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun, and I are working together to try and get to class A. If its fine, I want you guys to help us.
Get to class A? Eh, are you serious?
Yea. Of course. Trying to increase our points, obviously, is an important part of that as well.
But isnt that super far-fetched? Theyre a smart bunch, right? Since theyre way smarter, isnt it practically impossible?
If you just think about their grades, a whole group of people like Horikita is scary.
Studying isnt the only thing that decides classes though. right?
Yea, but if you cant study, its out of the question.
The three people whistled and averted their eyes.
Were still pretty far from our goal, but if we work together, well get there. Definitely.
Wheres the evidence for that?
Evidence Well, three people working together wont fail as easily as just one, right?
I dont think that really applies to these three.
W-well Oh, thats it! Three heads are better than one! Something like that.
Well, if you add their test scores, its like one persons score.
Kushida tried to make the three sound useful, but Horikita completely dismantled her attempts. What an amazing pair.
If we fight, nothing will get done, right? Getting along is definitely better.
If you think about it, I guess thats about right.
Horikita didnt try to deny her words.
In any case, if were trying to move up in classes, its probably best to get along with as many classmates as possible.
If we fight at this stage, nothing will come out of our efforts.
Thats why I want to ask you three for help once again.
Ike and Yamauchi immediately replied.
Well, if Horikita asks me to help, then
Sudou tried to hide his embarrassment.
Ive never thought to rely on you, Sudou-kun, and I also never wanted you to help. You wouldnt be very helpful in the first place.
Guh I was trying to be nice, you know!
Trying to be nice? Im surprised.
Not surprisingly, Sudou flared up in anger, but didnt raise his fist. Hes improving too, it seems.
Youre annoying.
Thank you for your kind words.
Youre not cute at all.
You say that, but what do you really mean?
Ike poked fun at him. Sudou sent a fierce glare towards Ike, and put him in a headlock.
Ow! S-stop!
If you say anything unnecessary Im going to strangle you.
Y-youre already strangling me! I give up!
Seeing something along the lines of friendship between men, Horikita let out a deep sigh.
This school is ruled by our ability. Only harsh competitions awaits us now. Its not something you can do half-heartedly. If you say youll help and then give up, youll only be a hindrance.
Leave anything physical to me. I have confidence in my basketball and fighting skills.
I cant expect anything from you after all.
Ruled by our ability, huh. I feel my chest tightening.
Essentially, weve been estranged from the rest of the world. Before I noticed, I put a lot of effort in our joint work. Well, I guess you could also call it a curse of sorts.
Horikita has set her sights on class A. Shes dead set on doing so.
However, the road out of class D will be a difficult one.
With how were performing right now, itll be hard to get to class C.
If thats the case, what should I do from now on?
Ill focus on doing my best for now.
At least I want to see Horikita smile once.