The four of us stood outside the convenience store enjoying some ice cream that we had bought.
Eating ice cream while its a bit chilly is delicious.
Hasebe says so while carrying a scoop of vanilla ice cream on a thin wooden spoon up to her mouth.
Yukimura, on the other hand, doesnt appear to eat ice cream very often, as he was still reading the ingredients.
This is just a list of preservatives and food colorings.
Wow, how are you able to eat anything if youre concerned about that sort of thing?
Id like to pay attention to the food I eat. I started thinking about it after what happened to my physical condition during the uninhabited island exam. Now I get my food from the organic section of the supermarket at Keyaki Mall.
Youre a really serious guy.
Apparently, Yukimura recently became a health-conscious individual.
In the first place, items at the convenience store cost a lot. If youre willing to make a small trip over to the mall, you can get the same thing at a much better price. Why not buy your groceries a bit more efficiently?
He pointed it out by looking at Hasebe who had also bought a lot of groceries along with the ice cream.
Yukim, are you by any chance one of those weird penny-pinchers?
Ive always cared about it. And what do you mean by Yukim?
Youre Yukimura-kun, so Yukim. When I want to make friends, I start with nicknames. Miyatchi, Yukim, and Ayanon. Hmm, although Ayanon doesnt flow that well.
Before I knew it, I had been given the super-cute Ayanon as a nickname.
Dont call me Yukim, its embarrassing.
You dont like it?
I didnt say that I told you its embarrassing.
So what?
But in the presence of others, Yu-Yukim is a little
Yukimura stopped talking. Hasebe responds to him with a straight face.
I came to this conclusion after I realized that our relationship might not be that bad.
A relationship worthy of a nickname?
Jeez, were all, like, the type of people who stick to themselves, right?
Well Thats true. I cant deny that.
Should I say that once I tried this group thing out, I was unexpectedly comfortable with the results? And Yukim and Ayanon also have very few friends. The second semester is more than halfway over, so I decided that I really want to establish a new friend group through these study sessions. Therefore, Im not trying to make up for lost time, but in order to get close to you guys as quickly as possible, I want to call you guys by either a nickname or your first name. What do you two think?
She asked us. After it was clear that Yukimura and I were unable to answer her, Miyake responded:
Yeah. Im surprised myself since it isnt bad at all. I feel like I fit in. I dont get along with Sud and his group, and Hirata feels like an entirely different existence, always surrounded by girls.
I know, right? What about you two?
Both Hasebe and Miyake were positive about the four of us forming a group together. Would Yukimura still refuse?
I was only with you guys to oversee your studying. When the finals are over, the group will have served its purpose, but I guess these finals wont be the last time. Of course, there will be the third semester, and it also goes without saying that there will be further exams until graduation. So I dont mind forming something it for the sake of efficiency.
What youre saying is confusing, but thanks nonetheless.
Hmm Well. This is only to keep you guys from dropping out and lower the classs ratings any further.
Then theres only Ayanon left, ah, but is it difficult because youre already in a group with Horikita-san? Plus youre sometimes also doing things with Ike-kun and Yamauchi-kun.
I cant say if its for better or worse, but at least I know that those two are pretty different from the type of person I am, as they have many aspects that Im just not compatible with. Should I say that I dont have to force myself when Im around you guys? To be honest, I feel relaxed. Horikita and I just sit next to each other. We interact a lot, but Im not particularly in a group with her.
These were my true feelings.
Is that so? In that case, its decided. We will be the Ayanokji Group from now on. Please treat us well.
Wait. Why is it named after me?
Youre the one who brought all of us together. Are you not okay with it?
Miyake also agreed with Hasebes opinion. What about Yukimura?
I have no objections. I would be troubled if we chose to call ourselves the Yukimura group.
He accepted it without resistance.
One last thing before we inaugurate the group. Lets ban the use of formal surnames from now on.
Its up to you to ban them, but I wont say Mi-Miyatchi or A-Ayanon or anything like that. Its embarrassing. Id look like an idiot.
It would definitely feel out of place for Yukimura and me to say Miyatchi.
It was really helpful that he ended up denying it for me.
Well, at least use the first name. By the way, my name is Haruka. You can call me whatever you want. What your first name, Miyatchi?
If thats the case, thats what we should call you then? Hasebe had a proud expression.
Akito huh. Well, thats manageable. Ayanokjis is Kiyotaka, right?
We stayed in the same room during the cruise, so Yukimura appears to have remembered my name.
And I believe Yukimuras first name is Teruhiko.
I also thought back to the exam on the ship. Yukimuras expression suddenly became cloudy for some reason after I had said this.
You remembered?
Instead of being impressed, Yukimura looked troubled.
Oh, so Yukims first name is Teruhiko. Should I think of another nickname?
Stop it.
He responded with a strong tone, and Hasebe shrunk back a little bit.
Is something wrong?
When I asked Yukimura about his sudden change in attitude, he gave an unexpected response.
Im fine with calling you guys by your given names, but could you stop calling me Teruhiko?
He actually made such a proposal.
That is, its alright for you to use our first names, but its not alright for us to do it to you!?
Its not that I dont like any of you guys. Its just that I hate my given name. I usually dont mind because nobody had ever used my given name before, but this situation makes things different.
Its not a particularly unique baby name nowadays, isnt it pretty common?
Miyake understandably finds it strange.
The name Teruhiko is definitely one of the more standard, usual names.
I dont think the name is the type that Id end up hating.
Is there any special reason?
Ah. Teruhiko was the name chosen for me by my mother, a cowardly woman who abandoned me and my father when I was little. This is why I cant possibly accept it.
Hasebe and Miyakes faces tightened after they learned that there was a heavier reason for it than they had expected.
Yukimura noticed this and immediately decided to end the conversation.
Sorry, I said something unnecessary.
Nope, that was my bad. I went ahead and used your first name without your permission.
Its not something you need to apologize for. Its only to be expected since you didnt understand the situation. Plus its not typical for someone to dislike their given name. If possible, I dont want to ruin the atmosphere of the group. If none of you mind, Id like it if youd call me Keisei moving forward. Its the name Ive been using since I was a child.
Keisei? Does that mean Yukim has two given names? This is pretty complicated.
Keisei isnt my naturally given name. Its the name my father wanted me to have. Since the day my mother left home, Ive made it my own. If you find it unacceptable, I hope youll call me Yukimura just like youve been doing.
If this is what Yukimura wanted, we wouldnt be able to pursue it any further.
Besides, it isnt surprising for someone to use more than one name.
It isnt only celebrities who do it, but even people of the general public.
It wasnt my intention to use such an insensitive name, but thats not what matters, is it?
Yeah true. In which case, my best regards, Keisei.
As Hasebe said, we all chose to call him by the name that he wanted us to use.
Sorry for my selfishness Kiyotaka, Akito, Haruka.
Yukimura addressed everyone by their given name again.
Its fine, its fine. More or less, people have their own circumstances.
Exactly. Just like how I have a past that I dont want to be exposed or for people to know about, Yukimura no, Keisei also has a past that he carries.
I attempted to say their names out loud in the same way Keisei did.
Akito, Keisei, and Haruka. Right. Ive also remembered them.
Its more stressful to call a girl by her first name than to do it for a boy.
Anyways, Kiyotaka-
Haruka seems to have gotten caught up with my nickname again.
Not Ayanon, but how about Kiyopon? Yeah, this one flows much better, so I think its an easy decision. Yukim, do you want to call him that too?
Wow, I feel like Ive been given a more shameful nickname than Ayanon.
Thinking of being called this in front of the general public from now on gives me goosebumps.
I wont call him that, its too embarrassing. Ive already decided to call him Kiyotaka.
Embarrassment aside, we ultimately decided to use our first names for each other.
At first, we werent able to find the right way to say it, but the flow of things had started to seem much more natural and there werent any more problems with that.
I looked behind me. It felt like the conversation was at a good place for me to discreetly check on the presence in the background.
Are you just going to stay there and listen in silence, Sakura?
Every time that weve gathered for a study session, Sakura has followed behind us.
Same with the cafe today. Moreover, she was also currently watching us from a distance now.
She cant hear everything that were saying, but she should just barely be able to hear enough to understand.
Right now, while our group is being formed is her last chance.
If she doesnt insert into the conversation here
Well! Now weve all learned each others names. So, the four of us will group u-
F For-forgive me!
Bang! The trash can nearby made a loud sound. At the same time, a single student stood up.
Of course, it goes without saying that it was Sakura. She rigidly stepped out and nervously walked up to us with robotic movement.
The three of them said her name at almost the same time.
I I I also want to join Ayanokji-kuns group!
Unable to show her face for the longest time, Sakura amassed every ounce of her courage and then uttered the words.
Her face was visibly flushed with nervousness. Since she wasnt paying attention, she hadnt noticed that her fake glasses were sitting crooked in an amusing position.
Do you want to join the group because youre afraid that youll fail the exam? Given Sakuras scores and partner, its not unreasonable for you to be uneasy about it.
Keisei calmly endeavored to analyze Sakuras arrival, and then came to a conclusion.
Based on how I see it, I think you should join Horikitas group. Im not capable enough to teach very many people. Besides, your situation is different from theirs, so the content that youll need to be taught would be different as well.
Sakura mustered the courage to say something, but was unfortunately dismissed by Keiseis collected response.
Its n Its not like that I genuinely want to join Ayanokji-kuns group!
When you travel, you dont care about losing face. A train that has started will not stop. Sakuras resolve wouldnt falter from just this. She expressed her feelings once again.
Isnt it fine? Sakura can join us. After all, she seems to fit in.
Akito spoke, welcoming the unexpected visitor.
Is it okay? Letting someone join so easily.
Does adding one person make any difference? Besides, there are no qualifications required to join our group. Were all loners anyways, so I think its fine.
Were all loners? I suppose so.
Its well-known that Sakura is also often alone in Class D.
Keisei, are you also okay?
I have no reason to object, but I dont want it to increase more than this. Sakura makes it easy, but if someone noisy joins, Im leaving.
Th-Thank you, Miyake-kun Yukimura-kun
Despite there being some conditions attached, Keisei agreed. The rest was up to Haruka.
Haruka usually gives the impression of being the most receptive, but this time there was no smile on her face.
Sorry, Sakura-san, but that isnt going to convince me.
Ah, well, uh I I cant?
Haruka maintains her stern expression and confronts Sakura as if to pour cold water on her long-awaited reception.
In my case, should I say that Im really looking forward being a part of the group? I feel like Im going to get along really well with everyone for a while. So-
She pointed her index finger straight upwards and held it before Sakuras eyes.
Since you want to participate in our group, theres an obligation for us to call each other by either a nickname or their given name. This means that Sakura-san will have to be called Er- Whats her name again?
I added quickly.
Well call you Airi, and youll have to call everyone by their names as well. Are you okay with that?
Everyone more or less understood that Sakura wasnt very good with interpersonal relationships, which is why she was given this advice:
Can you tolerate such a situation? She confirmed the answer.
Eh, well
I decided to try my best at helping the confused Sakura. If Haruka decided to require nicknames here, the things would become more difficult.
Keisei, Akito, and Haruka.
I elaborated the first names of Yukimura, Miyake, and Hasebe in order.
Ke-Keisei-kun, Akito-kun, and Haruka-san phew.
She desperately squeezed out the names in a faint voice.
Theres no need to use an honorific, is there?
Yeah. Its fine as long as its the first name. Now, theres only Kiyopon left.
Sakura looked at me in a daze, her face slowly flushing with red. I understood how she was feeling, having to suddenly call three people by their first names. The only thing left for her is to address me.
A mysterious sound escaped out of Sakuras mouth.
You seem to have like, gotten really close to Kiyopon in the past. Shouldnt that be more than enough for you to say it?
Haruka spoke, looking to pursue after her and attack. She was just like an examiner.
Kiyotaka is fine.
Its much too difficult to call someone Kiyopon anyway. Its embarrassing even when said internally.
K-Kiyo, Kiyo piyo!
Everyones eyes were on Sakura, so even if she was unwilling, the pressure was still rising.
It was a problem that spiraled further and further out of control as more time passed by.
I dont know how the group is going to affect you, but at the very least, I think its necessary for you right now. Youve taken one big step already so it shouldnt be scary to take it one step further.
I spoke gently in order to convey that I had her back.
YeahK-Kiyotaka-kun. Please be kind to me from now on.
After a brief, determined silence, Sakura looked straight into my eyes and said so.
Yep, you passed! I also agree with having Airi join us.
Thus, Sakuras inclusion was unanimously approved.
Kiyopon, try calling Airi by name properly as well.
Er Airi.
While we were nervous and stiff, we both managed to successfully call each other by name.
Well, lets do it once more. The five of us are the Kiyopon Group, so please treat us well.
My name being selected as the namesake of the group doesnt seem to change no matter who ends up joining it.