Volume 6, Chapter 5: "The Formation of Ayanokji Group" Part 2
Since we all live in the same dormitory, we all inevitably left to head back together.
Yukimura tracked the progress of todays study session on his cell phone.
Its been a long time since Ive been so focused on studying. Six hours in class, plus two hours after school, right? Even students from all over the world dont have to do that much, do they?
But the students of Class C wasted our time by interrupting us halfway.
We didnt give in to the interference. Id say we studied hard today.
The two of them walked while chatting with each other, satisfied with their efforts. Hearing this, an annoyed expression surfaced on Yukimura face.
Youre kidding. When university entrance exams begin, youll need to study after school for at least three hours, and if you can manage it, up to four. Of course, this means every day. And as the exam approaches, youll have to take the initiative and study for more than 10 hours a day.
Eeeh!? No way! I cant study like that Yukim. You should totally know that.
My older sister is a teacher. As if by routine, she always does this before the exam.
Its an elite family lineage. Yukim, are you also aiming to become a teacher in the future?
Theres nothing particularly elite about being a teacher. Besides, Im not aiming to be a teacher. If I wanted to become a teacher, why would I ever come to a school where the teaching system is so disconnected from normal society?
The path to becoming a teacher generally isnt an easy one. However, its typically several steps less difficult than that of a lawyer or a recognized accountant, and theres no real benefit in choosing this particular high school.
Plus, Yukimura isnt bothered by studying, and his academic capabilities are beyond average. So its even more true.
So why here?
It doesnt matter what the reason is. Do you want to interrogate each other for their reasons for why they chose to enroll here? After youre asked to explain your circumstances, youll understand how it feels.
Hasebe was rebuked, but unfortunately, his response ended up being counter-productive. Hasebe didnt respond with reluctance but instead took the initiative to make the first answer.
Well, for me, I guess I was one of the people who was attracted to the schools advertising, you know? If the school promises you a job or further education after you graduate, why wouldnt you choose to come here? Isnt that like, enough to motivate most people?
Ill add something onto that. Another reason to come here is that the school doesnt cost a cent to attend. Not to mention that dorm life usually costs money, but we dont have to pay anything for that either. The school even allows us to live on campus without the need for private points, right? I appreciate that aspect more than the guarantee of something to do after graduation.
Thats such an exaggeration. Its really amazing to be able to work or study anywhere you want.
Youre free to talk about your dreams, but get through the final exams first. The system that Hasebe is fantasizing over doesnt mean anything if you dont graduate from Class A.
Cant there be some form of a bonus? Something like the school lying about only doing it for Class A, and that well be allowed to go wherever we want as long as we graduate properly?
Thats impossible. If that was the case, the news would have certainly already spread among the students. But Ive never heard anything like that, even during club activities. Even more than that, the second and third year Class Ds still seem pretty miserable.
Ive never been involved in any club activities, so I knew practically nothing about that part, but there was definitely no ambition in the third years from Class D who I had been in contact with earlier in the year.
Even though its a school thats under the direct administration of the state, when its seen that the school doesnt provide any special treatment to students beyond Class A, I can imagine that it would negatively, not positively, influence my capability of getting a job or continuing on with school after I graduate because Ill be seen as a student who was unable to move up to Class A. Because of this, I absolutely must graduate as a part of Class A.
Er That would be the worst.
For a prestigious and well-known school, youll be highly valued if you have both graduation and personal achievement. However, as Yukimura had said, in the case of Advanced Nurturing High School, even if you graduate, there is a possibility that you may be branded as a non-Class A student. This idea is supported by the existence of students like Ike, who have underwhelming academic potential. In short, the entry requirements here have nothing to do with your test results.
Its impossible for universities and companies to not feel suspicious after seeing this aspect of our school.
Miyatchi, Im surprised youre still coming to each study group. I really thought for sure that you were going to give up immediately."
Arent you by far the odd one here? In the first place, you dont usually want to have anything to do with boys.
Well, I guess so but I think thats its okay if its you three.
Hasebe seems to have her own ideas.
I thought it was the right time, so I decided to throw out a question.
Hasebe, I have something ask you, alright?
Are you and Sat close?
Sat-san? Nope, were not super close or anything, and in the first place, I dont like large groups, you know? If youre interested in Sat-san, wouldnt it be better to ask Karuizawa-san?
If that was possible, then I wouldnt be having a hard time with this.
Its a difficult problem to talk about with someone who is involved in the situation.
What about it?
I dont know how to say it, and I know that I cant tell the truth. Yukimura noticed that I was in a bind and said:
I understand why you feel concerned since shes your partner for the finals. Its disturbing to not know their strengths and weaknesses.
Aah, is that so? You said that some time ago.
Even if I wanted to ask directly, we dont have much common ground, so I cant really do that.
Giving her condolences, Hasebe put both of her hands together.
However, she thought up a new idea and made a new proposal.
If its hard to ask Karuizawa-san, why not ask Ky-chan? She and Sat-san are very close, and you should be able to ask Ky-chan, right?
Huh? Ky-chan?
I had never heard the nickname she was using before, so I had no choice but to ask who shes talking about.
I mean Kiky-chan. Ayanokji-kun, you talk with her a lot, dont you?
So Kiky turns into Ky-chan? I didnt understand, but it makes sense now. Kushida is definitely qualified. She knows the classs internal circumstances well, and if it wasnt for the situation with Horikita, I probably wouldnt have hesitated to ask her for help. However, as things are now, I dont know if she's someone I can rely on.
Miyake offered his support after I had declined the advice to ask Kushida for help.
Karuizawa aside, Isnt it alright to ask Kushida? She seems to be popular with both boys and girls. What do you think of her, Hasebe?
Yeah. I hate a lot of girls, but I like Ky-chan. She takes on a lot of the hard work for the sake of the class, yet always manages to remain cheerful. I usually dont like consulting with people, but Ky-chan is a bit special. Shes willing to put herself in a position to listen, and would never go around talking about it to anyone.
Do you even have problems warranting her consultation?
Wow, thats rude Miyatchi. Young girls at my age have tons of problems.
Like what?
It I mean, why should I tell you? Youd totally go around talking about them.
No, I wouldnt Well, I cant say for sure. It depends on the content.
Its clear that I wont be able to discuss my troubles with these guys.
If theres anything youre worried about, it really is best to discuss it with Kushida. I agree with that.
Right? I dont know if youve got a crush on Sat-san, but she would never leak it out to anyone.
What? You like Sat, Ayanokji?
I didnt say anything like that. I just asked Hasebe if they were on good terms.
Isnt that suspicious? Youve never been very close to Sat-san until now, have you?
Ayanokji said that he was interested in Sat because theyre a pair. Have you already forgotten?
Even in the face of Miyakes words, Hasebe didnt withdraw.
Thats true, but it doesnt feel like thats all there is to it. The way he asked about it makes me think theres more to it.
From time to time, a girl will have an incomprehensible radar. This is the only thing I really cant beat.
Ah, thats right. Is it okay if we stop by the convenience store for a second?
The topic came to a natural end due to Miyakes abrupt proposal. It was a real lifesaver.
Nevertheless, its clear that Kushida has become an indispensable existence for Class D.
Whenever you look back on whats happened so far, Kushida has always managed to become involved in it all. And yet, she never made any strong claims, and always devotedly worked on supporting others, engaging in self-sacrificing activities. And now that grassroots movement was steadily getting results.
Shes one of the strongest members with a somewhat distinct personality, and none of her classmates speak ill of her.
When someone isnt around, the first things people usually say are negative ones that they cant say when theyre around, but its amazing to only hear good things.
Ah, me too. You two come as well.
Youre like a child.
Yukimura says this, but he didnt seem to be that unwilling.
(Part 2 End)