It was after school. All the students went off on their own fun after-school life as they talked about where to go. I looked at Kushida and signaled that I was starting the plan.
Horikita, the target, had started her usual routine of getting ready to go home.
Hey, Horikita. Are you free right now?
I dont have any time to spare. I have to go back to the dorms and prepare for tomorrow.
Prepare for tomorrow? Im pretty sure she only has school to prepare for
I want you to go somewhere with me, though.
What are you trying to do?
Do you think Im inviting you with a particular goal in mind?
If you invite out of the blue, its natural that I would doubt you. However, if theres something concrete you need to talk about, I wouldnt mind listening.
Of course, theres no such thing.
You know how theres a cafe on campus? There are too many girls, so I dont have the courage to go in myself. It feels like boys are being excluded.
Certainly the proportion of girls is high, but cant boys go in too?
Yea, but no boy goes in alone. They always go in with other girls. Only those kind of boys go to the cafe.
Horikita tried to recall information about Pallet as she pondered over it.
That does sound correct. Its unusual for Ayanokouji-kun to have a reasonable opinion.
But Im still interested in the place. So I thought I would to invite you to come with me.
Naturally, since you have no one else to invite, right?
Thats a rude way to put it, but yea.
And if I refused?
Then thats that. I have no choice but to give up. I cant force you to give up your private time, after all.
Understood. What you said seems to be true. I cant spend too much time, though. Is that fine?
Yea. I wont be there long.
I added probably in my mind. If she knew that Kushida was involved, Horikita would probably reproach me.
Because I can talk to Kushida and was able to invite Horikita, I started to think that I probably couldve become friends with Horikita by myself.
After all, whether it was the club for or the cafe, Horikita went with me, despite complaining all the time. Its a miracle considering I find it hard to make friends.
After leaving together, we finally arrived at the cafe, Pallet, on the first floor of the school building.
Girls started gathering one by one to have fun after school.
Looks very crowded.
Is this your first time here after school too? Oh, right. Youre always alone.
Was that meant to be sarcasm? Childish.
It was only a joke, but as usual, Horikita verbally insulted me.
After ordering, we got our drinks. I ordered pancakes.
Do you like sweet foods?
I just wanted to eat pancakes.
I didnt particularly like or dislike them, but I just made up a plausible reason.
There arent any seats
I guess well have to wait a bit. Oh, nevermind, there are seats over there.
Having noticed two girls get up from their seats, I quickly secured the table. I let Horikita pass to the far side of the table. Putting my bag down on the ground, I sat down and looked around casually.
Hey, I just realized. If someone looked at us from afar, we would look like a couple not.
Horikitas face was expressionless and frigid like always. Feeling nervous from the crowded surroundings, my stomach started to hurt.
I overheard the two girls next to us say Lets go while holding drinks in their hands.
And immediately after, another person sat right down. It was Kushida.
Ah, Horikita-san. What a coincidence! Ayanokouji-kun too!
Pretending that we met by chance, Kushida greeted us. Horikita looked at Kushida with narrowed eyes, then turned to me. Of course, this was something we had planned out earlier. We reserved two tables with four of Kushidas friends, and then when Horikita and I arrived at Pallet, I signaled them to make spots for the two of us. After a while, the other two would leave so that Kushida could come by.
As a result, our meeting looked like a coincidence.
Did Ayanokouji-kun and Horikita-san come with each other?
By chance, yea. Did you come alone?
Yea, today I
Im going home.
O-oi, we just got here.
You dont need me because Kushida-sans here, right?
No, youre not a problem. Kushida and I are only classmates, after all.
You and I are also only classmates. In addition
She looked at me and Kushida with a cold look.
I dont like this. What are you planning?
Looks like she saw through our plan.
N-no, its only a coincidence!
If it was possible, I didnt want this outcome to happen.
The correct course of action would have been to make a small shrug and say, What do you mean?
When we were sitting down, the two girls before us were from class D. And then, the two next to us were also from class D. Is that only a coincidence?
Wow, you noticed thatI didnt notice at all.
Also, we came straight over here as soon as it was after school. No matter how quickly the other girls rushed over here, they mightve been here maybe 1, 2 minutes at the most. Its a bit too early to be returning home. Am I wrong?
Horikita is a much more observant person than I thought.
Not only did she remember her classmates faces, she understood what was happening nearly instantly.
Feeling bewildered, Kushida looked at me for help.
Horikita noticed her look at me. The gig was up.
Sorry Horikita. We arranged this.
I thought so. The situation made me think something was suspicious.
Horikita-san. Please be my friend!
No longer trying to hide anything, Kushida asked her directly.
Ive already said it many times, but leave me alone. I have no intention of becoming a bother to the class. Is that not allowed?
Always spending time by yourself will lead to a lonely and sad school life. I want to get along with everyone in the class.
Im not trying to deny your wishes. However, its wrong to involve other people against their will. I dont feel sad from being alone.
Also, for arguments sake, do you think I would be happy if you forced me to get along with you? Do you think any friendships or trust will come from a forced relationship?
Horikitas words arent wrong. Its not that she doesnt want to make friends, its that she feels they are unnecessary. Kushida thinks one way, but Horikita thinks another way.
This time, it was my fault for not clearly telling you. So I will not blame you. However, if you try again, I will not forgive you next time.
She grabbed her untouched cafe latte and stood up.
I want to get along with Horikita-san by any means. When I first saw you, it didnt feel like it was our first time meetingI think that Horikita-san felt the same way.
This is a waste of time. Youre making me feel uncomfortable.
Horikita interrupted her while raising her voice. Kushida involuntarily gulped.
Even though I agreed to help Kushida, I had no intention of interfering. However
Its not like I cant understand Horikitas way of thinking. Ive also questioned whether or not friends are necessary on multiple occasions now.
Youre saying that? Youve wanted friends ever since the first day of school.
Im not denying that. However, Im the same type of person you are. At least until I graduated middle school. Ive never been able to make friends until I entered this school. Ive never known anyones contact address, nor have I played with anyone after school. I was completely alone.
Kushida was surprised when I said those words.
I think thats why I started talking to you a lot.
Thats new. However, even if we have something in common, everything that comes after is different. You didnt make friends even if you wanted friends. I didnt make friends because theyre unnecessary. To say were similar is incorrect. Am I wrong?
Maybe. But telling Kushida that shes uncomfortable is going too far. Are you really ok with that? Saying that you wont get along with anyone now means that youll be alone for the next 3 years. Thats a lot of loneliness in the future.
Im fine because itll be my 9th year in a row. Ah, if you include kindergarten its even longer.
Did she just casually drop something heavy? Does she stay by herself all the time because shes been alone for as long as she can remember?
Can I go home now?
Horikita let out a deep sigh and looked straight into Kushidas eyes.
Kushida-san, if you wont be convinced, I wont say anything. Promise me. Since youre not stupid, you know what Im saying, right?
Horikita left the store with a Well then. She left me and Kushida behind in the busy cafe.
That was a failure. I tried to help but it was no use. She got too used to being alone.
Kushida, who couldnt say anything, sat down with a thump. However, she immediately recovered with her usual smiling face.
No, thank you Ayanokouji-kun. I wasnt able to become friends with her, but I got to learn something important. Im satisfied with that. Sorry, Horikita-san might hate you because you helped me.
Dont worry about it. I also wanted Horikita to know about the benefits of having friends.
Because we were holding up four seats by the two of us, I moved over to Kushidas table.
Even so, I was surprised. When you said you didnt have friends. Is that true? It didnt seem that way at all. Why were you alone?
Hmm? Oh, thats true. Sudou, Ike and co. are the first friends I made. I dont know whether it was my fault or just the environment I grew up in.
Are you happy that you made friends? Is it fun?
Yea. Its annoying at times, but its also really fun.
Kushidas eyes were sparkling as she nodded her head while saying Un, un
Horikita has a thought and purpose to her way of thinking. Theres nothing we can do about it.
Is that so? Is it impossible for her to make friends?
Why are you so desperate? Dont you already have a lot of friends? Theres no reason to obsess over Horikita.
Even though she wasnt able to get along with absolutely everyone in the class, it doesnt mean she should desperately try to become friends with Horikita.
I wanted to be friends with everybody Its not only class D, but with all the other classes too. However, if I cant get along with one girl in the class, then Ive already failed
Just think of Horikita as being special. And then wait for a true coincidence to happen.
Not something forced, but a real coincidence.
When that happens, becoming friends might become a possibility.