After leaving school, I headed straight for the dorms. Kushida, who left earlier with a friend, was waiting for someone while leaning against the wall. Noticing me, she looked at me with a smile on her face.
Thats good. I was waiting for Ayanokouji-kun. I have something to talk about. Do you have time?
Yea, I have nothing else to do
By any chance, is it a confession ? No, theres a 1 percent chance of that happening.
Ill ask you frankly. Ayanokouji-kun, have you ever seen Horikita smile even once?
Eh? No I dont remember.
It seems like Kushida approached me to talk about Horikita. Also, when I think back, Ive never seen Horikita smile. Gripping my hand, she closed the gap between us. Is that the smell of flowers? The pleasant smell entered my nose.
You know I want to become friends with Horikita-san.
Your feelings are reaching her. At first a lot of people were trying to talk to her, but now youre the only one left.
Ayanokouji-kun, you seem to know Horikita-san pretty well.
Of course you would get to know someone sitting next to you every day.
Girls being girls, they were really eager to make groups from the first day of school. They are even more conscious of factions and groups than men are, and about 4 people held all the power among 20 people. The girls say they are just getting to know a lot of people.
However, the only exceptions to this rule is Kushida. All the groups have a lot of people, but only Kushida is starting to get massively popular. Without ever giving up, she kept trying to become friends with Horikita. Its not something any ordinary student can do. Thats probably why shes popular.
Also, shes cute.
After all, cuteness correlates to popularity.
Werent you rejected by Horikita? I dont think whatever you tell her will make her understand.
I know that shes not the type to mince her words. If you talk to her carelessly, she would probably pour insults onto you. Honestly, I dont want to see Kushida get hurt.
Wont you help me?
I didnt reply immediately. Usually, if I was asked to help by a cute girl, I would agree without hesitation. However, since I like to avoid trouble, I couldnt say yes immediately. Thats because I dont want to see Horikita verbally hurt Kushida. Ill refuse her gently.
I understand your feelings, but
Is it no good ?
Cute + request + upturned eyes = fatal.
Well, it cant be helped. Only this time, ok?
Really!? Ayanokouji-kun, thank you!
After I agreed to help her, Kushida had a delighted smile on her face.
Cute. Because I said that I would help, I cant be rash and do something crazy.
So, what exactly are we doing? Even if you say you want to be friends with her, its not that simple.
For someone like me who doesnt have any friends, its a difficult problem I cant answer easily.
Hmm First step is to make Horikita smile.
Make her smile, huh.
Making her smile requires the right mood and atmosphere for us to succeed.
That kind of relationship might be called friendship.
Luckily, though, Kushida seems to know how to make people smile.
Do you have any ideas on how to make her smile?
Um I thought that we could think about it together.
With an apologetic Teehee, she lightly tapped her head.
If it was an ugly woman I wouldve immediately hit her, but it was fine because it was Kushida.
Somehow, because Kushida asked me to help, my goal now is to make Horikita smile. Is that goal even possible? Very questionable.
Anyway, after school, I will try to invite Horikita. When I return to the dorms, I probably wont have any arms or legs left. Is there any place I should invite her to?
Hmm, how about Pallet? I go to Pallet often, so she might have overheard us talking about it.
Pallet is probably the 1st or 2nd most popular cafe on campus.
Certainly, I often hear about Pallet whenever Kushida and her friends go after school.
If I hear about it often, Horikita would have also unconsciously learned about it.
Do you think it would work if you two went into Pallet, ordered, then unexpectedly ran into me?
No I think thats a bit too simple. What if your friends also helped?
The second Horikita notices Kushida, she would probably go home immediately. If possible, it would be better to create a situation where its difficult to get up. I told Kushida the idea I just thought of.
Oh~ That certainly sounds like it would work! Ayanokouji-kun, youre smart!
Kushida listened to me with sparkling eyes while nodding her head and saying Un, un.
I dont think that has anything to do with my intelligence Anyway, thats the plan.
Ok, I expect a lot, Ayanokouji-kun!
No, Im troubled by your expectations.
If Kushida invited Horikita, she would probably reject you, so should I invite her?
Alright. After all, I think Horikita-san trusts you.
Why do you think that?
Hmm, well, it looks like she does? At the very least, she trusts you more than anyone else in the class.
That doesnt mean that Im the most appropriate person for the task
Thats because I met her by coincidence.
I met her on the bus by chance, and I sat next to her by chance.
If either one of those didnt happen, I probably wouldnt talk to Horikita at all.
Dont you meet every new person by chance? Then they become your friend, your best friend and sometimes your lover and family.
I see.
I guess thats one way to look at it. Talking to Kushida was also a result of a coincidence.
In other words, Kushida and I might be in a relationship before long.