7 Southern's argument is crisply summarized in a cla.s.sic review article, 'Between Heaven and h.e.l.l', Southern's argument is crisply summarized in a cla.s.sic review article, 'Between Heaven and h.e.l.l', TLS TLS, 18 June 1982, 651-2. See also G. R. Edwards, 'Purgatory: "Birth" or Evolution?', JEH JEH, 36 (1985), 634-46. Both react critically to a major but flawed study by J. Le Goff, The Birth of Purgatory The Birth of Purgatory (London, 1984) - on the first use of the noun 'Purgatory', see ibid., 362-6. (London, 1984) - on the first use of the noun 'Purgatory', see ibid., 362-6.
8 Cushing, Cushing, Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century, 39-40.
9 Ibid., 48. Ibid., 48.
10 D. S. Bailey, D. S. Bailey, The Man-Woman Relationship in Christian Thought The Man-Woman Relationship in Christian Thought (London, 1959), 89, 92-4, 114-15, 118, 139, 141. (London, 1959), 89, 92-4, 114-15, 118, 139, 141.
11 Moore, Moore, The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215 The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215, 92-5.
12 J. Goody, J. Goody, The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe The Development of the Family and Marriage in Europe (Cambridge, 1983), 44-7. (Cambridge, 1983), 44-7.
13 Moore, Moore, The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215 The First European Revolution, c. 970-1215, 65-72.
14 Cushing, Cushing, Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century, 99: for a sixteenth-century clash over this claim, see D. MacCulloch, Thomas Cranmer: A Life Thomas Cranmer: A Life (New Haven and London, 1996), 577. (New Haven and London, 1996), 577.
15 B. Gordon, 'Switzerland', in Pettegree (ed., 1992), 70-93, at 73n. B. Gordon, 'Switzerland', in Pettegree (ed., 1992), 70-93, at 73n.
16 Cushing, Cushing, Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century, 63-4.
17 Chadwick, 200-213. Chadwick, 200-213.
18 The The Dictatus papae Dictatus papae: see Cushing, Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century Reform and the Papacy in the Eleventh Century, 78-9.
19 R. W. Southern, R. W. Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages (London, 1970), 100 - 105. (London, 1970), 100 - 105.
20 Two fine biographies of Becket compete: F. Barlow, Two fine biographies of Becket compete: F. Barlow, Thomas Becket Thomas Becket (London, 1987) and A. Duggan, (London, 1987) and A. Duggan, Thomas Becket Thomas Becket (London, 2004). (London, 2004).
21 S. F. Cawsey, 'Royal Eloquence, Royal Propaganda and the Use of the Sermon in the Medieval Crown of Aragon, c. 1200-1410', S. F. Cawsey, 'Royal Eloquence, Royal Propaganda and the Use of the Sermon in the Medieval Crown of Aragon, c. 1200-1410', JEH JEH, 50 (1999), 442-63, esp. 443, 446-8. For discussion of late medieval relations between monarchs and papacy, see MacCulloch, 43 - 6.
22 A. Bellenger and S. Fletcher A. Bellenger and S. Fletcher, Princes of the Church: A History of the English Cardinals (Stroud, 2001), v-vi, comment on the more usual pious explanation for the word 'cardinal' as being a 'hinge' of the Church. (Stroud, 2001), v-vi, comment on the more usual pious explanation for the word 'cardinal' as being a 'hinge' of the Church.
23 A. Sommerlechner et al. (eds.), A. Sommerlechner et al. (eds.), Der Register Innocenz' III Der Register Innocenz' III (Graz, from 1963, in progress), (Graz, from 1963, in progress), IX: Pontificatsjahr, 1206/1207 IX: Pontificatsjahr, 1206/1207, 244-5.
24 Swanson, Swanson, The Twelfth-century Renaissance The Twelfth-century Renaissance, 70.
25 Chadwick, 234; a major breakthrough in understanding the formation of 'Gratian' is now A. Winroth, Chadwick, 234; a major breakthrough in understanding the formation of 'Gratian' is now A. Winroth, The Making of Gratian's The Making of Gratian's Decretum (Cambridge, 2000), esp. 193-6. Decretum (Cambridge, 2000), esp. 193-6.
26 Encyclical of Pius X, Encyclical of Pius X, Vehementer Vehementer (1906), qu. G. O'Collins and M. Farrugia, (1906), qu. G. O'Collins and M. Farrugia, Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity (Oxford, 2003), 307n. For Gratian and the distinction between 'two cla.s.ses of Christians', see ibid., 307, qu. (Oxford, 2003), 307n. For Gratian and the distinction between 'two cla.s.ses of Christians', see ibid., 307, qu. Decretum Decretum, 2.12.1.
27 A point made by Southern, A point made by Southern, Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages, 131-2.
28 G. Duby, G. Duby, The Age of the Cathedrals: Art and Society 980-1420 The Age of the Cathedrals: Art and Society 980-1420 (London, 1981), and see Doig, 169-96. (London, 1981), and see Doig, 169-96.
29 On the origins and connotations of the name 'Gothic', see A. Buchanan, 'Interpretations of Medieval Architecture, c. 1550-1750', in M. Hall, On the origins and connotations of the name 'Gothic', see A. Buchanan, 'Interpretations of Medieval Architecture, c. 1550-1750', in M. Hall, Gothic Architecture and Its Meanings 1550-1830 Gothic Architecture and Its Meanings 1550-1830 (Reading, 2002), 27-52, esp. 29. (Reading, 2002), 27-52, esp. 29.
30 Doig, 172. Doig, 172.
31 N. Pevsner and A. Wedgwood, N. Pevsner and A. Wedgwood, The Buildings of England: Warwickshire The Buildings of England: Warwickshire (London, 1966), 251, apropos of St Michael's Coventry (Warwickshire, England), a grand fifteenth-century Gothic parish church which did indeed briefly become a cathedral in modern times before its bombing in 1940. (London, 1966), 251, apropos of St Michael's Coventry (Warwickshire, England), a grand fifteenth-century Gothic parish church which did indeed briefly become a cathedral in modern times before its bombing in 1940.
32 Incomparable as an essay on a church which captures the spirit of this era is H. Adams, Incomparable as an essay on a church which captures the spirit of this era is H. Adams, Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (Boston, MA, 1904). For Chartres's survival through the French Revolution, thanks to the resolve of local people and officials, see M. K. c.o.o.ney, ' "May the hatchet and the hammer never damage it!": The Fate of the Cathedral of Chartres during the French Revolution', (Boston, MA, 1904). For Chartres's survival through the French Revolution, thanks to the resolve of local people and officials, see M. K. c.o.o.ney, ' "May the hatchet and the hammer never damage it!": The Fate of the Cathedral of Chartres during the French Revolution', Catholic Historical Review Catholic Historical Review, 92 (2006), 193-213.
33 H. E. J. Cowdrey, H. E. J. Cowdrey, The Cluniacs and the Gregorian Reform The Cluniacs and the Gregorian Reform (Oxford, 1970), 214-47, esp. 243-4. (Oxford, 1970), 214-47, esp. 243-4.
34 C. Morris, C. Morris, The Sepulchre of Christ and the Medieval West from the Beginning to 1600 The Sepulchre of Christ and the Medieval West from the Beginning to 1600 (Oxford, 2005), 134-46. For a dissenting view on the effect of 1009, see J. France, 'The Destruction of Jerusalem and the First Crusade', (Oxford, 2005), 134-46. For a dissenting view on the effect of 1009, see J. France, 'The Destruction of Jerusalem and the First Crusade', JEH JEH, 47 (1996), 1-17.
35 H. Houben, H. Houben, Roger II of Sicily: A Ruler between East and West Roger II of Sicily: A Ruler between East and West (Cambridge, 2002), 20. (Cambridge, 2002), 20.
36 P. E. Chevedden, 'The Islamic View and the Christian View of the Crusades: A New Synthesis', P. E. Chevedden, 'The Islamic View and the Christian View of the Crusades: A New Synthesis', History History, 93 (2008), 181-200, esp. 184-6, 192-4.
37 T. Asbridge, T. Asbridge, The First Crusade: A New History The First Crusade: A New History (London, 2004), 29-30. (London, 2004), 29-30.
38 Tyerman, 61-3. For the background and Urban's message, Asbridge, Tyerman, 61-3. For the background and Urban's message, Asbridge, The First Crusade The First Crusade, 16-20, 32-6.
39 Tyerman, 79, 282-6. Tyerman, 79, 282-6.
40 D. Hay, 'Gender Bias and Religious Intolerance in Accounts of the "Ma.s.sacres" of the First Crusade', in M. Gervers and J. M. Powell (eds.), D. Hay, 'Gender Bias and Religious Intolerance in Accounts of the "Ma.s.sacres" of the First Crusade', in M. Gervers and J. M. Powell (eds.), Tolerance and Intolerance: Social Conflict in the Age of the Crusades Tolerance and Intolerance: Social Conflict in the Age of the Crusades (Syracuse, NY, 2001), 3-10. (Syracuse, NY, 2001), 3-10.
41 Z. Karabell, Z. Karabell, People of the Book: The Forgotten History of Islam and the West People of the Book: The Forgotten History of Islam and the West (London, 2007), 93. (London, 2007), 93.
42 Tyerman, 247, 662-3. Tyerman, 247, 662-3.
43 Ibid., 838-43, and M. Barber, Ibid., 838-43, and M. Barber, The Trial of the Templars The Trial of the Templars (2nd edn, Cambridge, 2006); for the sad afterlife of some ex-Templars, see A. J. Forey, 'Ex-Templars in England', (2nd edn, Cambridge, 2006); for the sad afterlife of some ex-Templars, see A. J. Forey, 'Ex-Templars in England', JEH JEH, 53 (2002), 18-37. For recent arguments that the Templars were indeed guilty of some of the blasphemies attributed to them, see J. Riley-Smith, 'Were the Templars Guilty?', in S. J. Ridyard (ed.), The Medieval Crusade The Medieval Crusade (Woodbridge and Rochester, NY, 2004), 107 - 24. (Woodbridge and Rochester, NY, 2004), 107 - 24.
44 Tyerman, 674-712. Tyerman, 674-712.
45 For the most recent debate on the relationship between Bogomils and Cathars, still a controversial subject in which R. I. Moore is a minimalist sceptic, see essays by D. F. Callahan, B. Hamilton and M. Barber in M. Fra.s.setto (ed.), For the most recent debate on the relationship between Bogomils and Cathars, still a controversial subject in which R. I. Moore is a minimalist sceptic, see essays by D. F. Callahan, B. Hamilton and M. Barber in M. Fra.s.setto (ed.), Heresy and the Persecuting Society in the Middle Ages: Essays on the Work of R. I. Moore Heresy and the Persecuting Society in the Middle Ages: Essays on the Work of R. I. Moore (Leiden, 2006), 31-42, 93-138. See also N. Malcolm, (Leiden, 2006), 31-42, 93-138. See also N. Malcolm, Bosnia: A Short History Bosnia: A Short History (London, 1994), 27-42. (London, 1994), 27-42.
46 Tyerman, 563-605. Tyerman, 563-605.
47 Ibid., 894-905. Ibid., 894-905.
48 Ibid., 825-74. Ibid., 825-74.
49 Morris, Morris, The Sepulchre of Christ and the Medieval West from the Beginning to 1600 The Sepulchre of Christ and the Medieval West from the Beginning to 1600, 383. The rebuilding might have taken place in a.s.sociation with San Lorenzo in Florence; for another piquant phase in the history of this ancient church, see pp. 664-5.
50 P. Gorecki, P. Gorecki, A Local Society in Transition: The Henrykow Book and Related Doc.u.ments A Local Society in Transition: The Henrykow Book and Related Doc.u.ments (Toronto, 2007), 102-3, and see also 81, 85. (Toronto, 2007), 102-3, and see also 81, 85.
51 I am grateful for clarifications of this story from Dom Gabriel van Dijck and Dom Marie-Robert Torczynski of the Grande Chartreuse, who referred me to C. E. Berseaux, I am grateful for clarifications of this story from Dom Gabriel van Dijck and Dom Marie-Robert Torczynski of the Grande Chartreuse, who referred me to C. E. Berseaux, L'Ordre des chartreux et la chartreuse de Bosserville L'Ordre des chartreux et la chartreuse de Bosserville (Nancy and Paris, 1868), 469-71, 504. A remarkable account of the last days of traditional Carthusian life in Parkminster, a twentieth-century English Charterhouse, is N. Klein Maguire, (Nancy and Paris, 1868), 469-71, 504. A remarkable account of the last days of traditional Carthusian life in Parkminster, a twentieth-century English Charterhouse, is N. Klein Maguire, An Infinity of Little Hours: Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World's Most Austere Monastic Order An Infinity of Little Hours: Five Young Men and Their Trial of Faith in the Western World's Most Austere Monastic Order (New York, 2006). (New York, 2006).
52 B. Barber and C. Thomas, B. Barber and C. Thomas, The London Charterhouse The London Charterhouse (London, 2002), 60-65, 105-13. (London, 2002), 60-65, 105-13.
53 G. Bonner, G. Bonner, Saint Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies Saint Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies (2nd edn, Norwich, 1963), 386-7, provides an a.n.a.lysis of which texts may with confidence be attributed to Augustine. (2nd edn, Norwich, 1963), 386-7, provides an a.n.a.lysis of which texts may with confidence be attributed to Augustine.
54 Figures derived from listings in M. R. James, Figures derived from listings in M. R. James, Suffolk and Norfolk Suffolk and Norfolk (London, 1930), 28 - 31. (London, 1930), 28 - 31.
55 D. F. Wright, 'From "G.o.d-bearer" to "Mother of G.o.d" in the Later Fathers', in R. N. Swanson (ed.), D. F. Wright, 'From "G.o.d-bearer" to "Mother of G.o.d" in the Later Fathers', in R. N. Swanson (ed.), The Church and Mary The Church and Mary ( (SCH, 39, 2004), 22-30.
56 S. Hamilton, 'The Virgin Mary in Cathar Thought', S. Hamilton, 'The Virgin Mary in Cathar Thought', JEH JEH, 56 (2005), 24-49, esp. 34, 37, 48.
57 See, for instance, P. Preston, 'Cardinal Cajetan and Fra Ambrosius Catharinus in the Controversy over the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin in Italy, 1515-51', in Swanson (ed.), See, for instance, P. Preston, 'Cardinal Cajetan and Fra Ambrosius Catharinus in the Controversy over the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin in Italy, 1515-51', in Swanson (ed.), The Church and Mary The Church and Mary, 181-90. On Bernard, see B. Sella, 'Northern Italian Confraternities and the Immaculate Conception in the Fourteenth Century', JEH JEH, 49 (1998), 599-619, at 601-2.
58 H. Mayr-Harting, 'The Idea of the a.s.sumption in the West, 800-1200', in Swanson (ed.), H. Mayr-Harting, 'The Idea of the a.s.sumption in the West, 800-1200', in Swanson (ed.), The Church and Mary The Church and Mary, 86-111.
59 R. Marks, R. Marks, Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England (Stroud, 2004), 61, and on rededications, ibid., 38. (Stroud, 2004), 61, and on rededications, ibid., 38.
12: A Church for All People? (1100-1300) 1 R. I. Moore, R. I. Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250 The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250 (Oxford, 1987), 14-19. (Oxford, 1987), 14-19.
2 On the concrete evidence for Valdes's career, P. Biller, 'Goodbye to Waldensianism?', On the concrete evidence for Valdes's career, P. Biller, 'Goodbye to Waldensianism?', PP PP, 192 (August 2006), 3-34, at 13-14.
3 N. Cohn, N. Cohn, The Pursuit of the Millennium The Pursuit of the Millennium (3rd rev. edn, London, 1969), 148-86. (3rd rev. edn, London, 1969), 148-86.
4 R. N. Swanson, R. N. Swanson, The Twelfth-century Renaissance The Twelfth-century Renaissance (Manchester, 1999), 116. (Manchester, 1999), 116.
5 G. Makdisi, G. Makdisi, The Rise of Colleges: Inst.i.tutions of Learning in Islam and the West The Rise of Colleges: Inst.i.tutions of Learning in Islam and the West (Edinburgh, 1981), esp. 285-91. (Edinburgh, 1981), esp. 285-91.
6 Ibid., 279-80. Ibid., 279-80.
7 G. d.i.c.kson, 'Revivalism as a Medieval Religious Genre', G. d.i.c.kson, 'Revivalism as a Medieval Religious Genre', JEH JEH, 51 (2000), 473-96, at 482-3.
8 Moore, Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society The Formation of a Persecuting Society; J. Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance and h.o.m.os.e.xuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century Christianity, Social Tolerance and h.o.m.os.e.xuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century (Chicago, 1980), esp. 288-93. (Chicago, 1980), esp. 288-93.
9 M. Barber, 'Lepers, Jews and Moslems: The Plot to Overthrow Christendom in 1321', M. Barber, 'Lepers, Jews and Moslems: The Plot to Overthrow Christendom in 1321', History History, 66 (1981), 1-18.
10 MacCulloch, 9, and see R. Po-chia Hsia, MacCulloch, 9, and see R. Po-chia Hsia, The Myth of Ritual Murder: Jews and Magic in Reformation Germany The Myth of Ritual Murder: Jews and Magic in Reformation Germany (New Haven and London, 1988). (New Haven and London, 1988).
11 P. Zutshi, 'Pope Honorius III's P. Zutshi, 'Pope Honorius III's Gratiarum omnium Gratiarum omnium and the Beginnings of the Dominican Order', in A. J. Duggan (ed.), and the Beginnings of the Dominican Order', in A. J. Duggan (ed.), Omnia disce: Medieval Studies in Memory of Leonard Boyle, O.P. Omnia disce: Medieval Studies in Memory of Leonard Boyle, O.P. (Aldershot, 2005), 199-210. (Aldershot, 2005), 199-210.
12 A good recent introduction to Francis's life is C. Frugoni, A good recent introduction to Francis's life is C. Frugoni, Francis of a.s.sisi: A Life Francis of a.s.sisi: A Life (London, 1998), and there is useful a.n.a.lysis in K. B. Wolf, (London, 1998), and there is useful a.n.a.lysis in K. B. Wolf, The Poverty of Riches: St Francis of a.s.sisi Reconsidered The Poverty of Riches: St Francis of a.s.sisi Reconsidered (Oxford, 2003). (Oxford, 2003).
13 For detailed discussion of his att.i.tude to monasticism and to evangelism, see B. Bolton, 'The Importance of Innocent III's Gift List'; F. Andrews, 'Innocent III and Evangelical Enthusiasts: The Road to Approval', in J. C. Moore (ed.), For detailed discussion of his att.i.tude to monasticism and to evangelism, see B. Bolton, 'The Importance of Innocent III's Gift List'; F. Andrews, 'Innocent III and Evangelical Enthusiasts: The Road to Approval', in J. C. Moore (ed.), Pope Innocent III and His World Pope Innocent III and His World (Aldershot, 1999), 101-12, 229-41. (Aldershot, 1999), 101-12, 229-41.
14 A fine overview is N. Tanner, 'Pastoral Care: The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215', in G. R. Evans (ed.), A fine overview is N. Tanner, 'Pastoral Care: The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215', in G. R. Evans (ed.), A History of Pastoral Care A History of Pastoral Care (London and New York, 2000), Ch. 14, repr. in N. Tanner, (London and New York, 2000), Ch. 14, repr. in N. Tanner, The Ages of Faith: Popular Religion in Late Medieval England and Western Europe The Ages of Faith: Popular Religion in Late Medieval England and Western Europe (London and New York, 2009), 19-32. (London and New York, 2009), 19-32.
15 G. Macy, 'The Doctrine of Transubstantiation in the Middle Ages', G. Macy, 'The Doctrine of Transubstantiation in the Middle Ages', JEH JEH, 45 (1994), 11-41; see Tanner, 'Pastoral Care', 29-30.
16 M. Rubin, M. Rubin, Corpus Christi: The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture Corpus Christi: The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture (Cambridge, 1991), 169 - 76. (Cambridge, 1991), 169 - 76.
17 A. P. Roach, 'Penance and the Inquisition in Languedoc', A. P. Roach, 'Penance and the Inquisition in Languedoc', JEH JEH, 52 (2001), 409-33, esp. 415.
18 Biller, 'Goodbye to Waldensianism?', 5. E. Cameron, Biller, 'Goodbye to Waldensianism?', 5. E. Cameron, Waldenses: Rejections of Holy Church in Medieval Europe Waldenses: Rejections of Holy Church in Medieval Europe (Oxford, 2000), 49-62 on papal reconciliation and 264-84 on Protestant remoulding. (Oxford, 2000), 49-62 on papal reconciliation and 264-84 on Protestant remoulding.
19 For an overview of the various new organizations, see F. Andrews, For an overview of the various new organizations, see F. Andrews, The Other Friars: Carmelite, Augustinian, Sack and Pied Friars in the Middle Ages The Other Friars: Carmelite, Augustinian, Sack and Pied Friars in the Middle Ages (Woodbridge, 2006). (Woodbridge, 2006).
20 A. Jotischky, A. Jotischky, The Carmelites and Antiquity: Mendicants and Their Pasts in the Middle Ages The Carmelites and Antiquity: Mendicants and Their Pasts in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 2002), esp. Ch. 1. On controversy over the scapular, see R. Copsey, 'Simon Stock and the Scapular Vision', (Oxford, 2002), esp. Ch. 1. On controversy over the scapular, see R. Copsey, 'Simon Stock and the Scapular Vision', JEH JEH, 50 (1999), 652-83.
21 Qu. in T. Johnson, 'Gardening for G.o.d: Carmelite Deserts and the Sacralization of Natural s.p.a.ce in Counter-Reformation Spain', in W. Coster and A. Spicer (eds.), Qu. in T. Johnson, 'Gardening for G.o.d: Carmelite Deserts and the Sacralization of Natural s.p.a.ce in Counter-Reformation Spain', in W. Coster and A. Spicer (eds.), Sacred s.p.a.ce in Early Modern Europe Sacred s.p.a.ce in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 2005), 193-210, at 206. (Cambridge, 2005), 193-210, at 206.
22 B. R. Carniello, 'Gerardo Segarelli as the Anti-Francis: Mendicant Rivalry and Heresy in Medieval Italy', B. R. Carniello, 'Gerardo Segarelli as the Anti-Francis: Mendicant Rivalry and Heresy in Medieval Italy', JEH JEH, 57 (2006), 226-51, esp. 237-9.
23 Useful samples of the writings of Joachim and the Spirituals are provided by B. McGinn (ed.), Useful samples of the writings of Joachim and the Spirituals are provided by B. McGinn (ed.), Apocalyptic Spirituality Apocalyptic Spirituality (London, 1979). (London, 1979).
24 Chief among the cla.s.sic works of Marjorie Reeves exploring Joachim's influence are Chief among the cla.s.sic works of Marjorie Reeves exploring Joachim's influence are Joachim of Fiore and the Prophetic Future: A Medieval Study in Historical Thinking Joachim of Fiore and the Prophetic Future: A Medieval Study in Historical Thinking (rev. edn, Stroud, 1999) and (rev. edn, Stroud, 1999) and The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages: A Study in Joachimism The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages: A Study in Joachimism (Oxford, 1999); see also W. Gould and M. Reeves, (Oxford, 1999); see also W. Gould and M. Reeves, Joachim of Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Joachim of Fiore and the Myth of the Eternal Evangel in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (rev. edn, Oxford, 2001), esp. Chs. 9, 10, and 314-15. (rev. edn, Oxford, 2001), esp. Chs. 9, 10, and 314-15.
25 Reeves, Reeves, The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages The Influence of Prophecy in the Later Middle Ages, 191-228; D. Burr, The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century after St Francis The Spiritual Franciscans: From Protest to Persecution in the Century after St Francis (Philadelphia, 2001). The most vivid literary evocation of this period is Umberto Eco's famous novel (Philadelphia, 2001). The most vivid literary evocation of this period is Umberto Eco's famous novel The Name of the Rose The Name of the Rose, originally published in Italian in 1980.
26 N. Housley, 'Crusading as Social Revolt: The Hungarian Peasant Uprising of 1514', N. Housley, 'Crusading as Social Revolt: The Hungarian Peasant Uprising of 1514', JEH JEH, 49 (1996), 1-28. For Franciscan promotion of anti-Semitism, see pp. 419-20.
27 The standard Latin and English edition of the The standard Latin and English edition of the Summa Theologiae Summa Theologiae is that created by the English Dominican Order (Blackfriars), published in sixty-one volumes from 1963. is that created by the English Dominican Order (Blackfriars), published in sixty-one volumes from 1963.
28 Aquinas, Aquinas, Summa Theologiae Summa Theologiae 1a.13.1 [Blackfriars edition, III, 47]. 1a.13.1 [Blackfriars edition, III, 47].
29 My adaptation of a common English translation. In a major chasm in the history of Western Catholicism in the last fifty years, the service of Benediction has increasingly been sidelined by those Church authorities who wish to pull back the faithful's attention exclusively to the Ma.s.s itself: see p. 974. My adaptation of a common English translation. In a major chasm in the history of Western Catholicism in the last fifty years, the service of Benediction has increasingly been sidelined by those Church authorities who wish to pull back the faithful's attention exclusively to the Ma.s.s itself: see p. 974.
30 Quotation from F. S. Schmitt (ed.), Quotation from F. S. Schmitt (ed.), S. Anselmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi opera omnia S. Anselmi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi opera omnia III.6.4-9, tr. D. S. Hogg, III.6.4-9, tr. D. S. Hogg, Anselm of Canterbury: The Beauty of Theology Anselm of Canterbury: The Beauty of Theology (Aldershot, 2004), 29. On twelfth-century and later pseudonymous imitations of Anselm, see J.-F. Cottier, (Aldershot, 2004), 29. On twelfth-century and later pseudonymous imitations of Anselm, see J.-F. Cottier, Anima mea: prieres privees et textes de devotion du moyen age latin. Autour des Anima mea: prieres privees et textes de devotion du moyen age latin. Autour des Prieres ou Meditations Prieres ou Meditations attribuees a saint Anselme de Cantorbery (XIe-XIIe siecle) attribuees a saint Anselme de Cantorbery (XIe-XIIe siecle) (Turnhout, 2001), XCI-CXI; on (Turnhout, 2001), XCI-CXI; on meditatio meditatio, ibid., LVI-LVII.
31 D. Trembinski, '[Pro]pa.s.sio doloris: Early Dominican Conceptions of Christ's Physical Pain', D. Trembinski, '[Pro]pa.s.sio doloris: Early Dominican Conceptions of Christ's Physical Pain', JEH JEH, 59 (2008), 630-56, esp. 651, 653-5.
32 H. Oberman, 'Luther and the H. Oberman, 'Luther and the Via Moderna Via Moderna: The Philosophical Backdrop of the Reformation Breakthrough', JEH JEH, 54 (2003), 641-70, esp. at 649.
33 Meditaciones Meditaciones 7, qu. L. Hundersmarck, 'The Use of Imagination, Emotion, and the Will in a Medieval Cla.s.sic: The 7, qu. L. Hundersmarck, 'The Use of Imagination, Emotion, and the Will in a Medieval Cla.s.sic: The Meditaciones Vite Christi Meditaciones Vite Christi', Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 6/2 (Spring 2003), 46-62, at 51. For a good modern edition of a lavishly ill.u.s.trated MS of the work, which does not argue for a definite attribution of authorship, see I. Ragusa and R. B. Green (eds.), Meditations on the Life of Christ: An Ill.u.s.trated Ma.n.u.script of the Fourteenth Century. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale, Ms. Ital., 115 Meditations on the Life of Christ: An Ill.u.s.trated Ma.n.u.script of the Fourteenth Century. Paris, Bibliotheque nationale, Ms. Ital., 115 (Princeton, 1961). (Princeton, 1961).
34 J. Dillenberger, J. Dillenberger, Style and Content in Christian Art Style and Content in Christian Art (London, 1965), 78-85, and Plate 13. (London, 1965), 78-85, and Plate 13.
35 Good discussion in R. Marks, Good discussion in R. Marks, Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England Image and Devotion in Late Medieval England (Stroud, 2004), Ch. 6. (Stroud, 2004), Ch. 6.
36 J. Edwards, J. Edwards, The Spanish Inquisition The Spanish Inquisition (Stroud, 1999), 33-5. For crisp and sceptical discussion of Christian att.i.tudes to usury, see E. Kerridge, (Stroud, 1999), 33-5. For crisp and sceptical discussion of Christian att.i.tudes to usury, see E. Kerridge, Usury, Interest and the English Reformation Usury, Interest and the English Reformation (Aldershot, 2002), Ch. 1. (Aldershot, 2002), Ch. 1.
37 E. C. Parker and C. T. Little (eds.), E. C. Parker and C. T. Little (eds.), The Cloisters Cross: Its Art and Meaning The Cloisters Cross: Its Art and Meaning (New York, 1994), 151-60, 178-81, 187-9. (New York, 1994), 151-60, 178-81, 187-9.
38 For examples of good relations, see D. Malkiel, 'Jews and Apostates in Medieval Europe: Boundaries Real and Imagined', For examples of good relations, see D. Malkiel, 'Jews and Apostates in Medieval Europe: Boundaries Real and Imagined', PP PP, 194 (February 2007), 3-34, at 32-3.
39 A. Boureau, A. Boureau, Satan the Heretic: The Birth of Demonology in the West Satan the Heretic: The Birth of Demonology in the West (Chicago and London, 2006), 10-14, 43-67. (Chicago and London, 2006), 10-14, 43-67.
40 C. Wolters (ed.), C. Wolters (ed.), The Cloud of Unknowing, Translated into Modern English The Cloud of Unknowing, Translated into Modern English (London, 1961), 137 [ (London, 1961), 137 [Cloud, Ch. 70].
41 U. Wiethaus (ed.), U. Wiethaus (ed.), Agnes Blannbekin, Viennese Beguine: Life and Revelations Agnes Blannbekin, Viennese Beguine: Life and Revelations (Cambridge, 2002), esp. 10, 30, 34-6, 157. (Cambridge, 2002), esp. 10, 30, 34-6, 157.
42 M. O'C. Walshe (ed.), M. O'C. Walshe (ed.), Meister Eckhart: Sermons and Treatises Meister Eckhart: Sermons and Treatises (3 vols., Shaftesbury, 1987), II, 64 [Sermon 53]; II, 321 [Sermon 94]; II, 246 [Sermon 82]. (3 vols., Shaftesbury, 1987), II, 64 [Sermon 53]; II, 321 [Sermon 94]; II, 246 [Sermon 82].
43 N. Caciola, N. Caciola, Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages Discerning Spirits: Divine and Demonic Possession in the Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY, and London, 2003), 277-98. (Ithaca, NY, and London, 2003), 277-98.