Card Apprentice Daily Log - Chapter 2180 Who Or How Wyatt's Life Partner Should Be

Chapter 2180 Who Or How Wyatt's Life Partner Should Be

Chapter 2180 Who Or How Wyatt's Life Partner Should Be

Date- 18 April 2321

Time- 10:45

Location- Card World, Southern Region, Blossom District, Sky Blossom City, Dungeon Highway, Blood Rock Cave Gate Dungeon, Seed World

Susan was sick and tired of these posts, all of them s.h.i.+pped Wyatt with Anna or someone else with a higher status. All of these girls that were s.h.i.+pped with Wyatt seemed perfect and had it all beauty, wealth, fame, status, power, talent, etc even she could not help but agree that either one of those would make a great pair with Wyatt. However, she who had already decided to fight with the Southern emperor for her love did not let these posts bother her or so she thought until Park proposed it was about time she went on a real date with Wyatt. For reasons unknown to her she suddenly felt frightened at that thought and even ashamed. So much so that without her realizing it she instantly rejected the notion of going out on a date with Wyatt out loud. Going out with Wyatt would mean that people would know her relations.h.i.+p with Wyatt was not normal compared to now when she was the lucky girl who met and befriended Wyatt before his talent and greatness were yet to reveal themselves. Knowing that people expected Wyatt to be with someone equally talented and powerful, Susan suddenly began to feel undeserving of Wyatt. Honestly, she already felt that way and people's words had only intensified that feeling of hers. It was already overwhelming for her to think of dating someone younger than her and a talented card apprentice on top of that. Back then she already felt that as a sales executive at the Guild a.s.sociation Mall, she did not measure up to Wyatt's status. Now that Wyatt was the Southern Hope, the genius the world needed, she felt that way even more so. Especially, with the people around the world trying to match Wyatt with beautiful and powerful women from all over the five regions, giving great reasons as to why they should be together. With everything she read on the grimoire network about what people thought about who should or how should Wyatt's life partner be, Susan's small doubts grew into a deep-seed insecurity making it difficult for her to enter a public romantic relations.h.i.+p with Wyatt. Her insecurities did not stop there. She wondered if she would be enough to satisfy Wyatt or if she would be able to accompany him to the end. After all, considering her talent it would be hard for her to break through her mortal status let alone keep up with Wyatt. As a late bloomer card apprentice, Susan had lived a life where she learned that it was not suitable for mortals and card apprentices to get married as they both had varying life expectancies. Meaning, that since a card apprentice had a longer lifespan, a mortal partner would grow older and leave them sooner than a card apprentice partner. With Wyatt's talent, he was destined to achieve the peak of the card world and have many enemies. Knowing this, Susan felt that with her talent she would not only be upable to accompany Wyatt for his entire lifespan but she might even become a burden for him. Lately, these thoughts have been keeping Susan up at night. Therefore, she never actively sought out Wyatt after their little get together. Yet, when Wyatt approached her she would not help but l.u.s.t after him. Just a slight touch from him was enough to make her lose herself and submit to him. She did not mind being with Wyatt, just like this, two of them alone in a world of their own, filled with pa.s.sion and l.u.s.t, but going out with him in public was a big no for her. At least not until she had sorted her thoughts out. If Park knew what was actually bothering Susan, she would definitely advise her to talk to Wyatt about her concerns and doubts. But the former did not know and the latter hid her feelings believing that these were things she had to deal with by herself. They were her problems and she would not make them Wyatt's problems as he already had a lot on his plate. However, what she did not know was that by not giving Wyatt a proper explanation or not letting him on her worries she was actually making it worse for him. Fortunately, Wyatt wasn't just a teenager as his age might suggest, he had enough experience with love and heartbreak. Therefore, he did not spiral out because of her suddenly distancing from him without giving him a proper reason. Thankfully for her, he was mature enough to give her s.p.a.ce waiting for the time when she was prepared to talk to him about it. While Susan was trying to sort her thoughts and feelings, Wyatt, as he had decided prepared to leave the seed world in a hurry but recalled that he had yet to inform Dredre that he would be heading out since he no longer needed to be here as the Forest spirit refused to be born on time until it got the seed world. 'Dredre, I am heading out. So, don't freak out if you are unable to feel my presence in the seed world's void,' Wyatt did not go to find Dredre instead mentally informed her, not wanting to let his mood affect Dredre's mood. Pixies display strong empathy, especially toward those they consider as friends. They found joy in their friend's happiness and sorrow in their Friend's sadness. So, Wyatt did not want Dredre to see him in his current state. 'Wyatt, you are leaving already?' Dredre replied not liking the thought of Wyatt leaving. However, she knew Wyatt has been putting his work off for long because of her and the child. 'Don't worry, I will return soon. Contact me if the forest spirit is making things difficult for you,' Wyatt had indirectly a.s.signed Dredre to stall the forest spirit, but he knew it would not be an easy task knowing the Celetials were unruly and demand. 'Don't worry me, Wyatt. The unborn forest spirit is a good child,' Dredre defended the child. 'If you say so. See you later.' Wyatt hurriedly left the seed world not wanting to continue that conversation with Dredre again.