Card Apprentice Daily Log - Chapter 2179 Susan's Troubles

Chapter 2179 Susan's Troubles

Chapter 2179 Susan's Troubles

Date- 18 April 2321

"Apparently, a date with you is not one of them," Park could not help but comment when Susan made it so easy for her. She had to take the shot, as she was curious why Susan shot down the idea of a proper date with Wyatt without even discussing it with him. The poor guy was so devastated after getting rejected by her that she even felt sorry for him. "What is that supposed to mean?" Susan glared at Park. Obviously, this glare was to discourage Park from talking about her shooting down the idea of a proper date with Wyatt. However, looking at Park's bright and wide eyes sparkling with a gleam of inquisitiveness she had a foreboding that it wasn't going to happen. "You tell me, I thought you liked him. That was why I went out of my way to advise him to stop sneaking around and take you on a proper date. Honestly, I thought you would love that," Park finally spoke her mind as her eyes darted around monitoring every little change in Susan's expression trying to read her knowing it would be hard to get the truth out of her mouth. She was right to think so because Susan kept to herself, especially her troubles unless someone pried it out of her. "I am not ready to start dating yet," Susan brushed off Park's question by saying the first random thing that came to her mind. Just as she was about to bring up the proposal to Field Marshal to change the topic, Park beat her to the punch. "Don't give me that bulls.h.i.+t. I heard you ask him to kiss you. If I had not interrupted you guys, you would have let him turn you into a true woman today. Not ready to start dating my a.s.s," Park revealed that she had been peeking at them longer than Susan would approve of causing the latter's cheeks, ears, and neck to turn red out of shame and embarra.s.sment.

"Shut up, I do not want to talk about it anymore," Susan raised her voice, surprising Park as this was the first time the former had used such a tone with her. "Geez, fine. You do not have to talk to me about it. But you need to talk to him about it. Poor guy was devastated when you rejected the idea of a date with him without even giving it a thought. You owe him an explanation," Park said what needed to be said before backing off. According to her Wyatt might be mature for his age but he was still a teenager at heart. After all, when it came to love, experience was the best teacher. "Thank you, now let us get back to work," Susan felt a little guilt toward Park knowing the latter was only looking out for her but if she wasn't harsh with her words she would not stop bringing up the matter. She felt a lot more guilty toward Wyatt and totally agreed with Park's words but she could not talk to him until she, herself, was ready to face what was bothering her. As Park pointed out she was ready to take her relations.h.i.+p with Wyatt through all the stops and see it to the end but there was this one tiny little thing she could not get over.

As Wyatt's exclusive manager, Susan concerned herself with not just managing his needs and finances but also his public image. Though in that department she did not have much to do as thanks to his achievement he was a hero in the eyes of the general, yes there were some haters out there but his fanbase took care of them for him. She really did not have any trouble on this front but it was where all her concerns started when she came across posts such as, "Southern Hope's Love Interest." "List of Best Gal For Southern Hope." "Southern Emperor and Southern Hope." "n.o.body can be a better fit for Southern Hope than our Southern Emperor." "Will Southern Hope be another victim of political marriage?" "Should Southern Hope agree to a political marriage for the political stability of the Southern Region?" "Will Southern Hope be open to a Harem?" "Southern Hope Fantasy Harem List."