Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 44

Chapter 44

The driver was stunned, they almost lost the man two times along the way, but by coincidence, he drove casually and met the car again.

The car they were following came to a stop at the hotel.

The driver looked at the pa.s.senger in the back seat and said, “Will you wait for him to finish his meal? What if the person he kidnapped is in the car?”

Min Jingfeng kept his eyes fixed on the hotel, and then said, “The person was kidnapped a decade ago.”

Driver: “……”

But they had already followed till here, of course, there was no need to give up. The driver's eyes were a bit confused: “Why is your tattoo gone?”

Min Jingfeng lowered his head only to find that the skin on the back of his hand had returned to normal.

“It was originally a tattoo sticker. It will be gone if you tear it off. Can I borrow your phone.”

The driver thought this person was not that bad, but there was still a precaution in his heart. The car was parked now, and he didn't need to drive, so he said, “Are you going to call someone? Can you give me the number, I will help you dial. “

Min Jingfeng did not mind and reported Lin Cha's phone number.

Soon there was a female voice: “The phone is switched off. Please call again later.”

Min Jingfeng frowned and turned it off.

“The guy they were following came out. He didn't go to eat. He went to buy food as a parcel.”

Min Jingfeng looked over and saw the man walking out with two big bags of disposable lunch boxes.

This time, instead of returning to the car, he headed to the other side of the road.

Min Jingfeng looked at the price in front of him, then took out a hundred yuan, handed the money to the driver and said, “If I don't come down within ten minutes, call the police.”

The driver frowned and said, “I'll go with you.”

The driver was a good person. Otherwise, he would not say this.

Min Jingfeng thought it was great. The man looked strong. Having such a person was rea.s.suring.

Because of this, Min Jingfeng could take time to pack fast food from a small restaurant next door.

The taxi driver found it a little strange: “Hurry up, you will lose him later. We can go and see what happens first and come out for dinner later.”

Min Jingfeng held the snack box and said, “It's not for us.”

Then he led him and followed the guy. With Min Jingfeng's aura of fortune, the two soon caught up with the man again.

Min Jingfeng realized this person was in his community.

Even the directions were the same until they reached street 21, the person entered the fifth unit.

Min Jingfeng: “…” How was it that he had never seen this person before?

Then he recalled that he never paid attention to others, so it might have been possible he hadn't seen someone who lived in a building the same as him.

This was also the direction of his house. They had to go upstairs.

But they couldn't follow too closely. There was no elevator. If they followed too close, they would have been found.

The driver followed Min Jingfeng, and the person stopped on the fifth floor.

Min Jingfeng: “…” The same floor as him, but just opposite him. There were four families on this floor. Min Jingfeng recalled that he didn't know who lived opposite him because the residents changed often.

He took the taxi driver to wait in front of his house, and then said to the driver: “You get into my house and listen carefully. If I say: “oh,” it means that I have the wrong address, you have to quickly open the door and act as the parcel was expected for you. I will act as a delivery guy, you know? If I didn't say that, you should call the police immediately. “

The driver looked at him, Min Jingfeng took out the key, opened the door, and pushed him in.

The driver said, “Should I call the police now …”

Min Jingfeng: “Yes.” He felt that there was a problem. In case if there was no problem, at most, they would scold him.

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter