Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Li Lili didn't dare to call Lin Cha. She turned the k.n.o.b twice, but she couldn't open it. She was afraid she would get caught.

Lin Cha squatted in the room, groaning in hunger…

Lin Cha observed the room; it had no windows, and the only way is through this door. So, would she be the first person to die locked in the room after the abduction? The door lock must be broken. Would she starve to death?

Obviously not, although Li Lili dare not mention Lin Cha being hungry to others. She was a well-nourished person, it must be okay, right?

Someone came over at night. Lin Cha didn't get into the coffin but slept by the door.

Her Ears were attached to the door, so she could hear when someone came, and she would immediately wake up.

When Lin Cha woke up after a while, she continued to listen to the people outside.

“Strange, why can't this door open?”

“I don't know, it opened this afternoon.”

“Brother, it's a shame that such a beautiful girl is stuck in here,” said a male voice.

“Yeah, she's going to be killed anyway,” another voice said.

Lin Cha, “…” Why am I so unlucky? I want to share my bad luck with you …

“She's so beautiful, we might as well make a video, and it will sell well.”

Lin Cha squeezed her hands tightly.

Immediately after, she heard a low-pitched male voice, “You are stupid, you do not use your brain.”

“It's better not to make this matter public. If it gets revealed, her family will start hunting for us, do you think they would just give up on her?”

“But we are all going to kill her. When the family comes to know that we did it, they will certainly not spare us, it might be better if we take advantage….”

The man sneered, “If she dies quickly without torture or dies under you if known by her family, do you think the former or the latter would not react fiercely?”

Lin Cha, “…” It makes sense. With such Emotional Quotient no wonder they do bad things!

The man was convinced by this reason but still wanted to stay behind.

The door lock could not be opened, and Lin Cha was frightened when she heard the sound coming from the door.

Even if they were going to kill her by giving her a euthanizing injection, although it's a painless death, it still means death. Lin Cha was scared.

It was awkward. They tossed for a while, the door lock still didn't open, and the men outside got impatient, and said, “Brother, we are about to leave anyway, just leave her in there. She cannot get out, and no one would find her. She will starve to death before someone could find her. “

Hearing these words from outside, Lin Cha, for a moment, didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, that elder brother spoke again: “You have never seen a person starving to death. When her parents find her, she would be lying dead at the door. Because of hunger, she would keep plucking the door, and her nails would come off, and it would take three or four days to die in despair … “

Lin Cha was frightened by this statement. Thinking of the scene itself made her fingers hurt …

Fortunately, the person who made the decision to kill her painlessly was iron-hearted, and he was determined to give her euthanizing injection to prevent being tortured.

So they got an axe and started to hit the door.

Lin Cha watched as this axe came over, and she started backing off from fear.

Why was everything so scary these days?

Lin Cha didn't know what to do at this moment. If they broke in the door, she would face death. If they didn't break into the door, she would have about a 90% chance of facing death.

Obviously, she had no choice, because the door was smashed just by a few hits. Lin Cha faced a group of people.

She thought about it and said, “I haven't had lunch yet. Can I have a meal?”

The leader took a look at her and said to the man next to him, “Cook her a meal.”

Then the other person looked over and said to Lin Cha: “I believe you have heard what I said just now. I won't let you die painfully. Don't blame us. Blame yourself for knocking on the wrong door. After you eat, you'll be on your way. “

Lin Cha, “…” This meal was a bit unsatisfactory.

Obviously, she underestimated her appet.i.te, and Lin Cha began to eat when the food was served.

Although the taste was average, it didn't stop the hungry girl. She just wanted to delay time.

It was already night, and she didn't go back to cla.s.s. Her cla.s.s teacher would definitely tell her parents, and they would definitely try to find her.

Lin Cha suddenly remembered another thing. Wait, since Min Jingfeng had nothing to do with Li Lili's disappearance, where did Min Jingfeng go?

In fact, Min Jingfeng was already downstairs of the same building she was locked in at this moment.


Euthanizing injection: lethal injection, which causes death in 2-3 minutes without any pain. Mostly given to cats and dogs for a less painful death.

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter