Bastien let out a relieved breath. They could use some good.
And speaking of ... He swept a hungry gaze over her lush body. She'd always made him hungry.
He didn't know what it was about her, but d.a.m.n. An image of her long dark hair in his lap really didn't help the mood, either.
"I know that expression." She tsked at him. "We can't. Rian's waiting for you."
"I know. And I need to make plans with Drake and Saf. Which I meant to do instead of sleep the entire trip."
"You must have been exhausted."
He nodded. "Been a long time since I had someplace really safe to sleep."
"Safe because of me or Drake?"
"You." His eyes darkened. "Definitely you."
"So you trust me?"
His gaze turned warm as he began to slowly kiss his way around her neck. "I've always trusted you, Ember. You were the one who lacked faith in me."
She looked away, letting him know he'd struck the truth with that comment.
But before he could pursue it, Drake came on board.
Bastien pulled away from her with a frustrated hiss.
"You're Hadean Corps, right?" Drake asked from outside, in the hallway.
"I am."
He opened the door to see them, and grinned at Bastien. "Nice to see the dead has risen."
Bastien rolled his eyes.
Ignoring him, Drake returned his attention to Ember. "I'm intercepting some strange Tavali stuff, and I can't get ahold of my brother, Ryn. But I swear I heard his mother's name mentioned and it concerns me. Can you take a listen and see what you think?"
She and Bastien followed him off the ship and outside to the primitive base that had once been a mining facility. But it'd petered out centuries before and been abandoned. Since no one had come here and it seldom showed on maps, the DR had decided it was a great place to use for emergencies.
Like now.
The old shed appeared abandoned on the outside. But inside, it was crisp and clean, outfitted with the latest technology. She tried not to let her thoughts wander to how good Bastien smelled when freshly bathed as they went to the comm room where Cin and Kindel were waiting.
At first, she couldn't understand the thick accents of the speakers over the channel. It wasn't Gorturnum. But the longer she listened, the more she began to understand.
Finally, she deciphered it.
Drake had been right. It was about Hermione Dane and it did involve the Tavali.
She felt the color drain from her face as she met his concerned gaze. "They're planning to bomb Hermione and kill your brother Ryn."
Drake went ramrod stiff at Ember's declaration that the message he'd stumbled on was the plot for Hermione Dane's murder. "What?"
She nodded. "Sounds like they're going to try for it in two days."
"You're sure?"
She squinted as she continued to listen. "The accents are thick, but yeah, I'll stand by that. It sounds like a major strike they're planning against all of The Sentella."
Drake cursed. "I have to find my brother and warn him."
"And Darling," Bastien reminded him.
"Yeah. And Darling," he agreed. "Definitely Darling." He bit his lip. "You're one hundred percent sure about this?"
"Then may the G.o.ds be with us."
But as the days went by, it began to feel like they weren't. While they were able to save Hermione's life, The League made a devastating run against the Porturnum Tavali StarStation, they hijacked a Caronese freighter that had been carrying medical supplies to orphans, hit the Wasturnum West Fleet that was being led by Drake's sister-in-law, and bombed the Andarion palace to the ground.
Their casualties included Drake's sister-in-law, Mack Hinto-Dane. Nykyrian's family-wife, children, and parents. Drake's older brother Darling and his wife and son. Syn Wade's wife and son, along with his sister-in-law, and basically the families of the entire Sentella High Command.
Even Saf's nephew and brother-in-law went down with the palace.
And Jullien and Thrix.
None of them had been left unscarred by the waves of attacks against them.
Bastien reeled from the pain. It was too much to contemplate. He couldn't breathe. Couldn't function or plot.
Neither could Drake. Their anguished grief rendered them useless.
Ember had never seen Bastien like this as they sat in the living room of Kindel's small cottage. It was as if he were reliving the death of his parents and siblings, only worse. He had latched on to Rian and wouldn't let him go.
"Should we call someone?" Cin whispered as she watched him with a worried frown.
"Yeah, like a priest?" Ash wasn't joking.
Chewing her nail, Ember debated what she could do to help him. "I don't know."
Bastien finally wiped at his eyes and shook his head. "This is bulls.h.i.t!" He met Drake's gaze. "Jullien isn't dead. Not with Thrix by his side. I know better."
Drake scowled. "What are you saying?"
"I know my cousin. He's a gutter rat, like me. You don't go through what we've been through and die like this. You just don't." He kissed Rian's head and stood. "Where's a link?"
Kindel handed him hers.
Bastien tried Nykyrian and couldn't get through. So next he called Ushara. She picked up immediately. Silent tears fell down his cheeks. "Shara, I just heard."
"Shh, Bas. It's not what you think."
His heartbeat sped up as he felt some hope. "The Dagger still flies?"
"Yes. Until I lay hands on its hilt. But yes, the Dagger has sworn to return to its sheath where it belongs, along with the rest of the forks and spoons. They're a little bent, but whole."
He let out a half laugh as she threatened to kill Jullien when he got home with the others. "And Kere?" he asked, using Darling's Sentella call sign.
"You can't stop the G.o.d of death. You know that."
His breath left him in a loud rush at the confirmation that everyone had survived. And that he had understood her code for what it was. Thank the G.o.ds that for once, they were merciful. "Tell Nyk that we're coming in, to watch for us. We'll be loaded for League."
"Be safe and careful. I don't need another scare like the one I just had or else I'll be in early labor."
"No worries." He cut the transmission and returned the link to Kindel. "Darling's alive and so's Jullien."
Drake shot to his feet. "What the minsid h.e.l.l! I'm going to gut him!"
Bastien snorted at his fury. "And this after you were crying over losing him three seconds ago?"
"Yeah, 'cause they'd crowned me emperor. I don't want that s.h.i.t! You know how much responsibility comes with a throne? No, thank you!" He shuddered. "I can barely tolerate being prince."
But Ember saw through his bl.u.s.ter. Drake adored his older brother and the relief in his eyes was tangible. "So what's the plan, Captain?" she asked Bastien.
"I'm planning to lend a hand with their rescue efforts."
"Count me in."
"And us," her sisters each agreed.
Bastien nodded. "They'll need every hand for a few days."
Drake let out a ragged breath. "Just when we were about to strike at your uncle. I swear that b.a.s.t.a.r.d has nine lives."
"A temporary reprieve. We secure our families and then in a week, we go for him. His defenses'll be down. With all this, they'll think The League is in a position of strength and that The Sentella is weak. It actually works in our favor. He won't be expecting anything right now."
Drake nodded.
Bastien and Ember said a reluctant good-bye to Florian before they and Drake rallied Kimmerian and Dread Reckoning forces to lead them toward the Porturnum Station and join The Sentella forces there.
Whatever Nyk and his crew needed, they'd do.
As they prepared their launch, Ember couldn't shake the familiar feeling of being back in action with Bastien. It was just like old times.
More than that, it felt right and natural. This was where she was meant to be.
As a girl, she'd never understood how her parents could work together as a military unit. Especially given the way they fought so much at home.
But with Bastien, it made total sense. They were in synch. She knew what he was thinking without him speaking.
He did the same with her. More than that, she took strength from having him by her side. Such as now, as they prepared to launch. He stood next to her on the bridge with his hand on the small of her back while she worked. An insignificant lingering touch to steady himself while he entered data and she checked their systems.
It was automatic. He wasn't even aware that he did it. Yet the scent of his skin permeated her head and left her drunk and calm at the same time.
"Coordinates?" he asked in that smooth drawl.
She sent them over.
He entered them, then paused. A slow smile spread over his face. "You know, when you look at me like that, it makes me want to carry you off to the corner."
"Look at you how?"
"Like you're already tasting me."
Heat scorched her cheeks. "You're imagining it."
"Am I?"
She cleared her throat. "Yes."
"Am I?" he repeated in a more teasing tone as he pressed his body closer to hers.
Iskander cleared his throat over the intercom. "You two do know that you're live, right?"
"Oh s.h.i.t!" Bastien cut the mic. Now he was glowing even more than she was.
"Yeah," Iskander said slowly. "My thoughts are a little more colorful. Dude, that's my sister."
"I'm your brother."
"Blood only. I actually like Ember."