NO. 1738. Gardiner's (Bishop) Detection of the Devil's Sophistry, MS. title: printed by _John Hertford, in Aldersgate Street, at the cost and charges of Robert Toye_, 1546, 12mo. Note in this book: "Though this book is imperfect, yet the remarkable part of it, viz. sheet E, printed in the Greek letter, and sheet F in Latin, with the Roman letter, are not wanting." 0 2_s._ 0_d._
1847. Hale's (T.) Account of New Inventions, in a letter to the Earl of Marlborough, 8vo. Note in this book: "Many curious particulars in this book, more especially a prophetic passage relative to the Duke of Marlborough, p.
XLVII." 0 5 0
1880. Harrison's (Michael) four Sermons. "N.B. The author of this book cut the types himself, and printed it at St.
Ives," 8vo. 0 3 0
1930. Festival (The) impressus Rothomage, 1499, 4to. In this book (which is in English) at the end of each Festival is a narration of the life of the Saint, or of the particular festival. 0 16 0
1931. Festival (The) with wooden cuts, compleat: _emprynted by Wynkyn de Worde_, 1408, 4to. 0 15 0
2156. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. "In this book is contained the cancelled part of page 48, relative to Litchfield Cathedral; likewise the cancelled part of page 296, respecting the cave at Egg, and the transaction there; also parts of reviews and newspapers, concerning Dr. Johnson; two plates, MS. copy of a letter of Dr. Johnson's: and Henderson's letter to Johnson on his journey to Scotland." 1776, 8vo. 0 15 0
2558. Muggleton's Acts of the Witnesses of the Spirit; _with heads, MS. remarks, and notes_, 1699. Ludowick Muggleton, born in Bishopgate Street, 1609; put apprentice to John Quick, a taylor. Married a virgin of 19, aetat. suae 22.
Another virgin of 19, aetat. 32. A third virgin wife of 25, aetat. 53. Chosen a prophet 1665, 4to. 0 5 6
2559. Muggleton's and Reeve's volume of Spiritual Epistles; elegantly bound, with a head of Muggleton underneath a MS.
note, 1755, 4to. 0 10 6
2579. Lower's Voyage of Charles II. made into Holland, head and plates. Hague. 1660. Folio. N.B. "A very uncommon book, containing many curious particulars." 1 3 0
2776. Owen's (Dr. John) Divine Originall, &c. of the Scriptures, Oxford, 1659, 8vo. Note in this book: "One of the scarcest and best of Dr. Owen's works." 0 1 0
3005. Psalms (The whole Booke of) with Hymns, by Ravenscroft, with music, 8vo. "Note; in this book are some tunes by John Milton, the great poet's father. See page 242, 62." 0 2 0
3342. Stubbes's Anatomie of Abuses, printed at London by Richard Jones, 16 August, 1583, 8vo. Note in this book: "I bought this rare book at the auction of Mr. Joseph Hart's books, in May 1772, where it cost me 8_s._ &c." M.L. [The reader may just run back to page 279, ante; where he will find some account of this work.] 1 14 0
4185. Champ Fleury, auquel est contenu l'Art et Science de la deue et vraye Proportion de Lettres Antiques et Romaines selon le Corps et visage Humain, avec figures. Par. 1529.
Folio. "_This uncommon book was sold at an auction, 1722, for 2l. 15s._" 0 12 6
4437. Alberti Descriptione di tutta Italia, Venez., 1568, 4to. Note in this book--"_This is a very scarce and much valued account of Italy._" With another curious note respecting the author. 0 9 6
4438. Aldrete Varias Antiguedales de Espana, Africa, y otras Provincias. Amberes, 1641, 4to. _Note in this book_: "One of the most valuable books of this kind in the Spanish language, and very rarely to be met with." 0 9 6
5532. Humfredi, Vita Episcop. Juelli, foliis deauratis, Lond. ap Dayum, 1573, 4to. _Note in this book_: "At the end of this book are probably some of the first Hebrew types used in England." 0 1 0
6227. Praesidis (Epistola R.A.P.) Generalis et Regiminis totius Congregationis Anglicanae Ordinis St. Benedicti.
Duaci, 1628. 8vo. 0 1 0
[_Note in this book_: "This is a very scarce book; it was intended only for the use of the order, and care taken that it should not get into improper hands. See the conclusion of the General's mandate, and of the book itself."]
6616. Wakefeldi Oratio de Laudibus et Utilitate trium linguarum, Arabicae, Chaldaicae, & Hebraicae; atque idiomatibus Hebraicis quae in utroque Testamento inveniuntur. _Lond. ap.
Winandum de Worde._--Shirwode Liber Hebraeorum concionatoris, seu Ecclesiasten. Antv. 1523. 4to. _Note in this book_: "These two pieces by Shirwood and Wakefield are exceedingly rare." 0 4 0
For some particulars concerning the very respectable Dr.
LORT, the reader may consult the _Gentleman's Magazine_; vol. lx. pt. ii. p. 1055, 1199.]
ALMAN. I am glad to hear you notice such kind of collections; for utility and common sense have always appeared to me a great desideratum among the libraries of your professed bibliomaniacs.
BELIN. Yes:--You pride yourselves upon your large paper, and clean, and matchless copies--but you do not dwell quite so satisfactorily upon your useful and profitable volumes--which, surely stand not in need of expensive embellishments. Lort's collection would be the library for my money--if I were disposed to become a female bibliomaniac!
LIS. You are even a more jejune student than myself in bibliography, or you would not talk in this strain, Belinda. Abuse fine copies of books! I hope you forgive her, Lysander?
LYSAND. Most cordially. But have I not discoursed sufficiently? The ladies are, I fear, beginning to be wearied; and the night is "almost at odds with morning which is which."
LOREN. Nay, nay, we must not yet terminate our conversation. Pursue, and completely accomplish, the noble task which you have begun. But a few more years to run down--a few more renowned bibliomaniacs to "kill off"--and then we retire to our pillows delighted and instructed by your----
LYSAND. Halt! If you go on thus, there is an end to our "Table Talk."
I now resume.
LOREN. Yet a word to save your lungs, and slightly vary the discourse.
Let me take you with me to Ireland, about this time; where, if you reremember [Transcriber's Note: remember], the library of DENIS DALY[402] was disposed of by public auction. My father attended the sale; and purchased at it a great number of the _Old English Chronicles_, and volumes relating to _English History_, which Lisardo so much admired in the library. You remember the copy of Birch's _Lives of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain_!
[Footnote 402: _A Catalogue of the Library of the late Right Honourable_ DENIS DALY, _which will be sold by auction on the first of May, 1792, by James Vallance._ _Dublin_, 8vo. A fac-simile copper-plate of a part of the first psalm, taken from a Bible erroneously supposed to have been printed by Ulric Zell in 1458, faces the title-page; and a short and pertinent preface succeeds it. The collection was choice and elegant: the books are well described, and the catalogue is printed with neatness. The copies on _large paper_ are very scarce. I subjoin, as a curiosity, and for the sake of comparing with modern prices, the sums for which a few popular articles in ENGLISH HISTORY were disposed of.
NO. 527. Tyrrell's General History of England, 5 vols. Lond.
1697, fol. "To this copy Mr. Tyrell has made considerable additions in MS. written in a fair hand, which must be worthy of the attention of the learned." 10 4_s._ 9_d._
533. Rapin's History of England with Tyndal's Continuation, 5 vols. _elegantly bound in russia_. Lond. 1743-1747, folio.
"One of the most capital sets of Rapin extant; besides the elegant portraits of the kings and queens, monuments, medals, &c. engraved for this work, it is further enriched with the beautiful prints executed by Vertue and Houbraken, for Birch's Illustrious Heads." folio. 17 2 7
534. Carte's General History of England, 4 vols., fine paper, _elegant in russia_. Lond. 1747, folio. 7 19 3
537. Birch's Lives of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with their heads by Houbraken and Vertue; 2 vols. in one, _first impression of the plates, imperial paper_. Lond.
1743-1751, folio. It is impossible to give a perfect idea of this book: every plate is fine, and appears to be selected from the earliest impressions: it is now very scarce. 22 15 0
538. Campbell's Vitruvius Britannicus, with Woolfe's and Gandon's Continuation, 5 vols. _large paper, fine impressions of the plates, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, &c._ Lond. 1717-1767, folio. 25 0 6
540. Wood's Historia et Antiquitates Oxoniensis, _large paper, russia, gilt leaves, &c._ Ox. 1674. 2 16 10
542. Biographia Britannica, 7 vols. _large paper, elegantly bound_. Lond. 1747, fol. 13 13 0
543. ---- ---- 4 vols. new edition, _elegantly bound in green Turkey_. Lond. 1778. 7 19 3
545. Mathaei Paris, Monachi Albanensis Angli, Historia Major, a Wats. Lond. 1640, folio. 3 19 7
546. Mathaei Westmonasteriensis, Flores Historiarum. Franc.
1601, folio. 2 16 10
547. Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores Varii, a Sparke. Lond.
1723, folio. 2 5 6
548. Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores X. a Twysden; 2 tom. fol.
_deaurat._ Lond. 1652, folio. 4 11 0
549. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores post Bedam, a Saville, fol.
_deaurat._ Lond. 1596, folio. 2 5 6
550. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum Veterum, a Gale; 3 tom.