Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 27

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 27

"repeated wild shooting like in the jungle": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"There wasn't no nighttime then": Interview, Wilmer Cooper.

"a well of weltschmerzen": New York Post, New York Post, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"I wonder what they think": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"I made it as quick as possible": International News Service, June 23,1938.

"Joe Louis shine": Interview, Irwin Rosee.

"Joe is on top of the proverbial heap": New York Age, New York Age, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"Joe knocked old Hitler cold": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"Louder! Louder!": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"police making an attempt": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Little children rushed by my house": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"thousands of Negroes and many Jews": Indianapolis News, Indianapolis News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"On the grass on the Paradeway": Kansas City Call, Kansas City Call, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"the mellow voice of a Negro Paul Revere": Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati Post, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"plain old cheap": California Eagle, California Eagle, June 30,1938. June 30,1938.

"Boy, am I glad": Newark Evening News, Newark Evening News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"To de ring, to de ropes, to de flo!" Memphis Post-Scimitar, Memphis Post-Scimitar, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Joe Louis ball": LaFayette Sun, LaFayette Sun, June 29,1938. June 29,1938.

"That's my little Joe": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"That boy must be worth": Mobile Register, Mobile Register, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"began to scream in all directions": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 16,1938. July 16,1938.

"joy-mad Race members": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 23,1938. July 23,1938.

"The gathering thereupon cheered": Daily Gleaner Daily Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica), June 23,1938. (Kingston, Jamaica), June 23,1938.

"Throwing garbage, tin containers": Atlanta Daily World, Atlanta Daily World, June 26,1938. June 26,1938.

"hugging and street fighting": Newark Evening News, Newark Evening News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Where is Max Schmeling?": Charlotte News, Charlotte News, June 28,1938. June 28,1938.

"Lynch the nigger!": Gary Post-Tribune, Gary Post-Tribune, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Prizefights between white men and Negroes": Ibid., June 24,1938.

"We have, as a whole": Gary American, Gary American, July 8,1938. July 8,1938.

"Henry Street is the only place": Roanoke Times, Roanoke Times, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"teeming mass of joyful humanity": Norfolk Journal and Guide, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"When colored people are filling streets": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"the tragic aspect": Afro-American and Richmond Planet, Afro-American and Richmond Planet, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"We want Joe!": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"I remembered my first fight with him": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"feminine draw is nil": Variety, Variety, June 29,1938. June 29,1938.

"The one round isn't giving the fans": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 30,1938. June 30,1938.

"The champ hasn't got a scratch": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"I think Louis'll be the champion": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"a full-fledged man": New York Times, New York Times, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"We congratulate him": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"The Nazis stacked their political all": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, July 9,1938. July 9,1938.

"It was as if each had been in that ring himself": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"a great fight by a great champion": Ibid., June 25,1938.

"He is one of the worst": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"Champ Joe Louis": Rounder Records Corp., Rounder 82161-1106-2.

"his spirit will stalk the world": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

DUKE ELLINGTON RATED: Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 16,1938. July 16,1938.

"I have been a reader": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 23,1938. July 23,1938.

"even the tiniest hint": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"not so much that Schmeling himself": Montreal Herald, Montreal Herald, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"With the defeat of the boxing Hitler envoy": Deutsches Volksecho, Deutsches Volksecho, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"Grandfather wouldn't have believed": Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia Record, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Our sympathies on the disgraceful showing": Bundesarchiv, Pol. Archiv AA R 104981.

"like a tiger": Charleston (South Carolina) News and Courier, Charleston (South Carolina) News and Courier, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Joe Louis, the lethargic, chicken-eating": Washington Post, Washington Post, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"It is nothing for us to weep about": Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily News, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Somebody'll beat him": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"the greatest exhibition of punching": Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia Record, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Probably he punches faster": Ken, Ken, July 28,1938. July 28,1938.

"The ring may have seen a greater fighter": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Schmeling was worse": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"just pathetic": Connecticut Nutmeg, Connecticut Nutmeg, July 7,1938. July 7,1938.

"he'll find that he had a grandfather": Washington Post, Washington Post, July 1, 1938. July 1, 1938.

"our fastest runners are colored boys": Atlanta Journal, Atlanta Journal, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"The colored people do not win": Charleston (South Carolina) News and Courier, Charleston (South Carolina) News and Courier, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"No intelligent person": Huntsville Times, Huntsville Times, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"lost all of their courage": Morgn-zhurnal, Morgn-zhurnal, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

Fuhrer had taken it straight in the "philosophy": Forverts, Forverts, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"If only Schmeling's collapse": Jewish Times, Jewish Times, July 1, 1938. July 1, 1938.

"they stuck the whole stupid myth": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, September 16,1938. September 16,1938.

"The Negro sent the 'pureblooded Aryan'": Ibid., June 25,1938.

"Let's not disrespect good fists": Nasz Przeglad Nasz Przeglad (Warsaw), June 24,1938. (Warsaw), June 24,1938.

"Hey Louis!": Ibid. Ibid.

"special fight edition": Rand Daily Mail, Rand Daily Mail, June 26,1938. June 26,1938.

HITLER'S RACISM KNOCKED OUT: La Nacion La Nacion (Buenos Aires), June 23,1938. (Buenos Aires), June 23,1938.

"It simply bears out": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 26,1938. June 26,1938.

"A terrible defeat": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.5, June 24,1938, p. 358. T.I, Bd.5, June 24,1938, p. 358.

"extremely depressed": News Chronicle News Chronicle (London), June 23,1938. (London), June 23,1938.

received the news "philosophically": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"triumphal entry": News Chronicle News Chronicle (London), June 23,1938. (London), June 23,1938.

"It seemed as if everyone": Jacksonville Times-Union, Jacksonville Times-Union, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"It was impossible": Angriff, Angriff, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"It's terrible that punches like that": New York Times, New York Times, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

'MAX' INJURY A RUSE: Chicago Times, Chicago Times, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Max didn't go out of his way": Bronx Home News, Bronx Home News, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Disowned by his race": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 26,1938. June 26,1938.

"the sorriest figure in sportdom": B'nai B'rith Messenger, B'nai B'rith Messenger, July 8,1938. July 8,1938.

"He is his own manager": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 26,1938. June 26,1938.

"No, I ain't going over to see him": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Wishing you good luck": Boston Globe, Boston Globe, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"The newspapers now only have themselves": Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.6/I: 1938: June 23,1938. Bd.6/I: 1938: June 23,1938.

"Yes, Schmeling may have been almost killed": New York Times, New York Times, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

Berlin as "dumbfounded": Friend Friend (Johannesburg), June 24,1938. (Johannesburg), June 24,1938.

"Neger und Elefanten": Interview, Walter Wohlfeiler. Interview, Walter Wohlfeiler.

"proud and happy": Boersen Zeitung, Boersen Zeitung, quoted in quoted in New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Schmeling seems not to have reckoned": Philadelphia Daily News, Philadelphia Daily News, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"certain American profiteers": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"attacked like an animal": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 27,1938. June 27,1938.

"To be beaten by such means": Der Alemanne, Der Alemanne, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.