Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 26

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 26

"dusky maids in evening gowns": Macon Telegraph, Macon Telegraph, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Then our visitors walked silently": Jimmy Carter, An Hour Before Daylight An Hour Before Daylight (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001), pp. 3233. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001), pp. 3233.

"It was hard to explain": Midwest Daily Record, Midwest Daily Record, June 29,1938. June 29,1938.

"did a fandango": Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Inquirer, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Fighting Fury ... Forked Lightning": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"Horror, dynamite, mayhem": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"In every land and in myriad tongues": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"Listen to this, buddy": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Mox kept a bold front": New Orleans Item, New Orleans Item, June 27,1938. June 27,1938.

"Bang": Charlotte News, Charlotte News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"I told you I sent out": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"Donovan could have counted": New York Times, New York Times, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

forty-one blows, thirty-one of them "serious": Ring, Ring, May 1946. May 1946.

"I was in a hurry": Hep, Hep, February 1957. February 1957.

"Artie, that was the softest": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Joe, you are a real champion": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"He wept softly at first": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Reduced to dithering bewilderment": Time, Time, July 4,1938. July 4,1938.

"Some of the noble 72,000": Philadelphia Record, Philadelphia Record, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"a little addled": Letter, R. H. White to Roy Witmer, July 1, 1938, NBC Papers, Wisconsin Historical Society.

"What round is it?": Interview, Richards Vidmer.

"Unser Max!": American Israelite, June 30,1938. June 30,1938.

"the shortest, sweetest minute": Wilkins, Standing Fast, Standing Fast, p. 164. p. 164.

"We might just as well": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 26,1938. June 26,1938.

"I'm willing to eat": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"Lift up the hand that did it": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Ah sho 'nuff ": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"What for? Didn't he just have his chance and lose?": Ibid.

"You must have felt different tonight": Ibid.

"Ah just felt stronger": Ibid.

"He never hurt me": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"I got what folks call revenge": Associated Press, June 23,1938.

"Ah don't know how many": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Levinsky was pretty easy": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"I was sore at some of the things": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Well, he didn't deny them": Ibid.

"Now man, you know 'ah ain't": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Why, you old son of a gun!": Providence Journal, Providence Journal, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"exactly like a wool-gathering youngster": New York Times, New York Times, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Nice work, Joe!": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"This is our anniversary tonight": Bronx Home News, Bronx Home News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Nice work, Bomber": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"How's that for our old boy?": Ibid.

"giving Father Time time": Associated Press, June 24,1938.

"Sportsmanship, I suppose": Bronx Home News, Bronx Home News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Heil Louis!": Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"He is a pugilistic old man": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"To put it bluntly": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

Chapter Fourteen: Aftermath.

"aus": Angriff, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"That was the last word in the ether": Prager Mittag, Prager Mittag, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"That was the last word from the receiver": Nasz Przeglad Nasz Przeglad (Warsaw), June 23, 1938. (Warsaw), June 23, 1938.

"as if someone had suddenly": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 27,1938. June 27,1938.

"Shaking our heads silently": Angriff, Angriff, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"a breathless, half-loud crossfire": Ibid.

"We looked at each other silently": Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Go back to Germany! You Nazi bum, you never could fight!": Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Georgian, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"woebegone and tragic figure": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Too bad, Max": Ibid.

"When he got in his dressing room": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"Yah, he hit me such a terrible blow": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Such terrible pain. I can't move": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 1938. June 1938.

"A kidney blow is a foul": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Max! Max!": Philadelphia Bulletin, Philadelphia Bulletin, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"It wasn't vare, it wasn't": Ibid., June 23,1938.

"strictly legal": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"But Max, how was dot possible?": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"What's clear is that his version": Paris Soir, Paris Soir, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Jacobs could not have done": New Orleans Times-Picayune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"wondered if Louis had hit": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"What will Hitler think?": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Nothing. Dot's foolish": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Yah, I fight again": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"You Go to My Head": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"No, sah, dat was no foul": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"That's for German consumption": New York Times, New York Times, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"make good stuff for the home trade": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"It must have been a kidney punch to the chin": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 23, 1938. June 23, 1938.

"This is their night": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Too bad it ended so early": New York Post, New York Post, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"aflame in happiness": Interview, Babs Simpson.

"Had you been in Harlem": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"There never was a Harlem": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"They wanted to make a noise": New Masses, New Masses, July 5,1938. July 5,1938.

THE BLACK RACE IS SUPREME: Milwaukee News, Milwaukee News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"their Broadway": Associated Press, June 23,1938.

"looked like clusters of black ripe grapes": New Masses, New Masses, July 5,1938. July 5,1938.

"The Lord is a good Man": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"I remember for a while": Interview, Evelyn Cunningham.

LOUIS WINS, HITLER WEEPS: New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Read about the big fight!": Amsterdam (New York) Recorder, Amsterdam (New York) Recorder, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"Seventh Ave. looked": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"clear off the excess baggage": Milwaukee News, Milwaukee News, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"the type of stuff": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"Joe Louis! Joe Louis!": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"I bet all of 'em are on relief": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 30,1938. June 30,1938.

"Joe Louis doesn't knock out": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.