Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 13

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 13

SOLID SOUTH DECIDES JOE LOUIS MUST BE SOMEBODY: Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, April 13, 1935. April 13, 1935.

"I'd get up": Dayton Daily News, Dayton Daily News, April 22,1935. April 22,1935.

"All the while you're in training": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, June 15,1935. June 15,1935.

Chapter Four: New York Falls in Love.

"Big Brown Bomber Hits Town": New York Post, New York Post, May 16,1935. May 16,1935.

"Travelers threading their way": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, May 16,1935. May 16,1935.

"like the Empire State Building": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, April 20,1935. April 20,1935.

"New Knockout Sensation": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, May 18,1935. May 18,1935.

"I've seen punches thrown this afternoon": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, May 26,1935. May 26,1935.

"We're gonna have a lot of fun with that third strike": In This Corner, In This Corner, Museum of Television and Radio. Museum of Television and Radio.

"I ain't ever had to yet": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 6,1935. 77 "a throwback": Ibid., May 16,1935. June 6,1935. 77 "a throwback": Ibid., May 16,1935.

"There never was such a dead pan": New York Sun, New York Sun, May 17,1935. May 17,1935.

"gaudy extravagances": New York Herald Tribune, June 23,1935. June 23,1935.

"This unfortunate pituitary case": Gallico, Farewell to Sports, Farewell to Sports, p. 56. p. 56.

"the stupidest move in the history": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, May 17,1935. May 17,1935.

"the race angle intruding": Variety, Variety, July 3,1935. July 3,1935.

"strong race people": Letter, Charles Roxborough to Walter White, May 11, 1935, in NAACP I, C-335, NAACP Papers, Library of Congress.

"One wonders where Pegler": Walter White to New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, May 21, 1935, in NAACP Papers, Library of Congress. May 21, 1935, in NAACP Papers, Library of Congress.

"I'd be a mean sucker": Pompton Lakes Pompton Lakes (New Jersey) (New Jersey) Bulletin, Bulletin, May 30,1935. May 30,1935.

"nothing of the show-off, comedy coon here": Van Every, Joe Louis, Joe Louis, p. 126. p. 126.

"Mistah, I'se leavin'": Detroit News, Detroit News, June 25,1935. June 25,1935.

"What a spectacle"; "a healthy dark beige youth": New York Age, New York Age, June 21,1935. June 21,1935.

"Louis may not be as perfect": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, May 25,1935. May 25,1935.

The "Cinderella Man": Jeremy Schaap, Cinderella Man: James J. Braddock, Max Baer, and the Greatest Upset in Boxing History Cinderella Man: James J. Braddock, Max Baer, and the Greatest Upset in Boxing History (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2005), p. xiii. (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2005), p. xiii.

"Did you ever see?": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 17,1937. June 17,1937.

"Do you mean those are the two best fighters": Ibid., June 16,1938.

"Next Tuesday night the most historic event": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 20,1935. June 20,1935.

"he will have definitely qualified as the foremost American": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, May 16,1935. May 16,1935.

"See the Next World's Heavyweight Champion": Detroit Tribune, Detroit Tribune, June 22,1935. June 22,1935.

"skyrocketing grosses": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 13,1935. July 13,1935.

"every ham-hock, fish-fry, and liquor joint": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 23,1935. June 23,1935.

"Your race ... has been misrepresented": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 29,1935. June 29,1935.

"you come across a lot of guys named Elmer": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 25,1935. June 25,1935.

"I don't want him to beat him": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, June 8,1935. June 8,1935.

"and a great deal of the skimmed milk": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"as if he were waiting for a street car": Cleveland Press, Cleveland Press, June 28,1935. June 28,1935.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before proceeding": Boxing World Record, Boxing World Record, 1938; 1938; Ring, Ring, February 1946. February 1946.

"did more good than the army": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 6,1935. July 6,1935.

"Oh, my goodness, Louis looks like a little boy beside him": Interview, Jim Clark.

"transformed into a sleek and tawny animal": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"a red smile that didn't make sense": Knockout, Knockout, January-February 1937, p. 69. January-February 1937, p. 69.

"ready that guy for the big splash": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"You have this boy right where you want him"; "You just drop old Betsy on that fellow's chin, and we will start the parade for home": Ibid.

"heavy, menacing, brutish, dumb": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"You're the greatest fighter": Ibid., June 26,1935.

"a second Jack Dempsey": International News Service, June 26,1935.

"impromptu insanity" of "gargantuan proportions": Detroit News, Detroit News, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"Bootblacks blacked brown shoes": Detroit Times, Detroit Times, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"They're happier over Louis": Detroit News, Detroit News, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"The ring has a new marvel": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

"As orderly an assemblage": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"all but arm-in-arm": Washington Tribune, Washington Tribune, June 29,1935. June 29,1935.

"first chance in ten years": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, July 6,1935. July 6,1935.

"Go Down, Moses": Detroit News, Detroit News, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"Look-a-here, folks"; "Eat Joe Louis peanuts": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 6,1935. July 6,1935.

"gaudily meatish": San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Examiner, March 7,1935. March 7,1935.

"You are as safe as at 42nd and Broadway": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"I'm tired of this handshakin' business anyway": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 26, 1935. June 26, 1935.

"all the noise that had preceded": Detroit News, Detroit News, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"Joe Louis is a fighter, not a talker": New York Post, New York Post, June 26,1935. June 26,1935.

"a sort of lame-duck": Ibid., June 27,1935.

"The American Negro is a natural athlete": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

"In Africa there are tens of thousands": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

"like comparing Lou Gehrig with Al Capone": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 30,1935. June 30,1935.

"You see him awake in bed": Binghamton News, Binghamton News, June 28,1935. June 28,1935.

"a healthy Negro boy": Detroit Times, Detroit Times, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

"colored champion of the world": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, August 10,1935. August 10,1935.

"a secret New York conclave": Collyer's Eye, Collyer's Eye, July 6,1935. July 6,1935.

"Louis deserves the right": Boston Post, Boston Post, July 8,1935. July 8,1935.

"vitamins C, A, S and H": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 28,1935. June 28,1935.

"Max isn't interested in the title": Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

"If the Daily Worker Daily Worker really wanted": really wanted": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, July 6,1935. 89 "Each victory of Louis": Associated Negro Press, July 6,1935. July 6,1935. 89 "Each victory of Louis": Associated Negro Press, July 6,1935.

"hot cha brown-skin girls": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

"lets things inside of bottles STAY INSIDE OF BOTTLES": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 6,1935. July 6,1935.

"The white world of sports": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, July 13,1935. July 13,1935.

"Harlem's got some money today": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 27,1935. June 27,1935.

German culture "negrified": Johnpeter Horst Grill and Robert L. Jenkins, "The Nazis and the American South in the 1930s: A Mirror Image?" Journal of Southern History Image?" Journal of Southern History 58 (1992), p. 671. 58 (1992), p. 671.

"out of a healthy spirit": Angriff, Angriff, November 25,1930. November 25,1930.

"In every Negro, even in one of the kindest disposition": Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte, Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte, No. 1/1933 (Munich: F. Eber Nachf., 1933), pp. 1213. No. 1/1933 (Munich: F. Eber Nachf., 1933), pp. 1213.

"Negroes don't have anything to grin about": Hans Massaquoi, Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany (New York: William Morrow, 1999), p. 108. (New York: William Morrow, 1999), p. 108.

"This law is not inhumane": Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, May 3,1933. May 3,1933.

"uniquely and colossally dangerous": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 1, 1935. July 1, 1935.

"Lehmgesicht": Ibid., April 22,1935. April 22,1935.

"ever-grinning and sneering": Ibid., November 29,1933.

"I had rather live in the Rhineland": Crisis, Crisis, February 1935. February 1935.

"with hatred in their eyes": Martin Duberman, Paul Robeson Paul Robeson (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988), pp. 18485. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988), pp. 18485.

"The Americans again have all the trump cards": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, September 7, 1935. September 7, 1935.

"twelve slow and thrill-less rounds": Universal Service, July 8,1935.

"judische Borsenjobber"; "very close to treason"; "Jewish behavior": Bundesarchiv, Auszug aus dem Stenographischen Verhandlungsbericht uber die Beratung der Ratsherren am 27. Marz 1936: Auszug aus dem Stenographischen Verhandlungsbericht uber die Beratung der Ratsherren am 27. Marz 1936: Landesarchiv Berlin, LAB A Rep. 001-02, Nr. 953. Landesarchiv Berlin, LAB A Rep. 001-02, Nr. 953.

"One word from Joe, and Max does as he pleases": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, July 26, 1935. July 26, 1935.

"Schmeling! Schmeling! Who's got Max Schmeling?": New York Times, New York Times, July 16,1935. July 16,1935.

"never saw the day": Ring, Ring, October 1935. October 1935.

"I am convinced he's been giving us all": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, July 28,1935. July 28,1935.

"He talks like he was Dempsey": Ibid.

"Who in hell does he think he is anyway?" New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, July 27,1935. July 27,1935.

"They always say that he is black": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, August 20,1935. August 20,1935.

HAIL, JOE LOUIS: Der Kicker, Der Kicker, October 10,1935. October 10,1935.