Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 11

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 11

"a defensive action against": Angriff, Angriff, April 4,1933. April 4,1933.

"whatever else these blood-suckers call themselves": Ibid.

"a clique of corrupt": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, April 3,1933. April 3,1933.

"Jewish big-wigs and corrupt exploiters": Ibid.

"giving the cold shoulder": Ibid., April 18,1933.

"If anyone over there": Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, p. 263. p. 263.

"exaggerated and untruthful": Boxing, Boxing, April 5,1933. April 5,1933.

"It would be paradoxical": LAuto, LAuto, April 2,1933. April 2,1933.

"The fact that the new, great leader of the German people": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, October 24, 1933. October 24, 1933.

"the decrepit medievalism": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, March 27,1933. March 27,1933.

"We all know what would happen": New York American, New York American, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"shame the Nazis by lying down": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, April 17,1933. April 17,1933.

"Delancey Street dandy": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, March 22,1935. March 22,1935.

"There are many Hebrews here": Montreal Herald, Montreal Herald, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"He dodges embarrassing questions": New York Sun, New York Sun, April 15,1933. April 15,1933.

"What conditions?": New York Evening Post, New York Evening Post, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"I haff never seen Yermany": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, April 18,1933. April 18,1933.

"my friend Joe": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"the most popular person in Germany": New York Evening Post, New York Evening Post, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"I tell you this-Germany is improving": New York American, New York American, April 15,1933. April 15,1933.

"prices on the Boerse": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

not to be "silly" about the man: New York Evening Post, New York Evening Post, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"Were I to meet Baer in Germany": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, April 15,1933. April 15,1933.

MAX SCHMELING SAYS GERMANY IS NOT CRUEL TO JEWISH FOLKS: The paper is probably the Plain Speaker Plain Speaker of Hazelton, Pennsylvania. of Hazelton, Pennsylvania.

"100 percent Hitlerist": Moment Moment (Warsaw), June 11,1933. (Warsaw), June 11,1933.

"Schmeling pulled himself": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, May 1,1933. May 1,1933.

"When I told them about the reception": Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, p. 266. p. 266.

Chapter Two: A Regime's Embrace.

"stand in defense, with clenched fist": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, April 25,1933. April 25,1933.

"to follow in his path": Ibid., May 1,1933.

"The movement to make Max Schmeling suffer": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, April 21,1933. April 21,1933.

"none is so blind": Ibid., April 25,1933.

"no more of a Jew-hater": Ibid., April 26,1933.

"has to return to Germany some time": Ibid., April 27,1933.

"I'll try to make [Max Baer] think you're to blame": Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 18, 1933. April 18, 1933.

"Shall I give them a political talk?": Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh Press, April 17,1933. April 17,1933.

"We simply ignore it": New York Times, New York Times, April 26,1933. April 26,1933.

"Well, that's awfully nice of him": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, April 26,1933. April 26,1933.

"malicious, vitriolic, and imbecilic": Ring, Ring, June 1933. June 1933.

"at that moment ... a friend, or a lover, or something": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, March 3,1965. March 3,1965.

"I've got a million-dollar body": New York Times, New York Times, November 25,1959. November 25,1959.

"Hey, Barney": Barney Ross, No Man Stands Alone: The True Story of Barney Ross No Man Stands Alone: The True Story of Barney Ross (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1957), p. 133. (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1957), p. 133.

"Every punch in the eye": New York Times, New York Times, March 14,1935. March 14,1935.

"reported to have become a Jew by press agent": New York Post, New York Post, June 13,1935. June 13,1935.

"Baer was only a 50 per cent Hebrew": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, April 14,1933. April 14,1933.

"Hitler is more of a Jew than is Baer": Ring, Ring, May 1934. May 1934.

"racial and cultural disgrace": Der Sturmer, Der Sturmer, June 1933. June 1933.

"Abroad, one can have no concept": New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, May 4,1933. May 4,1933.

"Schmeling is a friend of Hitler": New York Evening Post, New York Evening Post, June 5,1933. June 5,1933.

"a genuine half-Jewish boy": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 5,1933. June 5,1933.

"the growing antipathy against everything German": New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, June 7,1933. June 7,1933.

"Leck' mich am Arsch": Interview, Irwin Rosee; Washington Post, Washington Post, October 4,1942. October 4,1942.

"A punch all the boxing instructors": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 9,1933. June 9,1933.

"That wasn't a defeat, that was a disaster": Schmeling, Erinnerungun, Erinnerungun, p. 267. p. 267.

"They thought I was a Hebe": Variety, Variety, January 13,1933. January 13,1933.

"gas bags": B'nai B'rith Messenger, B'nai B'rith Messenger, June 23,1933. June 23,1933.

"who would have been interested if [Schmeling] is a German or a Tatar": Der Tog, Der Tog, June 10,1933. June 10,1933.

"Schmeling's dream of regaining": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, June 9,1933. June 9,1933.

"A man who travels only first-class": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, February 1314,1934. February 1314,1934.

"He encouraged me, and told me that he, too, had suffered setbacks": New York Times, New York Times, February 23, 1938. February 23, 1938.

"the female Chaplin": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, February 11,1933. February 11,1933.

"Yussel Jacobs will be ostracized": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, October 30,1933. October 30,1933.

"I got to Berlin and when I entered the Bristol": New York Times, New York Times, November 9,1933. November 9,1933.

"All any Nazi ever had to do": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, November 9,1933. November 9,1933.

"The chancellor took a lively interest": Hamburger Fremdenblatt, Hamburger Fremdenblatt, December 22,1933. December 22,1933.

"deeply stirred by Hitler's personality": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, January 4,1934. January 4,1934.

"perhaps couldn't understand why thousands of German national comrades": Angriff, Angriff, January 5,1934. January 5,1934.

"Say, wasn't there a lot": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, January 2,1934. January 2,1934.

"Hitler may not want Schmeling": Washington Post, Washington Post, January 3,1934. January 3,1934.

"Herr Hitler does not care who Max fights": New York American, New York American, January 3,1934. January 3,1934.

"absurd": Lincoln (Nebraska) Star, Lincoln (Nebraska) Star, January 4,1934. January 4,1934.

"the better Hitler will like it": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, January 4,1934. January 4,1934.

"He is a football player": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, February 1314,1934. February 1314,1934.

"The Schmeling we saw last night": New York Evening Post, New York Evening Post, February 14,1934. February 14,1934.

"Yesterday Max Schmeling was crossed off the list": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, February 15,1934. February 15,1934.

"international Jewish swamp": Der Deutsche, Der Deutsche, February 17,1934. February 17,1934.

end of all state-financed medical support and aid for the "inferior": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, April 17, 1934. April 17, 1934.

"Mad Monkey of Germany": Ring, Ring, May 1934. May 1934.

calling the dirt track "American": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, July 6,1934. July 6,1934.

"Sensationalism and star worship are not befitting the National Socialist Man!": Angriff, Angriff, August 15,1934. August 15,1934.

"who through their honorable striving and struggle": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, August 16,1934. August 16,1934.

MADISON SQ. GARDEN; HAMBURGER PUNCHING: Hamburger General-Anzeiger, Hamburger General-Anzeiger, August 25/26, 1934. August 25/26, 1934.

"German-blooded pub owner": Volker Kluge, Max Schmeling: Eine Biographie in 15 Runden Max Schmeling: Eine Biographie in 15 Runden (Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 2004), p. 194. (Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag, 2004), p. 194.

"eloquent testimony to the success": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, August 23,1934. August 23,1934.

"A man capable of arousing so much true Jewish hate": Ibid.

"a model of professionalism, sporting decency, and fairness": Ibid., August 26/27,1934.

"a frenzy of boxing enthusiasm": Angriff, Angriff, August 27,1934. August 27,1934.

"I expected Max to win decisively": New York Post, New York Post, September 7,1934. September 7,1934.

"very decent indeed": Letter, Kurt Tucholsky to Hedwig Muller, in Briefe aus dem Schweigen 19321935 Briefe aus dem Schweigen 19321935 (Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1977), p. 145. (Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1977), p. 145.

"Every member of the Goldfarb, Epstein": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, August 18,1934. August 18,1934.

"God's own country": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, February 25,1935. February 25,1935.

"The Gotterdammerung has started": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, February 25,1935. February 25,1935.

"wants to have good fights and great champions in Germany": New York Post, New York Post, February 2, 1935. February 2, 1935.

"We want to see Max Schmeling!": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, March 1,1935. March 1,1935.

"We would hardly know our youth": Angriff, Angriff, March 9,1935. March 9,1935.

"television enthusiasts"; "non-political hero": San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Examiner, March 10,1935. March 10,1935.

"a bodyguard of four very husky-appearing fellows": International Herald Tribune, International Herald Tribune, March 11,1935. March 11,1935.