1914 March "Portrait of Bergson." American Magazine.
May "Threatened Collapse of Bergson boom in France."
Current Opinion.
July "The Banning of Bergson." Independent.
Dec. "Bergson Looking Backward." Literary Digest.
"Bergson on Germany's Moral Force." Literary Digest.
1915 Jan. "Mr. Kallen on Bergson." North American Review.
April " " " Nation.
"Mr. Wildon Carr and Philosophy of Change." Quest.
1917 May "Bergson and the Art World." Art World.
Sept. "Are Americans Money Worshippers? Bergson's Opinion."
Dec. "Bergson thanks America." New Republic.
1919 Dec. "French Ideals in Education and the American Student."
Living Age.
Section IV. The English Translations of Bergson's Works
As, in the foregoing lists, the English Translations of Bergson's Works are given separately under the heading of the date and t.i.tle of the original work, they are here set forth together under the t.i.tle of the publishers with translators' names and the published prices for convenience of reference for English readers or students.
Time and Free Will. Translator--F. L. Pogson, M.A. Pp.
xxiii+252 (12/6).
Matter and Memory. Translators--Nancy Margaret Paul and W. Scott Palmer. Pp. xx+339 (12/6).
Both of these are in "The Library of Philosophy."
Creative Evolution. Translator--Arthur Mitch.e.l.l, Ph.D. Pp.
xv+407 (12/6).
Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic, Translators-- Cloudesley Brereton L.-es-L., M.A., and Fred Rothwell, B.A.
Pp. vi+200 (4/6).
An Introduction to Metaphysics. Translator--T. E. Hulme.
Pp. vi+79 (3/e).
Mind-Energy. Translator. Dr. Wildon Carr. (Announced.)
Dreams. Translator--Dr. Slosson. Pp. 62 (2/6).
The Meaning of the War. Editor, Dr. Carr. Pp. 47 (1/6).
The above are all the English Translations which have appeared up to now. The Oxford University Press published in the original French the lectures given at Oxford, La Perception du Changement.
These are now out of print, but will be included in the forthcoming volume of Essays.