Bergson and His Philosophy - Part 19

Part 19


"Laughter." American Journal of Psychology, Jan., 1912.


"Bergson and Religion." Monist, July, 1912.


"Humor." Psychological Review, 1901.

TUTTLE "Bergson on Life and Consciousness." Philosophical Review, Jan., 1912.


"Creative Evolution." Hibbert Journal, Jan., 1908.


"Bergson." A Poem. Art World, Sept., 1917.

UNDERHILL "Bergson and the Mystics." Living Age, March, 1912, and English Review, Feb., 1912.


"Philosophy of Bergson." Quarterly Review, Jan., 1912.


"Bergson and Education." Educational Review, May, 1914.


"Bergson: First Aid to Common-sense." Forum, March, 1914.


"Les donnees immediates de la conscience." Mind, April, 1890.


"Impressions of M. Bergson." Harper's Weekly, March, 1913.

"Implications of Bergson's Philosophy." North American Review, March, 1914.


"Syndicalism in France and Its Relation to the Philosophy of Bergson." Hibbert Journal, Feb., 1914.

WILM "Bergson and Philosophy of Religion" Biblical World, Nov., 1913.


"Natural Realism and Present Tendencies in Philosophy"

Proc Aristotelian Soc, Vol, 1908-9.

"Philosophy of Bergson." Jewish Review, Sept, 1911.


"Balfour on Teleology and Bergson's Creative Evolution."

Hibbert Journal, Jan, 1912.

WYANT "Bergson and His Philosophy." Bookman, March, 1915.

(b) Unsigned Articles

1909 Sept. "Creative Evolution." Nation.

1909 Dec. "Creative Evolution." Current Literature.

1909 Dec. "Bergson's New Idea" Current Literature.

1910 Sept. "Bergson on Free Will" Spectator.

1910 Oct. "Time and Free Will." Athenaeum.

1910 Oct. "Time and Free Will." Review.

1910 Nov. "Time and Free Will." Nation (USA)

1911 April "Creative Evolution" Athenaeum 1911 May "Bergson's Wonder-working Philosophy." Current Literature.

"Bergson and Others" Spectator.

1911 June "Creative Evolution" Review.

1911 June "Bergson in English" Nation.

1911 Aug. "Latest of Philosophers" New York Times.

1911 Aug. "New Conception of G.o.d as Creative Evolution."

Current Literature 1911 Oct. "Creative Evolution" Bookman.

1911 Oct. "Creative Evolution" Dial.

1911 Oct. "Creative Evolution" Nature.

1911 Oct. "Matter and Memory." International Journal of Ethics.

1911 Dec. "Balfour's Objections to Bergson's Philosophy."

Current Literature.

1912 Jan. "Bergson and Balfour discuss Philosophy." Review of Reviews.

1912 Jan. "The Soul" Educational Review 1912 Feb. "Is the Philosophy of Bergson that of a Charlatan?"

Current Literature 1912 Feb. "Bergson on Comedy" Living Age 1912 April "Bergson's Intuitional Philosophy justified by Sir Oliver Lodge." Current Literature.

1912 April "Laughter" Edinburgh Review 1912 April "Bergson Criticized." London Quarterly Review 1912 June "Laughter." North American Review.

"Modern Science and Bergson." Contemporary Review.

July "Creative Evolution." International Journal of Ethics.

"Pressing Forward into s.p.a.ce." Nation.

"Balfour and Bergson." Westminster Review.

Sept. "Prof. Henri Bergson." Open Court.

"Laughter." Dublin Review.

1913 Feb. "Eucken and Bergson." Independent.

"Bergson's Lectures." Outlook.

March "Bergson's New Idea of Evolution." Literary Digest.

"Bergson's Reception in America." Current Opinion.

"Visiting the French Philosopher." Literary Digest.

"The Jewishness of Bergson." Literary Digest.

"Bergson at the City College." Outlook.

1913 March "The Spiritual Philosopher." Review of Reviews.

April "Introduction to Metaphysics." Contemporary Review.

"Bergson and Eucken under Fire." Current Opinion.

Oct. "Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On." Independent.

"The Birth of a Dream." Independent.

"Bergson on Psychical Research." Educational Review.