A Wife's Cry - Chapter 24

Chapter 24

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I escaped.

It's Allen's fault, though. He wanted another round while I didn't want one more. How could he think of such stuff when his officemates have been waiting for him in the office for a meeting? I mean it's fine if he gets satisfied with the first round; but no, he just wouldn't stop until he's tired as f*ck or until I say so.

Slowly and smoothly I went out the shower room. I waited for my husband to wash his face with soap before I went out, so he wouldn't see me. Because I was in such a hurry, I mistakenly grabbed the bath towel instead of my silk robe. Then it's difficult to move having only the towel wrapped around my body; with just one wrong maneuver, I'd stand naked.

I prepared the breakfast table for him before I went to the living room to clean up the shattered gla.s.ses and scattered leftovers on the floor. Tsk, I thought the lampshade would be the last thing he'd ever break. But no; we're yet another gla.s.s short. If he wouldn't learn to control his emotions, I wouldn't be surprised if one day, it would just be the sofa that's left in our house as he might have broken everything else.

I was almost done cleaning up when I noticed Allen's cellphone on the center table lit up to a notification. I first peeked at our room upstairs before I turned my eyes back to the phone. I started feeling heebie-jeebies. It beats me, but since the incident about Lauren's email, I always feel paranoid whenever his phone lights up. It scares me. Now I know how he feels when someone sends me a message, and then confirm that it's from Zian. Kinda makes one lose his sanity!

So I placed the tray with the shattered pieces of gla.s.s on the center table, and then I picked his phone up to check who it was that sent him a message – it was from Ethan. If I'm not mistaken, he's one of my husband's college friends.

I kind of have breathed in relief knowing that the notification came from a man. Good thing it wasn't from Lauren; I really don't know what to do to her if she doesn't stop contacting my husband.

I was about to return the phone back to the table, but I suddenly had second thoughts. I shouldn't worry because the message wasn't from a woman, but I don't know; maybe it's my woman's instinct. The next thing I know, I already opened the message.

Allen. Lauren will be flying back to Madrid in a few days. There'll be a reunion. 4PM later at Spiral. You should come!

My hands went numb.

It took me quite a while before I gained my senses back. d.a.m.n it! They're going to see each other again!

I almost threw his cellphone back to the center table before I headed to the kitchen to get some water. I leaned onto the fridge, then I shut my eyes tight. I tried to control my emotions, but bulls.h.i.+t! What does that Lauren want? If she's leaving, then go! Why is there a need for a reunion? Isn't it enough that she's been with my husband for two weeks and she even dropped by his office for the watch?

Okay, fine. I understand that they're both from the same set of friends and they have been very close before they became exclusive. But seriously? Do they need to invite Allen to that reunion? I thought it's just Lauren that's insensitive; but no, it's everyone in their circle! They're all very inconsiderate! Allen is already married and they would still have the nerves to invite him to his ex-girlfriend's farewell party? Is that even right?! I'm ticking off!

I heard Allen's steps going downstairs.

I peeked at him as he sat down the sofa and wear his shoes. He's already in his office attire – slacks and long-sleeves.

Tsk! Then I stroked on my temples. Now what? He's leaving for work?

"He's only working, Vanessa. Just plain work." But sh*t! I can't help myself but feel paranoid! The farewell party for Lauren and they're reunion is later at 4. What if he gets the message then attend the party? They will see each other again! d.a.m.n! Why didn't I delete the message?! I shouldn't be worrying right now.

I s.h.i.+fted my eyes onto the wall clock – it's already 8:15AM and his meeting is at 10AM! He already told Dad he'll be late but will be right there, so he can't back out now. But what can I do? I'm scared… Or paranoid? I think that's the right term.

I do trust Allen. But what if I'm wrong? What if they forced my husband to come to Spiral? I really don't know how I'd feel if that happens. I can't stand to see him with another woman, especially his ex-girlfriend.

I think that's the reason why I can't let go of him - I know that I'd be hurt if he would be with another woman. I can't stand the thought of him being loved by somebody else, being taken care of, and being satisfied on bed. I want it to be me! Allen is only for me! He's under my property. Call me selfish, but that's how it's supposed to be.

I gathered all courage and walked towards him. Come what may! I don't care if he gets mad at me, or Dad, or his officemates. I don't want him to leave the house today. He should stay just right here! I need to make sure that he wouldn't see that woman again!

“Allen…” I called as I came in front of him.

Then he stopped tying up his shoelaces and looked up, “Yes?”

“Can you take a leave today? Just stay.” I said straightforwardly.

I noticed that he was stunned to my favor. Tsk, who wouldn't, though? I told him earlier to hurry up, then I would suddenly stop him from preparing. Deep inside, I know he would grant my request. He wants to make it up to me right? He wants us to be completely fine? The he has to agree.

He just made a half smirk, then he bowed his head down again to tie his shoelaces, “I can't, Vannie. Your dad is waiting for me in the office.”

I was down in the dumps.

He rejected me!

“Could you just tell them to reschedule your meeting tomorrow? Or the next day? Or next week?” I insisted.

Then he looked at me again, frowning. I think he's getting irate of me already.

“Why? Is there a problem, Vanessa?” He asked in a serious tone.

I looked to my left, “N-nothing. I… I just want you to stay here.”

He sighed. “I really can't. I will just go home early if you want.”

“H-how early?”

It took a while before he answered. He might have thought about it for a second, “I'll try to be here at 6PM.”

“6? Can it be earlier? Like 3PM?” I demanded, but he just gave me a look and shook his head.

“That's not possible, Van.”

I'm annoyed, tsk! I want to stamp my feet like a child being deprived of candies. I don't want him to leave! Why can't he understand that?

He was about to stand up, and d.a.m.n it, I couldn't think of any other way but this. He doesn't buy my sweet yearning, huh? Then with this, I'm certain he couldn't refuse me.

“Stay here, Allen.”

“Vanessa! You're being demanding–”

I didn't let him tie his shoes, but instead I seductively pulled the bath towel wrapped around my body. It fell down the floor, revealing me in my FULL NAKEDNESS.

His eyes bulged.

He was surprised. This is the first time I made the first move. Call me desperate, but if this is the only way I could stop him from leaving the house and seeing his ex-girlfriend, then so be it.

“Take me all day, Allen.”

Then he smirked, “All day?”

I gasped.

Wait. All day? Did I just say that? Sh*t, wrong choice of words! But okay; it's fine, for as long as he says yes to me. So I nodded in response to his question.

Suddenly, he leaned onto the sofa and crossed his arms, as if he's very much relaxed.

“Okay. Show me what you've got.” He naughtily ordered.

We were both catching our breaths. It was a nerve-wrecking climax! He had my entire body tremble. G.o.d, how I missed this – the feeling of satisfaction.

He withdrew and buried his face on my nape. He moved his body close to mine and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was both panting and sweating hard. Fair enough, I, who was only steady and still, gasped; hence, all the more for him who did all the work!

“That was so great, Van." He murmured.

I'm once again in seventh heaven. I wanted to respond to him, but I started to feel dazed. My eyes then felt heavy.

“Vanessa, don't sleep.”

Then I tried to open one of my eyes. But in just a few seconds of silence, I was dozing off.

“I-I'm not sleeping.” I lied.

Then, he embraced me from behind even tighter. I noticed he couldn't let go of me. He's being clingy and it's surprising. He has never been this showy before.  His hand moved to my stomach, straggled that part, and then said, “Vannie? Why does this take so much time to be filled in?”

My eyes squinted, “To be w-what?”

I was feeling very sleepy then. I really couldn't understand what he was saying; I just know that his hand was stroking my stomach.

“I want to have a baby, Van." And he buried his face deeper onto my nape. I can feel his warm breath. "A little you… Or a little me… Or both."

My lips drew a smile.

Who would've thought this tough guy knew how to be sweet? He has really changed. I can't help it, but I'm over the moon. It brought back the euphoria of being a teenager yet again.

I didn't expect those words from him. After almost two whole years of being married, it's just now that he mentioned about having a baby. Of course, I've been yearning for the same. I want to be the mother of his children - that's my dream! I want us to have a family of our own - a big one. When that day comes, we'll be in extreme bliss and I can't wait.

I held his hand, but I wasn't able to speak anymore. I was very sleepy and I was just fighting it off. More so, he might get angry if I won't listen to him.

I don't know, but I easily get worn out these days. My immunity seems to be weak. I think I need to start taking in some vitamins.

I reached onto his head and buried him deeper onto my neck. He sucked my sensitive skin, leaving me kiss marks.

I yawned, “I'm sleepy, Allen. C-could we rest for a while?” I asked as I couldn't stay awake any longer and he might just get frustrated.

“No.” He forbid. “You said ‘all day', remember? I want another one, Van. And then we'll rest.”

I wanted to laugh at him. He really took what I said seriously. I told him ‘all day‘, but I didn't say 'non-stop'.

We were both silent for seconds before he asked, “Are you really sleepy?”

I nodded.

He then took a deep breath, “Fine… I will let you rest.”

I smiled. Good thing he approved.

“I love you, Allen.” I murmured.

He hugged me tight and kissed my neck. He was saying something which I didn't grasp after I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to a doorbell from outside our house. I opened my eyes and peeked at the wall clock near the window - it's already 1 in the afternoon. We overslept! We weren't even able to eat lunch. But that's okay, at least my plan worked. I was able to prevent my husband from leaving the house.

I carefully turned to my side – my whole body was aching. My hands were also feeling numb as I didn't change position since I slept.

The doorbell rang once again.

Tsk, disturbing! I gently removed Allen's arm from above my waist and I slowly got up from the sofa so I won't wake him up. He's sleeping like a baby and his face looked so innocent. He seemed so tired.

I wore his polo and went out.

I saw a silver car and a lady in a dress behind our gate. My heart throbbed fast and I felt nervous. I know it's not Leila, because if it was her, she won't ring the doorbell anymore; she would only get inside without any hesitations.

I opened the gate and I ticked off after seeing who's outside.

D*mn it! I hindered my husband from going to that reunion, but here you are in front of our house!

Seriously, what do you want, Lauren?

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