A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - Chapter 1328

Chapter 1328

Chapter 1328 Musi Duke Loses Favor (2)

Xu Yuning didnt expect that Mu Xiaowu actually remembered her after she had been gone for so long.

She squatted down and reached out to touch Mu Xiaowus head.

She couldnt see it, and after feeling around for a while she couldnt find where it was.

Mu Xiaowu stared at Xu Yuning for a while, taking the initiative to stick out his tongue and licked the palm of Xu Yunings hand.

A little tickled, Xu Yuning couldnt help but smile, then smoothly touched Mu Xiaowus head and said, You really havent changed at all.

Mu Xiaowu acted as if she knew Xu Yuning was talking to her, giving a woof and wagging her tail.

The smile at the corner of Xu Yunings lips became a little more p.r.o.nounced, gently patting Mu Xiaowus head, Im happy that you still remember me.

Mu Sijiu raised an eyebrow, Mu Xiaowu doesnt just remember you, hes already identified with you.

Huh? Xu Yuning was clouded, What do you mean?

Musas.h.i.+ played it mysterious and didnt say anything.

In fact, he did not know how to tell Xu Yuning, since Xu Yuning lived in the Mu familys old house for a period of time, Mu Xiaowu is very exclusive of other women. Whenever someone approaches Mu s.h.i.+ju with evil intentions, Mu Xiaowu is always the first to protest, Woof woof woof barking at others, until the person is scared away.

So, it wasnt surprising at all that Mu Xiaowu remembered her.

If Mu Sijiu didnt say, Xu Yuning didnt ask, stood up, and touched the surroundings, Mu Sijiu, where are you?

Mu Sijun held Xu Yunings hand, Here.

Xu Yuning turned around and faced Mu Sijun, asking in confusion, How come Mu Xiaowu is in A city?

Mu Sijiu said without moving, We have to wait until you recover before we can go back to G City. We cant keep leaving Mu Xiaowu in the old mansion all the time, so we let Ah Guang bring it here.

Even if Mu Sijue didnt say it, Xu Yuning could guess that Mu Sijue had picked up Mu Xiaowu most of all because of her.

She didnt poke at it and nodded, Its quite nice to pick up Mu Xiaowu! Alright, lets go in. At the end, she didnt forget to greet Mu Xiaowu, Xiaowu, lets go.

Mu Sijue led Xu Yuning back to the house step by step, Mu Xiaowu rubbed his long legs to follow them, looking at Mu Sijue and Xu Yunings back, smiling like a silly angel.

Aunt Zhou was watering the greenery in the living room, and when she saw Mu Sijue and Xu Yuning come in, she smiled and said, Little Five has been over for a few days now, and it runs outside whenever it catches a chance, so it should be that its not adapting to the new environment. Now its good that you guys are back, it should be willing to stay here.

Why did it run outside? Xu Yuning squatted down just in time to touch Mu Xiaowus head, rubbed it vigorously, and asked, Mu Xiaowu, dont you like it here?

Auntie Zhou came over and said, Im sure I like it now! Saying this, she handed Mu Xiaowu a small snack, Xiaowu, be good, ah, well be living here from now on!


Mu Xiaowu obediently barked, as if agreeing to Aunt Zhous request.

Xu Yuning froze for a moment without a trace.

Auntie Zhou just said theyll live here from now on?

How is that possible?

Theyre not going back to G City?

Countless doubts swept over like dark clouds, but Xu Yuning didnt ask anything, instead acting as if he knew nothing.

If they really cant go back to G City, behind this, there must be a very complicated reason.

What that reason was she could probably guess.

If she had guessed correctly, now no matter what she asked, Mu Sijun would not tell her truthfully.

Anyway, she couldnt see and couldnt investigate in depth, and Mu Sijun could put it off in a few words, making her think that she was really overthinking things.

If she wants to know the truth, she has to pretend she doesnt know anything or find out anything first, wait until she recovers, and then slowly investigate.

At that time, the things that Mu Si Jiu had kept from her would be spread out in front of her one by one.

Xu Yuning organized his thoughts, stroked Mu Xiaowus head, and said with a smile, Xiaowu, listen to Auntie Zhou.

Mu Xiaowu didnt answer and rubbed Xu Yuning affectionately.

Xu Yuning froze, suddenly remembering Mu Mu.

When she was with Mu, Mu also liked to rub up against her and pamper her like this.

Mu Xiaowu was just like Mu Mu, trusting her and relying on her.

I wonder how Mu Mu is doing after returning to the US.

Was he having a good time, had he made new friends, had he stopped thinking about her so often?

She wasnt greedy, she just needed to know that Mu Mu was happy.

Mu Sijiu noticed Xu Yunings expression wasnt quite right and walked over to her, Thinking of Mu Mu?

Uh-huh. Xu Yuning didnt deny it, the corner of his lips hung a forced smile, Hes alone in the United States, I dont know if Kang Ruichengs people have taken good care of him

Mu Sijun took Xu Yunings hand, Follow me upstairs.

Xu Yuning followed Mu Sijun step by step, and finally, felt that Mu Sijun brought her into a room, but not a bedroom.

She took a deep breath and her voice became quizzical, The den? What did you bring me here for?

Relying on your nose to tell that this is a study? Mu Sijue looked at Xu Yuning playfully, Do you belong to Mu Xiaowu?

Xu Yuning slapped Mu Sijue, Youre the one who belongs to Mu Xiaowu! What did you bring me to the study for?

Ill show you something. Mousse said.

Xu Yuning was speechless for a while and reminded, Seventh Brother, I cant see anymore.

I can see. Muji Jiu opened his computer e-mail and went to his inbox to open an e-mail, I can read it to you.

You serve, of course Im happy to. Xu Yuning was still a little curious in the end, But what exactly is it?

Mu Sijiu said in a breezy manner, I know you cant let go of Mu Mu, so after the brat returned to the US, I asked people to keep an eye on his movements and report to me once every ten days. This morning, I just happened to receive the first report.

In other words, Mousseguy knows how Mu Mu is doing?

Xu Yunings gaze brightened instantly, grabbing Mu Sijues hand, Read it to me, how is Mu Mu in America?

Mu Sijiu knew that Xu Yuning was in a hurry, so he didnt deliberately make things difficult for her. Anyway, this number, he can first remember, later slowly and Xu Yuning count.

Next, Mu Sijiu told Xu Yuning truthfully about the situation after Mu Mus return to the United States.

The report mentions that two days before he first returned to the United States, Mu didnt seem to be in a very good mood, didnt want to go out, and refused to eat.

On the third day, he suddenly agreed to go to kindergarten and met a few new friends there and had a good time.

Every day after school for the past few days, Mu would play with her new friends, and on the weekends, she would visit one of them at home with some gifts, finish her homework together, and then play games together.

The report ends by saying that Mu Mu has readjusted to life in the United States, and that Rise is doing well and happy over there.

After Xu Yuning heard this, she was silent for a while, a layer of mist slowly floated out of her eyes, but soon, she forced back the tears.

Mu was doing well in America, wasnt that what she hoped for?

Mu Sijiu stroked Xu Yunings face, Now it seems that the brat is doing well in America, you dont need to cry.

Im not crying, Im happy. Xu Yuning squeezed out a smile and said, Its best that Mu Mu can adapt to life in America.

Theres another advantage whats happening in the country right now, he wont know about it at all. Mu Sijiu wiped the corner of Xu Yunings eyes, Dont cry, Bo Yan and Yue Chuan will come over at noon, and Jian An and Yun Yun will be with them, so if they see it, theyll think Im bullying you.

Janean and Yun Yun are they coming over? Xu Yuning was obviously surprised for a moment, her mood finally got a little better, breaking into a smile, Then Ill wait for them at home!

However, at this time, Lu Bo Yan had not yet woken up.

It was almost twelve noon before Lu Bo Yan opened his eyes, and the room was dim, like it was still light.

However, through the cracks in the curtains, it was easy to see that the sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly outside.

The room was quiet, with only the occasional tapping of the keyboard.

Lu Bo Yan sat up and looked over at the sound and saw Su Jian An sitting on the sofa with her laptop resting on her lap, she was staring at the computer screen without turning her eyes away from the screen, fully concentrating on what she was looking at.

Lu Bo Yan didnt need to guess that she was watching last nights news.

He got up and walked behind Su Jianan.

Su Jianan had already noticed Lu Bo Yan and was the first to speak out, Well, Im watching your news, be good and dont disturb me.

Lu Bo Yan raised an eyebrow, Im right behind you, why do you need to look at me from the internet?

Su Jianan froze for a moment and looked back at Lu Bo Yan, surprisingly not knowing how to retort.

Lu Buyan looked at Su Jianans computer screen, What did the report say?

Said your life ah, but Su Jianan mysteriously smiled, the follow-up you will never guess!

Lu Bo Yan answered, I cant guess, you can tell me.

Su Jianan originally wanted to whet Lu Bo Yans appet.i.te, but after hearing Lu Bo Yan say this, she suddenly felt that she would most likely not be able to eat.

She simply flashed the voting page to Lu Bo Yan: Here, this is the vote initiated by netizens in favor of you or Kang Ruicheng. Youve already gotten millions of votes, and Kang Ruichengs votes are still zero. Do you know why this is?

Lu Bo Yan didnt think twice: Im better looking?


Hey, how did Lu Bo Yan know?

Su Jianan suddenly suspected that her life might be magical.

Lu Bo Yan took the computer and looked at it, suddenly frowning.

Sujianans heart suddenly lifted, Whats wrong?

Why didnt you vote?

The page showed that Su Jianan could still vote. This meant that Su Jianan had watched half the day, but hadnt voted for him.

Millions of people have already voted for you. Su Jianan is serious and tries to convince Lu Boyan, Trust me, right now in this situation where you have the absolute advantage, this vote of mine doesnt matter at all.

Lu Bo Yan clearly disagreed with Su Jian Ans words.

He looked at Su Jianan: This kind of vote has no meaning to me. But since someone initiated it, your vote is the most important to me.