A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu - Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327

Chapter 1327: Mu Si Jue Lost Favor (1)

Right now, its supposed to be the best sunlight of the morning.

Xu Yuning opened her eyes, but there was still darkness in front of her.

She couldnt see, but, she could hear.

She could hear the sun on the leaves, the wheels running over the road, and the wind whistling through

A lot of sounds that she couldnt notice before, or didnt have time to notice, all poured into her eardrums at this moment, echoing clearly, forming a piece of music.

Mu Sijiu didnt hear Xu Yuning speak for a long time and thought she was sitting impatiently, telling her, Theres still a twenty-minute drive.

Theres no rush, you drive slowly. The corner of Xu Yunings lips rose in a shallow arc, I think this is pretty good right now!

Muji Jiu raised an eyebrow, skepticism in his tone, Where is it good?

Well , Xu Yuning mused for a moment and asked without answering, Do you think time pa.s.ses quickly, or slowly?

Mu Sijun inclined his head and glanced at Xu Yuning.

She sat in the pa.s.senger seat, smiling peacefully, looking extraordinarily serene. And before that hot-tempered, not moving to open kill Xu Yuning is a different person.

Mu Sijun had said that even if she was blind, she was still Xu Yuning.

However, being invisible finally brought Xu Yuning an impact.

After a while, Mu Sijiu said, When you hadnt come back yet, I spent days like years. But now, I feel that time is fast.

Xu Yuning froze.

Mu Sijiu answered too specifically, directly destroying her next words that seemed romantic.

Cough! In the end, Xu Yuning could only clear her throat and try to convince Mu Sijiu, Actually, when you feel time slowing down, you should learn to enjoy it!

The word enjoyment seems to have had little to do with Musas.h.i.+s life.

Mousseguy took the wheel, and the car turned a corner into the highway of the villa area.

Only then did Mousse ask, How do you enjoy it?

Just like I am now! Xu Yuning took a deep breath, his entire body looking extraordinarily relieved, I cant see anymore, but I hear a lot of voices that I wouldnt have paid attention to before, and I feel that the pace of life has slowed down. I no longer have to race to do something or try to hide something like I used to. I can live each day without slowing down and experience that feeling that time is completely mine, in other words, I can live well!

The corners of Mus.h.i.+ Jius lips rose slightly and he didnt say anything.

Xu Yuning pulled Mu Sijuns hand, How about it, do you want to experience it with me?

Not yet. Mu Sijiu said, After I take care of things in Kang Rui City, Ill let you live your life however you want.

Speaking of Kang Ruicheng , Xu Yunings tone was vaguely worried, I heard Mina say that Bo Yans ident.i.ty was exposed, are Bo Yan and Jian An okay?

Bo Yans ident.i.ty was exposed because Kang Ruichengs people were behind it. At the reception last night, Bo Yan admitted his birth in front of the reporters. Mu Sijuns tone is calm, You dont have to worry about him, this day will come sooner or later, he has long been mentally prepared.

Xu Yuning sighed in relief, nodded, and said, Thats good.

Actually , Mu Sijiu mused, then said, Ident.i.ty exposure is not all bad for Bo Yan.

What do you mean? Xu Yuning intuited that there must be something fishy in this, turning over to face Mu Sijiu, asking with gusto, Do you know something, or have you seen something?

Mousse did see something.

This morning, he took advantage of the time when Xu Yuning brushed his teeth and washed his face to browse the news online.

Unsurprisingly, Lu Bo Yans life is the biggest breaking point today.

The Tang familys media company, in its own news website to play a large happy news two words, notify the A city everyone, the year Lu lawyers wife and children not only did not commit suicide, but also live very well.

Coincidentally, at the same time, the A City Police Department released a message, publicly stating that there was something else fishy about the car accident case of Attorney Lu fifteen years ago. The police now suspect that the car accident back then was not a mere accident, but a well-planned murder. Effective immediately, the case of Mr. Lus car accident will be re-examined in accordance with judicial procedures.

The police made a promise that this time, they would find the real culprit who killed Mr. Luk and return justice to him.

Meanwhile, the police welcome eyewitnesses to the scene back then, as well as people in the know, to provide relevant information to the police.

Although there is no war, however, A-citizens have smelled the smoke.

Fifteen years ago, Mr. Lu sent Kang Chengtian to prison, and later, Mr. Lu was murdered and died. Fifteen years later, the two mens sons, again met in this city, in the shopping mall to start a game.

At this time, Lu Bo Yan suddenly publicized his life, and Kang Ruicheng happened to be controlled by the police on the charge of economic crimes.

No one believes its all just a coincidence.

Some people speculate that, perhaps, it was the Kang family that killed lawyer Lu back then, and that the clue to Kang Ruichengs economic crimes was provided to the police by Lu Bo Yan.

Lu Bo Yan wants to uncover the truth about his fathers car accident, so he must take revenge on Kang Ruicheng.

A poll was launched on Weibo asking netizens whether they would like to support Lu Bo Yan or Kang Ruicheng.

Unsurprisingly, online public opinion is almost overwhelmingly in favor of Lu Bo Yan, and some people have even spontaneously organized a Lu Bo Yan fan group to support Lu Bo Yan in his fight against Kang Ruicheng.

A few hours into the morning, Lu Bo Yan had gotten millions of votes, while Kang Ruichengs numbers were still a dismal zero.

As the saying goes, no comparison hurts.

Netizens have different reasons for supporting Lu Bo Yan.

Some people say that they support justice, so they are on Lu Bo Yans side.

More people say, mainly because Lu Bo Yan is so handsome, even if he is married and has a child, it can not stop their love for Lu Bo Yan, they do not support Lu Bo Yan do they support Kang Ruicheng?

On the internet, netizens were abuzz with antic.i.p.ation for Lu Bo Yan and Kang Ruicheng to stage a showdown of the century.

What netizens dont know is that Kang Ruichengs ident.i.ty isnt that simple, and this matter is far from what they think it is.

Mu Sijun told Xu Yuning what he had seen in a concise manner.

Wow , Xu Yuning could almost imagine what kind of a spectacle it was on the internet right now, Id like to partic.i.p.ate too.

Mu Sijiu glanced at Xu Yuning, Involved in what?

Of course its a vote! Xu Yuning was as excited as a child who saw something new, At such an important time, of course we have to vote for Bo Yan and support him unconditionally!

Mu Sijiu emptied a hand and knocked Xu Yunings head dissatisfiedly, Bo Yan already has the support of millions of people, dont you think you should support me even more?

Thinking about it, Xu Yuning sighed and said grudgingly, Okay, I can support you.

Satisfied, Mus.h.i.+ Jiu withdrew his hand and accelerated the speed of the car, and a few minutes later, the car stopped in front of the house.

He got out of the car first and went around to the pa.s.senger side, pulling open the door and about to carry Xu Yuning down.

Xu Yuning, as if she knew what Mu Sijun was going to do, raised her hand, signaling that there was no need, and said, You can just help me for a bit.

Muji: Why dont you let him hold it?

Before Mu Sijun could ask, Xu Yuning jumped the gun and explained, I still have at least half a year of not being able to see anything, I cant let you carry me every time I get in and out of the car, what if someone else drives me? Some simple little things, you let me learn to do it myself, I have no problem!

She didnt want to become an invalid, didnt want to completely become a burden to Mu Sijiu.

Mu Sijun touched Xu Yunings head, holding her up while telling her how to get down, and finally, leading her through the door.

Ah Guang did not know when to come, stood in the doorway and made an OK gesture to Mu Sijun, signaling that everything was ready.

Mu Siju held Xu Yuning, Lets go in.

Inside the house, the surprise prepared by Mu Sijiu is waiting for Xu Yuning.

The so-called surprise is Mu Xiaowu, and Mu Sijiu specially told Ah Guang to go back to G City to pick up Mu Xiaowu.

Mu Sijun could see that Xu Yuning wanted to go back to G City.

He couldnt bring Xu Yuning back to G City, but he could bring everything Xu Yuning liked from G City.

Mu Xiaowu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling gla.s.s window in the living room, saw Mu Siju and Xu Yuning, Woof woof barked twice, and excitedly jumped and circled around the house, seemingly looking for how to get out.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhou called Ah Guang over and said, Xiao Wu cant wait, take Xiao Wu out.

Good. Ah Guang stroked Mu Xiaowus head, Fifth Brother, go with your Brother Guang!

Ah Guang led Mu Xiaowu towards the door, at this time, Mu Sijun and Xu Yuning were only less than ten meters away from the door.

As soon as Mu Xiaowu arrived at the door, he broke away from Ah Guangs hand, barking woof woof woof and running wildly towards Mu s.h.i.+jue and Xu Yuning.

Xu Yuning had just heard the dog barking from afar and thought it was her hallucination, but now she could be sure that it wasnt a hallucination!

She pulled on Mu Sijuns hand, her voice unable to hide her excitement, Is it Mu Xiaowu? You brought it here?

Uh-huh. Musas.h.i.+ said faintly, Ah Guang brought it here.

Even though he couldnt see it, Xu Yuning couldnt help but smile.

Mu Xiaowu rushed over, directly pounced on Xu Yuning, surrounded Xu Yuning and rubbed and licked, intimate, completely ignoring the fact that Mu Sijue was his real master.

Ah Guang touched his nose and gloatingly reminded, Seventh Brother, youve fallen out of favor.

Mu Sijun gave Ah Guang an expressionless look, Youre so free that youre standing here studying my loss of favor?

Ah Guang sucked in a breath, and said busily, No, Im very busy, I still have a bunch of things to do today, I just came over to see Mu Xiaowu! After a pause, he then said, Seventh Brother, Sister Yuning, if theres nothing, Ill withdraw first!

After saying that, Light disappeared almost at the speed of light.

So close.

If he didnt withdraw, he would definitely be sent to Africa by Lord Musas.h.i.+!