Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1114 Inauguration Ceremony

Chapter 1114 Inauguration Ceremony

Chapter 1114: Chapter 1114 Inauguration Ceremony

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

In Skyplume Citys central office building, an inauguration ceremony buzzed with activity. Lu Yu, peering out of Zhao Qingyas office window, watched the flurry of workers below.

Must we make such a grand spectacle for this? he questioned, a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt in his voice.

Zhao Qingya, a confident smile gracing her lips, approached him. Absolutely! Deputy mayor is a prestigious position, and the ceremony deserves a touch of grandeur. Itll be ready soon. Get yourself prepped; youll be heading down for the official award ceremony. Ill personally present you with the Medal of Honor, and everyone will be eager to congratulate you.

Descending the stairs, Lu Yu found a fully adorned stage and a sea of facesthe citys staff a.s.sembled, antic.i.p.ation thick in the air.

Ready to take center stage and get this ceremony started? Zhao Qingya announced, leading the way towards the platform.

The audience settled in, with murmurs rippling through the crowd. Word on the street is were welcoming a new deputy mayor! Yeah, I heard. Such a sudden changewhered the old one go?

Beats me. Anyone know who the new one is?

An experienced, mature powerhouse, for sure!

No doubt! This quick turnover hints at someone extraordinary.

Maybe a retired general? Perfect blend of strength and experience.

Chuckles erupted. High positions like these are reserved for the elite, not some n.o.body.

The discussions grew animated. Zhao Qingya, taking center stage, cleared her throat to address the eager crowd. Lets commence the inauguration ceremony! I now invite the new deputy mayor to the stage to receive his well-deserved recognition.

A flurry of questions filled the air. Who is it? Male or female? Age? Forty, fifty at least, right?

Is he even here? I cant see him!

No recent powerhouses have arrived in the city Maybe a local? City Lord Yuan Huan fits the bill, wouldnt you say?

A light cough from Zhao Qingya redirected everyones attention. With great honor, lets welcome the new deputy mayor, Lu Yu!

As Lu Yu stepped onto the stage, the lively chatter screeched to a halt. The crowd gaped in stunned silence, a stark contrast to the earlier excitement.

Uhh Is that really him? Our deputy mayor? So young? What? Someone this young leading us? Can this be right? Probably lacks experience. Maybe we should reconsider?

Whyd Mayor Zhao promote him? Good looks?

Could be. District Head Zhao has been single for ages. Having a handsome young man by her side isnt out of the question.

So, no military achievements, no merit? Just looks? Thats terrifying! Mayor Zhaos making a huge mistake!

The whispers turned into grumbles. Frustration simmered in the air. Zhao Qingya, her face hardening, slammed her fist on the podium.

Silence! she boomed, her voice echoing through the hall. Enough with the baseless speculation!

Lu Yu has more than earned his position. You want proof of his merits? Then lend me your ears! Theres no reason to keep this under wraps anyway!

A hush fell over the crowd. Zhao Qingyas voice rang out, a question hanging heavy in the air.

Who among you remembers the Demon Lord Abysss army that invaded Skyplume City just two days ago?

The crowd murmured in agreement, their faces etched with concern.

They werent simply vanquished, Zhao Qingya clarified, her voice ringing with pride. They were anihilated entirely!

And who do we have to thank for this decisive victory? She continued, a dramatic pause hanging in the air. Neither Yuan Huan nor Li Tianen. It was none other than our brand new Deputy Mayor, Lu Yu! He single-handedly thwarted the enemys entire invasion!

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd.

Impossible! He did what?

One man against an entire Demon Lord Abyss army? Thats unbelievable!

Maybe the promotion rumors were true after all, but this sounds exaggerated!

Disbelief contorted the faces below the stage as they gawked at Lu Yu.

Seizing the moment, Zhao Qingya stepped forward, a gleaming medal held aloft.

Lu Yu, she declared, her voice warm and firm, as of today, you officially hold the esteemed position of Deputy Mayor. This grants you significant authority within the Patrol Departments Southwest Region. Youre empowered to address most matters at your discretion, and should disobedience arise, you have the full right to dismiss personnel without prior consultation.


Lu Yu offered a curt nod. Understood. Ill ensure matters are handled appropriately.

A wave of nervous tension washed over the audience.

Oh no, I said something awful earlier. Am I getting fired? One muttered to his neighbor.

Welcome, Deputy Mayor! Were huge fans! Another chimed in, his voice laced with forced enthusiasm.

I-I dont even know what to say, stammered another. Mr. Lu, you absolutely deserve this position!

Lu Yu surveyed the room, his expression calm and collected. Your previous discussions are of no consequence to me. However, moving forward, my word is law.

He paused, then cracked a sly smile. Disobedience carries two consequences, dismissal or a little spar with yours truly.

A collective gulp echoed through the hall. The age-old saying, A new official sets fire to three things, hung heavy in the air, and everyone feared becoming kindling.

Lu Yu turned back to Zhao Qingya with a playful glint in his eyes. It looks like theyve taken quite a s.h.i.+ne to me, wouldnt you say? Everyone seems quite enthusiastic.

Zhao Qingya cast a sidelong glance at the petrified crowd below. Uh thats not quite it, she stammered. Give them time, and theyll adjust.

Lu Yu shrugged nonchalantly. Then, I suppose this ceremony concludes?

Nearly, she clarified. The purpose was to establish your presence as the new leader. Now that your authority is clear, remember that power shouldnt be wielded recklessly. Ill inform you of any situations requiring your intervention.

Speaking of which, shouldnt I be shown to my office? After all, thats where Ill spend most of my time.

Lu Yu shook his head with a chuckle. Actually, no. I tend to make my own decisions. Sitting in an office all day isnt for me.

A hint of exasperation colored Zhao Qingyas voice. Very well then. But in the event of a disaster or invasion, I trust youll step in?

Now that, I can guarantee..