Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1112 Promotion

Chapter 1112 Promotion

Chapter 1112: Chapter 1112 Promotion

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhao Qingya wasted no time in making a decision.

Lu Yus strength had spoken for itself, and she needed someone capable in the deputy mayor position.

Alright then, she declared. Come to my office tomorrow. Ill hold a ceremony to introduce you to the Patrol Department members. Congratulations, Deputy Mayor Lu!

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. See you tomorrow.

A satisfied smile played on Zhao Qingyas lips before she turned and left the villa.

Hu Zhan watched her go, shaking his head with a chuckle. One battle, and youve become a whole new person in her eyes. You even agreed to the position so readilyit seems she holds you in high regard now.

Deputy Mayor Lu, huh? That puts you above me in both rank and power. Hu Zhan sighed playfully.

Lu Yu patted his shoulder rea.s.suringly. Isnt this a good thing? We can still build a strong friends.h.i.+p. In this system, having someone to watch your back is invaluable.

Hu Zhan scratched his head sheepishly. Look whos talking about watching whose back! My captain position is practically insignificant compared to yours now.

Enough chit-chat, Lu Yu declared, gesturing towards the dining room. Its getting late. Lets grab some dinner and call it a night. You need your rest.

The next morning, after a refres.h.i.+ng sleep, Lu Yu set out for the office district, heading towards Zhao Qingyas building.

Meanwhile, on the sixth floor, a heated argument erupted in Zhao Qingyas office.

Ms. Zhao! A furious man bellowed. This is unacceptable! I came in first thing this morning only to find out Ive been demoted? Explain yourself!

A demotion without a proper explanation? Who is this person taking my position? I never mentioned a promotion, so who suddenly deserves one?! Zhao Qingya remained calm behind her desk, facing the enraged figure.

Li, I understand your frustration, but my decision is final. You are no longer the deputy mayor. Youll be rea.s.signed to a ministerial-level position.

Why? Why should I be demoted after all my hard work? He roared, refusing to back down.

Because, Zhao Qingya explained firmly, the newly appointed individual has achieved far greater results and possesses superior strength. Their potential is undeniable, making them a more suitable candidate for the position.

Additionally, they volunteered for it.

Theyre ambitious, she continued, and their sights are set on the deputy mayor role. This is not up for debate.

The man remained unconvinced, frustration etched on his face. Who is this person? What right do they have to take my position? Is there something more to this? Is there a personal connection?

Zhao Qingya sighed, a hint of exasperation creeping into her voice. Youve been focused on internal matters lately, oblivious to external events.

Let me remind you, she continued. Yesterday, the Demon Lord Abyss launched a full-scale attack on Skyplume City. It was a major crisis.

The man acknowledged her point with a curt nod. Yes, Im aware. Youve been handling it, havent you? Resolved it already, I presume?

Zhao Qingya shook her head. Not quite. Our forces were ineffective against the enemy, pushed to the brink of defeat.

But the enemy vanished! They never even breached the city walls before disappearing entirely! The man exclaimed, utterly confused.

Yes, Zhao Qingya confirmed, its the young man you saw yesterday, Lu Yu.

He single-handedly vanquished the entire enemy army. And hes the one taking your place.

The mans jaw dropped. Alone an entire army? And he gets my position for it? Are you serious?

Zhao Qingya sighed, a hint of exasperation creeping into her voice. Absolutely.

Why would I lie about something this important?

The mans mind reeled. He took a deep breath, struggling to process the news. Given what youve described, he muttered, his voice devoid of its earlier bl.u.s.ter, he does have the qualifications to replace me

Exactly, Zhao Qingya said, hoping to ease the tension. So, I trust youll understand and cooperate with the transition. Otherwise, things could get messy.

The man, clearly defeated, nodded glumly. I understand. There is no point in arguing if someone more capable is here. Ill take my leave. Goodbye.

With a defeated expression, he turned and walked out, his shoulders slumping in dejection.

Zhao Qingya watched him go, a flicker of sympathy crossing her face. Such a young man; his future could have been brighter, she mused to herself, shaking her head.

Just then, her a.s.sistant burst through the door, a look of worry etched on her face. Mayor Zhao, bad news!

Calm down, Zhao Qingya soothed. Our biggest threat has been neutralized.

What else could possibly be so urgent?

Its the Xu Family, the a.s.sistant explained rapidly. Theyve sent a large force into Skyplume City, and it seems they have hostile intentions! Alarmed, Zhao Qingya sat up straighter. Explain further!

Apparently, the Xu Family has a grudge against Lu Yu, the a.s.sistant continued. They originally planned to extort him, but things went south, and one of their family members ended up dead.

That enraged the Xu Family, she elaborated, and now theyve dispatched a force exceeding three thousand men to Skyplume City, with their most powerful Dragon Trainer, Xu Hai, leading the charge. Its clear theyre here for Lu Yus blood!

Three thousand men and their strongest Dragon Trainer? Zhao Qingya repeated, her voice taut with worry.

Yes, Mayor, the a.s.sistant confirmed. Its a significant force.

A sly smile tugged at the corners of Zhao Qingyas lips. Heres what well do. Send an invitation to Xu Hai, requesting his presence at Lu Yus inauguration ceremony.

The a.s.sistants eyes widened in surprise. But Mayor, wouldnt that be unwise?

Hear me out, Zhao Qingya said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. Dont reveal Lu Yus ident.i.ty yet. Simply say hes a new arrival and invite Xu Hai to attend the ceremony in a show of support. If they know its Lu Yu from the get-go, theyll likely back out, creating more problems.

I see. The a.s.sistant nodded, catching on. So, we keep Lu Yus ident.i.ty under wraps and lure Xu Hai in with a false pretense?

Precisely, Zhao Qingya confirmed. Extend the invitation immediately.

With a newfound sense of purpose, the a.s.sistant hurried out of the office.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Skyplume City, the Xu Family forces had a.s.sembled at a ma.s.sive factory complex.

Xu Hai, their leader and most skilled Dragon Trainer, stood before the gathered troops, preparing to address them..