Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1103: Chapter 1013 The Might of a Divine Artifact

Chapter 1103: Chapter 1013 The Might of a Divine Artifact

Chapter 1103: Chapter 1013 The Might of a Divine Artifact

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Li Tianen and City Lord Yuan descended the stairs together. Li Tianen spotted

Lu Yu the moment they reached the doorway.

Lu Yu, youre still here? Cant seem to take a hint, can you? he bellowed.

Some kind of haunting spirit?

City Lord Yuan followed Li Tianens gaze and frowned upon seeing Lu Yu. He pointed a finger at him. Are you the one causing trouble for Li Tianen?

Just because you have some strength, boy, doesnt mean you can run rampant in Skyplume City! This is our territory, and we wont tolerate such atrocious behavior! City Lord Yuan boomed, radiating a powerful aura as he approached

Lu Yu shook his head, exasperation coloring his voice. Li Tianen must have filled your head with a web of lies, City Lord. But fret not, Ill explain everything. If my words fail to convince, Im open to other solutions.

City Lord Yuan stopped right in front of Lu Yu. Speak, young man. What is it you claim? That you slew the Giant Crocodile? Dont waste your breath, I wont believe such a blatant lie.

Cut the act, old man, Lu Yu countered. Heres a proposition: let Li Tianen and I spar. Whoever emerges victorious shall be recognized as the true slayer of the crocodile.

City Lord Yuan pivoted towards Li Tianen, a thoughtful look creasing his brow. We cant let him get away with such arrogance. Li Tianen, put him in his place with a spar.

Li Tianens face drained of color at the suggestion. He swallowed nervously. Deep down, he knew Lu Yu wasnt weak. A public spar could expose his lie if he lost, a risk he wasnt willing to take.

Theres no need for that, Li Tianen stammered, avoiding Lu Yus gaze. Its clear hes fabricating a story. The burden of proof lies with him, not me.

City Lord Yuan turned back to Lu Yu, his voice stern. Indeed, the onus of proof falls on you. What evidence can you offer to substantiate your claim of killing the Giant Crocodile? Li Tianen, on the other hand, has several witnesses.

Lu Yu threw his hands up in exasperation. Who are you two to demand proof of my innocence? This is absurd!

Very well, City Lord Yuan declared. Your refusal to provide evidence speaks volumes. Its apparent you concocted this lie to slander Li Tianen.

His voice boomed with authority. Therefore, Lu Yu, you are hereby barred from entering or leaving Skyplume City. You will leave, and never return!

Lu Yu met City Lord Yuans gaze unflinchingly. Why not a duel, then? he proposed. Li Tianen is hardly a challenge. You, on the other hand, might prove more interesting.

City Lord Yuan stumbled back, his eyes widening in disbelief. What? You dare challenge me, you insolent child? You want to spar after striking me? The audacity!

While I appreciate the lack of time on your hands, Lu Yu pressed on, if you lack alternative solutions, perhaps we should conclude this here. Youve issued your decreeleave Skyplume City.

He spread his palms nonchalantly. It wouldnt be a lengthy spar. Just one move, and itll be over. Less than a minute of your precious time.

Both City Lord Yuan and Li Tianen were speechless, staring at Lu Yu in stunned silence. Li Tianen narrowed his eyes, suspicion lacing his expression.

Do you even comprehend what youre saying, boy? he hissed.

City Lord Yuan placed a calming hand on Li Tianens shoulder. This young mans incessant hara.s.sment must be a sign of madness, he muttered.

The two of them burst into laughter, their amus.e.m.e.nt echoing through the hallway.

A lunatic! A lunatic! Li Tianen doubled over with laughter.

This guy must be delusional! Challenging you to a duel and spouting such nonsense! Its absolutely hilarious!

Where on earth does he get his nerve?

Suddenly, City Lord Yuans smile faltered as his gaze met Lu Yus unwavering stare. His expression turned stoic. Forget it, he dismissively muttered. A duel with you would be a waste of my time. As I said, its far too valuable.

Lu Yu remained composed as he unsheathed the Star Piercing Demonic Sword. This wont take long. Why the rush? he questioned.

Li Tianen, still chuckling, scoffed. Lu Yu, stop the act! City Lord Yuan isnt interested in a fight with someone like you. Dont you get it? You have no right to challenge him! He turned to City Lord Yuan, expecting agreement, but found him staring intently at Lu Yu, a flicker of surprise in his eyes.

City Lord Yuan, whats wrong? Speak up! Li Tianen urged, confused by the sudden silence. Why are you staring at him? Whats going on?

Ignoring him for a moment, City Lord Yuan pointed a shaky finger at Lu Yus weapon. That blade! That blade!

Li Tianen, still bewildered, followed the gesture. It does look special, Ill give you that. Maybe better quality, but

Before he could finish, City Lord Yuan spun around and landed a hefty slap on Li Tianens shoulder. You ignorant boy! he roared. All you do is train, neglecting even the most basic knowledge! You cant even recognize that weapon; you should donate your eyes!

Li Tianen blinked rapidly, darting his gaze between Lu Yu and the City Lord. City Lord Yuan, whats gotten into you?

The City Lords expression turned grave. Do you even know the term divine artifact?

Divine artifact? Of course I do! Its the highest tier of equipment, closest to G.o.dly power. Each one imbues its wielder with supreme divine might!

Precisely, City Lord Yuan confirmed, his eyes fixed on the Star Piercing Demonic Sword. That, in Lu Yus hand, is a divine artifact.

Li Tianens jaw slackened as he stumbled back a few steps, disbelief etched on his face. No that cant be true!

City Lord Yuan took a deep breath, his voice heavy with realization. I cant believe it either, but theres no mistaking it. A divine weaponan incredibly rare treasure. He turned a wary gaze towards Li Tianen. You, Li Tianen, have messed with the wrong person. Thankfully, I almost did too.

Lu Yus voice cut through the tension. You alreadv have, he stated calmlv.

Panic flooded City Lord Yuan, a sheen of sweat forming on his forehead. Lu

Mr. Lu Yu, theres room for discussion. Lets not escalate this, he stammered.

So, Lu Yu continued, his eyes unwavering, if I claim to be the one who slew the Giant Crocodile, who would you believe?

Without hesitation, City Lord Yuan glanced nervously at Li Tianen before turning back to Lu Yu. You, of course. Your strength speaks for itself, and now, with that weapon He trailed off, the implication clear.

Li Tianens heart hammered against his ribs, his body slick with cold sweat. Every muscle trembled with fear. Even with limited knowledge of divine artifacts, he understood their immense power. Escape felt like a distant dream; if Lu Yu wished him harm, there would be no defense. He was trapped in an icy prison of his own making..