Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1102: Meeting the City Lord

Chapter 1102: Meeting the City Lord

Chapter 1102: Meeting the City Lord


After Li Tianen stormed out, his pace quickened as he navigated the bustling streets towards the City Lords building. Lu Yu, with a sigh, had no choice but to follow.

While unconcerned with public perception, Lu Yu wasnt eager for unnecessary trouble. This man was clearly stirring the pot, and a misunderstanding could be messy. Dealing with Li Tianen and potentially the City Lord on top of it wasnt ideal. Becoming labeled a Great Demon King and ostracized by Skyplume City wasnt exactly on Lu Yus agenda. Stopping Li Tianen seemed like the only logical course of action.

Why are you following me? Li Tianen barked over his shoulder, irritation lacing his voice.

Who says Im following you? Lu Yu countered with feigned innocence. Im heading to the City Lords building as well.

Li Tianen scoffed. Dont play dumb. You wouldnt know the City Lord from a hole in the ground!

Lu Yu shrugged, a wry smile playing on his lips. Whats that got to do with it? Doesnt mean I cant visit.

And for what reason? Li Tianen pressed, suspicion coloring his expression.

Just a casual chat, Lu Yu offered nonchalantly. Is that a problem?

A chat? Dont think Im oblivious to your scheme. Youre going to try and spin some tale about slaying the Giant Crocodile. But dont waste your breath. The City Lord will see right through you. He only trusts me! Li Tianen declared with a boastful puff of his chest.

Oh really? Lu Yu raised an eyebrow. Then lets put that to the test, shall we? Since youre so confident, Ill go first.

With a decisive stride, Lu Yu bypa.s.sed Li Tianen, his pace noticeably picking up.

Li Tianens face contorted in fury. Veins bulged on his forehead as he clenched his fists, his breathing quickening. Lu Yu! Ever since you arrived in Skyplume City, youve been nothing but a thorn in my side! Ive had enough!

Lu Yu shot him a speechless look. What are you going on about? I barely know you. Youre the one constantly hara.s.sing me! My patience is wearing thin too.

Out of patience, are we? Li Tianen sneered. Fine! Well see what the City Lord has to say. Hell definitely choose to expel you from Skyplume City!

Fueled by anger and a desperate need to be the victor, Li Tianen pushed open the grand doors of the City Lords building and hurried inside.

He practically sprinted towards the front desk, where a stunning woman was just leaving.

Excuse me, arent you the City Lords a.s.sistant? Li Tianen queried hopefully.

The woman stopped and turned, a polite smile gracing her features. Indeed, I am. And you must be Li Tianen. Here to see the City Lord?

Yes, is he available?

He is, but youll want to be quick. He has a meeting scheduled for later.

Perfect, thank you. Ill keep it brief. Oh, and by the way, dont let this man in, Li Tianen said, pointing a sharp finger at Lu Yu who was just entering the building. Hes not affiliated with the city in any way. Security wont let him past anyway.

The a.s.sistant cast Lu Yu a curious glance. I dont recognize him, and he doesnt wear a city officials uniform. Security will definitely handle it. Go ahead, dont worry.

A triumphant smirk played on Li Tianens lips as he sauntered further into the building. Lu Yu, meanwhile, took in the sight of the imposing structure. It wasnt overly grand, just a st.u.r.dy six-story building constructed from red bricks.

In this empire, the architecture, while functional, lacked the grandeur of more advanced civilizations. It resembled the industrial era more than anything.

Lu Yu stood patiently by the door. Hed overheard the a.s.sistant mention the City Lords upcoming departure, and figured waiting wouldnt take too long.

Meanwhile, Li Tianen had already reached the City Lords office and knocked on the door.

Enter, came a voice from within.

Li Tianen walked in to find the City Lord, City Lord Yuan, standing by a floor-to-ceiling window, meticulously adjusting his tie. He turned with a warm smile.

Tianen, what brings you here?

A minor inquiry, City Lord. Whats on the agenda for your outing today?

Why, a celebratory ceremony in your honor, of course! Your conquest of the Giant Crocodile has eliminated a significant threat to Skyplume City. Well be hosting a banquet, inviting prominent figures from all walks of life to celebrate your accomplishment.

Li Tianens eyes gleamed. A celebration tonight? With all the VIPs?

Absolutely. Just wait patiently. Youll be notified when the time arrives. City Lord Yuan patted Li Tianens arm rea.s.suringly as he started towards the door.

Suddenly, Li Tianen grabbed his arm, a hint of panic in his voice. City Lord Yuan, I have something urgent to tell you. Its quite serious!

City Lord Yuan raised a curious eyebrow. Urgent? Is there anything you cant handle?

Well, Li Tianen stammered, a newcomer arrived in the city. He possesses considerable strength, rivaling even mine. The problem is, ever since his arrival, hes been antagonistic towards me. Its as if he holds some personal vendetta.

Why would that be?

Li Tianen threw his hands up in exasperation. Who knows? Maybe hes deranged! He seems to follow me around, and upon learning about my triumph over the Giant Crocodile, he even had the audacity to claim the feat himself!

Li Tianen let out a disdainful scoff. Can you believe the absurdity? The entire city knows it was I who slew the beast! Now he comes barging in, stealing credit like some common crook!

He clenched his fists, fuming. We need to teach this imposter a lesson!

City Lord Yuan listened intently. Hmm, this individual does sound rather outlandish. However, considering his strength is on par with yours, thats quite remarkable.

Indeed, the City Lord agreed, a rare find in these parts.

So, where is this imposter? City Lord Yuan inquired. Remember, Tianen, youre under my wing. Ill see to it that this is resolved.

Li Tianen hesitated for a moment. Hes downstairs. He followed me here, persisting in his fabricated story. Its maddening!

Downstairs, you say? This fellow truly has a nerve, showing such blatant disrespect towards my authority!

Dont worry, Ill confront him right away. If he persists with his lies, I wont hesitate to put him in his place. You have my colleagues downstairs to back you up, of course.

Exactly! A voice boomed from the hallway. Were all behind you! A head poked out briefly, then disappeared back into the corridor.

Li Tianen beamed at City Lord Yuan. Thank you for your unwavering support, City Lord. Eradicating this nuisance would be a tremendous favor.