Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1092 The Pursuer

Chapter 1092 The Pursuer

Chapter 1092: Chapter 1092 The Pursuer

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Lu Yu wasted no time, setting off for Jiang Lings address with Hu Zhan in tow. A brisk ten-minute walk brought them to their destination.

The villa before them was a sprawling estate, rich and magnificent. It was clear Jiang Lings family wielded considerable power in the city.

A luxurious carriage pulled up beside them as Lu Yu and Hu Zhan approached the grand entrance. Adorned in extravagant clothing, a young man emerged, carrying a beautifully wrapped box. The carriage was a marvel, adorned with glittering gems and exquisite talismansa testament to his wealthy background.

Hu Zhan, ever the social b.u.t.terfly, intercepted the young man. Greetings, mister. May I ask, whom are you visiting?

The young man, a.s.sessing Hu Zhans respectable attire, offered a confident smile. Why, Im here to see Miss Jiang Ling, of course. Ive been a persistent admirer for quite some time now. Hundreds of thousands of dragon coins spent, countless efforts made-you get the picture.

His gaze flickered at Lu Yu. Are you here for Miss Jiang Ling as well?

Hu Zhan chuckled. Indeed, we are. Both of us.

The young man, noticing their lack of accompanying gifts, let out a haughty laugh. If you gentlemen are vying for Miss Jiang Lings attention, a token of appreciation is a must. Otherwise, you wont even get past the doorstep, let alone an audience with her.

His voice dripped with disdain. My advice? Go back, prepare yourselves with a proper offering, and then consider returning.

He continued, a smug grin spreading across his face. Skyplume City is teeming with suitors vying for Jiang Lings heart. Honestly, gentlemen, you lack the necessary shall we say, polish, to even join the queue. Youll be relegated to mere spectators on the sidelines.

With that, he strode toward the entrance, greeted warmly by the guards who recognized him as Young Master Liu. He casually dismissed Lu Yu and Hu Zhan, boasting about his latest offering of jewelry, a mere token of his unwavering devotion, according to him.

The guard ushered him inside with a knowing smile. Glancing back at Lu Yu, Young Master Liu offered a final, dismissive wave. Go back and prepare yourselves slowly, fellas. No luck for you today.

Lu Yu, unfazed by the display, approached the guard himself. Excuse me, how long has Young Master Liu been courting Miss Jiang Ling?

Unimpressed by Lu Yus attire, the guard gave him a cursory glance. Two, maybe three years now.

Two or three years? Lu Yu echoed, a hint of surprise in his voice. That long, and still no success?

Well, no, the guard replied with a shrug. There are easily twenty to thirty suitors chasing after Miss Jiang Ling in this city. Young Master Liu is one of the more persistent ones. Just getting the chance to see her is an accomplishment, in a way.

I see, Lu Yu murmured, his eyes lingering on the closed gate. He sure brought a lot of expensive gifts for his visit.

The guard scoffed. Tens of thousands of dragon coins? Thats pocket change for someone like Miss Jiang. Those trinkets mean nothing to her.

So, hes got no chance? Lu Yu pressed.

Not unless he can overpower her or her bodyguard, the guard shrugged. The key lies in her battle pet dragon. It needs to be immensely strong. You see, women generally seek partners who surpa.s.s them. Miss Jiang is no different. Average men wont pique her interest.

Lu Yu nodded thoughtfully. She does seem rather haughty. However, Im not here to court her. I intend to take her on as a disciple and guide her cultivation.

The guards laughter was laced with scorn. Kid, youre a smooth talker; Ill give you that. But sweet words wont get you anywhere with Miss Jiang. You lack the pedigree and connections. Who even are you?

If you cant afford a decent gift, scram! He shooed them away impatiently.

Hu Zhan approached, a helpless smile plastered on his face. Seems weve been dismissed. This is Jiang Lings loss, truly. She doesnt hold a candle to Jiang Xun in terms of fortune.

Since were already here, lets explore a bit, Lu Yu countered. He reached into his pocket watch and retrieved a dazzling dragon crystal.

How about this as a calling card?

The guards eyes widened as the crystal s.h.i.+mmered in Lu Yus hand. Whoa, hold on! Is that a genuine Dazzling Dragon Crystal? Youre offering that as a gift?

He stared at Lu Yu, bewildered. Didnt expect you to be packing such heat! Thats exactly what Miss Jiang desires!

So can I go in? Lu Yu inquired.

Absolutely! Go right ahead. My ladys enjoying tea in the back garden. Follow the path, and youll find her.

Lu Yu pocketed the Dazzling Dragon Crystal and proceeded through the villa, eventually reaching a vast, flowery garden. The vibrant blooms resembled a breathtaking floral sea, with a pavilion nestled amidst its colorful embrace. From afar, Lu Yu spotted a captivating figure gracefully sipping tea within the pavilion.

A queue had already formed at the entrance. Five or six individuals entered one after another, each presenting their gifts to Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling, look what I found for you! It took ages to locate, and its incredibly valuable! A man exclaimed, approaching her with a nervous tremor in his voice. He couldnt muster the courage to meet her gaze; his eyes were fixated on her flawless, slightly flushed cheeks.

What treasure do you have? Jiang Ling inquired, her voice laced with indifference.

Behold! An ancient dragon scale, supposedly from a mighty dragon of old! Its a true rarity! The man proudly presented his offering.

Jiang Ling dismissed it with a dismissive wave. Spare me the theatrics. Another ordinary dragon scale trying to pa.s.s as something grand? Youre boring!

The man, dejected, mumbled an apology and slunk away.

The line continued to move, with various individuals entering the pavilion to present their gifts. Witnessing this spectacle, Lu Yu couldnt help but be taken aback. Jiang Ling truly embodied the persona of a pampered princess. Yet, considering her opulent surroundings and captivating beauty, her mult.i.tude of admirers was hardly surprising..