Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1091 The Genius of Skyplume City

Chapter 1091 The Genius of Skyplume City

Chapter 1091: Chapter 1091 The Genius of Skyplume City

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

As Lu Yu entered the villas front yard, he spotted Jiang Xun playfully interacting with the Frost Dragon.

The bond between man and dragon was visibly strengthening, suggesting a successful taming was on the horizon. However, Lu Yu felt they could progress even faster.

Jiang Xun, hows it going with the Frost Dragon? Any progress on taming him? Lu Yu asked, approaching them.

Jiang Xun stood up and met Lu Yu eagerly. Were almost there! The Frost Dragons temperament isnt as frosty as his name suggests. Its quite approachable, in fact. Weve even become friends!

It even helped me make iced juice this afternoon! Can you believe it? Jiang Xun exclaimed, raising a gla.s.s filled with a cool beverage.

Thats excellent progress, Lu Yu acknowledged. Keep at it. Taming an Elemental Dragon like this is a rare opportunity. Work hard, build a strong rapport with him, and itll lay a fantastic foundation for your future with the hunting team.

A hint of uncertainty flickered on Jiang Xuns face. Big Brother Lu, are you planning on keeping me on the hunting team?

Lu Yu chuckled. Isnt that a good thing? You can work hard, get promoted, and eventually secure a prestigious position. A higher status for you in the Ten Thousand Dragon Country reflects well on me; wouldnt you agree?

Jiang Xun nodded vigorously. I understand! Ill dedicate myself, climb the ranks, and repay you for everything! he declared with unwavering determination.

Lu Yu felt a surge of satisfaction. Hed recognized Jiang Xuns potential and loyalty from the beginning. In a new land with no established network, a reliable ally like Jiang Xun was invaluable here.

Excellent. Continue with the taming, and if you face any obstacles, dont hesitate to come to me or Uncle Hu Zhan for a.s.sistance. Lu Yu glanced at Hu Zhan, who appeared slightly surprised but quickly donned a friendly smile. Thats right, Jiang Xun; feel free to ask for help if needed, Hu Zhan confirmed.

Thank you! I will definitely work hard! Jiang Xun promised.

Lu Yu strolled across the front yard and entered the villa, sinking onto a sofa in the living room.

Lu Yu, Hu Zhan began, a hint of confusion in his voice, this young man isnt related to you by blood. Why go to such lengths for him?

Why not? Lu Yu countered. Isnt nurturing talent a worthy endeavor?

The Ten Thousand Dragon Country boasts numerous prodigies, Hu Zhan pointed out. Why invest in him specifically? Frankly, wouldnt it be more efficient to groom a gifted young disciple, perhaps even a talented woman who could combine strength-building with He trailed off with a knowing grin.

Lu Yu chuckled, shaking his head. You and your nonsense. Why would I need talent to cultivate someone? My own abilities suffice. What truly matters is his character.

The key here is his genuine grat.i.tude and desire to repay me. Hes someone who appreciates kindness, and thats the most crucial aspect.

Hu Zhans expression sobered at Lu Yus explanation. I understand your concern, he admitted. Building trust in a foreign land is indeed a challenge. No wonder youre invested in nurturing Jiang Xun. His loyalty is the most valuable a.s.set.

Speaking of nurturing geniuses, Hu Zhan continued, a hint of intrigue in his voice, are you open to considering others? Skyplume City is teeming with talented young individuals, many of whom have strong moral By cultivating them strategically, you could reap significant rewards in the future.

He leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. Imagine, one day, you could have legions of devoted disciples, solidifying your position as a top figure in the Ten Thousand Dragon Country!

Lu Yu smiled, a thoughtful frown creasing his forehead.

With his formidable strength, his collection of tamed dragons, and the three divine artifacts in his possession, he was undeniably the most powerful cultivator in the Ten Thousand Dragon Country, as far as he knew.

The possibility of hidden, superior beings existed, much like in the Ember Empire, but it was likely a remote chance.

Therefore, raw power wasnt a pressing concern. However, wielding influence within the empire held a certain allure.

The Ten Thousand Dragon Country, a haven for dragon tamers, was a place where Lu Yu craved a foothold.

Intriguing idea, Lu Yu conceded after a moments consideration. Perhaps I could observe and offer guidance to other talented individuals. While my expertise in dragon taming might be limited, I wouldnt be entirely unqualified.

Excellent notion, Hu Zhan enthused, nodding in agreement. In fact, the city is hosting a Battle Pet compet.i.tion in a few days.

This event attracts all the citys prodigies, each vying for the coveted first-place t.i.tle. The winner receives a mult.i.tude of privileges, making it a fiercely contested compet.i.tion.

Attending the event would be a perfect opportunity to witness these young geniuses in action and a.s.sess their potential for nurturing.

Suddenly, Hu Zhan reached for a newspaper and placed it before Lu Yu.

Take a look at this young lady, he said, pointing to a photograph. Her name is Jiang Ling. Considered one of Skyplume Citys most gifted dragon trainers, shes only seventeen and possesses exceptional beauty. Hailing from a n.o.ble family, she has captivated countless suitors, including young masters from prominent clans like the Xu Clan.

Lu Yu glanced at the photo. It depicted Jiang Ling astride a soaring dragon, her hair whipping in the wind. Her flawless face held a cool, determined expression, and her brows furrowed in concentration.

Jiang Ling, huh? Lu Yu mused. While I cant gauge much from a photo, she appears spirited but perhaps not overly approachable.

Skyplume City boasts a vast population, naturally harboring a significant number of gifted individuals, Hu Zhan remarked. Whenever you have free time, consider exploring the city and unearthing hidden talents. It could prove beneficial for both you and the hunting team, bolstering its ranks.

Contributing to the hunting team? Do you think Im that free?

Dont be modest, my friend. Were practically family now. As these individuals climb the ranks in the future, wouldnt they become valuable connections?

True, Lu Yu conceded, but wouldnt most be uninterested in official positions within the royal family, preferring freedom instead?

Well, normally they would be dispersed amongst various divisions, making it uncertain how many would end up on the hunting team.

Lu Yus gaze fixed on Jiang Lings photo in the newspaper. Where does she stay? Perhaps I could pay her a visit.

Hu Zhans eyes widened in surprise. Hold on, youre just going to walk up to her and try to recruit her? Just like that?

Well, Lu Yu shrugged, since I have nothing to do, it wouldnt hurt to try. I can a.s.sess her abilities firsthand. If she possesses genuine talent, I wouldnt hesitate to nurture her potential..