Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1082 Bringing Back the Target

Chapter 1082 Bringing Back the Target

Chapter 1082: Chapter 1082 Bringing Back the Target

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1082 Bringing Back the Target

Reaching the cave entrance, Lu Yu paused before cautiously stepping inside. He moved with deliberate silence, his left hand transforming into a flaming claw that illuminated the surroundings.

As he ventured deeper, a s.h.i.+vering figure huddled in a corner caught his eye. Lu Yu expanded the flame in his hand, filling the cave with light and revealing the Azure Water Dragon in all its glory.

It wasnt ma.s.sive, roughly the size of an adult elephant, but its unique features were unmistakable. Azure Water Dragons were known for their ability to continuously produce exceptionally pure water, making them prized companions for traveling n.o.bles.

Lu Yu approached the creature. Its body s.h.i.+mmered with a light blue hue, adorned with delicate scales. Its eyes, wider than Lu Yus fists, stared back with a mix of terror and confusion.

Are you injured? Lu Yu inquired curiously.

The Azure Water Dragon, lacking human-like intelligence, continued to cower in fear. However, upon closer inspection, Lu Yu noticed several small wounds marring its body.

These wounds appeared to be inflicted by claws, likely from predators like tigers, leopards, or wolves. It seemed this timid creature was even afraid of such relatively weak beasts. Perhaps it was precisely this fear that kept it safe and hidden in such a remote location.

As Lu Yu approached, the Nightmare Dragon couldnt help but pick up on the Azure Water Dragons escalating fear.

Reaching the creature, Lu Yu observed its trembling intensify. Despite its fear, it remained motionless, unwilling to engage in a fight.

Lu Yu extended a hand slowly, gently stroking its forehead. I dont mean to harm you, he a.s.sured the creature in a soothing voice. Im here to take you back.

His gentle tone seemed to ease the Azure Water Dragons anxiety. Its trembling subsided slightly, and its gaze softened a fraction.

Lu Yu continued stroking its forehead, rea.s.suringly saying, If you come with me willingly, I wont hurt you. Ill simply return you to your master.

Sensing a calming effect, Lu Yu stood up and took a few steps back, gesturing for the Azure Water Dragon to follow him out of the cave.

The creature cautiously rose and followed Lu Yu at a slow pace.

Emerging from the cave, Lu Yu and the Azure Water Dragon found themselves back in the dark forest. The unsettling darkness was naturally terrifying for a creature pampered since birth. The Azure Water Dragon whimpered, but Lu Yu ignored its cries and pressed on.

Left with no choice, the Azure Water Dragon followed behind Lu Yu. It felt an inexplicable connection with him, a kins.h.i.+p born from the blood flowing through Lu Yus veins. This strange kins.h.i.+p instilled a sense of trust, dispelling any potential rejection.

The Azure Water Dragon followed closely, occasionally glancing around with nervous eyes, never daring to stray far from Lu Yus side. Just like that, the man and the dragon embarked on their journey out of the Blackvvood Forest.

Just as they were about to leave the Blackwood Forest, a sudden burst of movement startled them. A black leopard, its muscular form barely concealed by the tall gra.s.s, launched itself at them.

The black panther locked its gaze on the Azure Water Dragon, its b.l.o.o.d.y maw agape, as if ready to devour its prey in one swift bite.

Despite the size advantagethe Azure Water Dragon dwarfed the black pantherfear overwhelmed the gentle creature. The predator sensed this potent c.o.c.ktail of terror and excitement emanating from the Azure Water Dragon, fueling its own predatory instincts.

With a ferocious growl, the black panther charged, its eyes gleaming with greed.

The Azure Water Dragon shrieked in alarm, a sound that sent birds scattering in all directions. It instinctively tried to dodge the attack.

In that critical moment, Lu Yu unleashed his Dragon Might!

A colossal figure, the embodiment of Lu Yus draconic power, materialized behind him. It roared, a sound that shook the very earth.

The black panther, utterly terrified, whimpered and tucked its tail between its legs. It retreated into the undergrowth with such haste that it wouldnt dare show its face again anytime soon.

The Azure Water Dragon remained frozen in shock, only calming down after the black panther had vanished. It then turned to Lu Yu, its gaze filled with newfound respect and grat.i.tude. It clearly understood that Lu Yu had saved its life.

With the threat neutralized, Lu Yu continued his journey back to Skyplume City, the Azure Water Dragon following docilely behind.

Meanwhile, in Blackwood Forest, Li Tianen led his team toward Blackwood Forest. The dense foliage shrouded the area in an unnatural darkness, broken only by the occasional flash of menacing red eyes and chilling cries that echoed through the trees. All these signs pointed towards the immense danger that lurked within.

Li Tianen gulped, dismounting from his horse and opting to proceed on foot. He addressed his team with forced bravado.

Everyone, youre the elite of my squad! Well conquer this quest together. No matter the reward, youll have it all. Now, lets give it our all!

His attempt at encouragement sounded hollow even to his own ears. Nonetheless, he pressed on, drawing his sword and cautiously scanning his surroundings.

Captain, one of his soldiers finally voiced his concern, this place gives me the creeps. We shouldnt linger. If we get surrounded by beasts, escape is our only option!

Nonsense! Of course I know the risks, Li Tianen snapped, gritting his teeth as he continued forward. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs sent s.h.i.+vers down his spine.

Their progress through Blackwood Forest was slow and arduous.

On the other side, Lu Yu had already emerged from the forest with the Azure

Water Dragon in tow. Their journey back to the city was swift. The Azure Water Dragon, overjoyed at its escape from Darkwood Forest, couldnt contain its happiness, its eyes crinkling with a wide smile.

A battle pet indeed, Lu Yu muttered with a hint of amus.e.m.e.nt, observing the Azure Water Dragons lack of combat prowess.

Reaching the city gate, Lu Yu spotted Hu Zhan sitting on a nearby tree stump. The moment Hu Zhan saw Lu Yus figure, he shot up from his seat, excitement coursing through him.

Lu Yu! You did it! You actually brought back the Azure Water Dragon! he exclaimed, disbelief tinging his voice. He hadnt expected Lu Yu to return so quickly, with the quest completed even before nightfall..