Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1081 Entering Blackwood Forest

Chapter 1081 Entering Blackwood Forest

Chapter 1081: Chapter 1081 Entering Blackwood Forest

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1081 Entering Blackwood Forest

After Lu Yu turned around and left, he immediately set off for the so-called Blackwood Forest.

With Hu Zhan leading the way, the two of them left Skyplume City together. After arriving outside the city, they stopped before a large tree.

Do you know how to get there? Lu Yu asked Hu Zhan.

I havent been there myself, Hu Zhan admitted awkwardly, but we can look at the map.

He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a map.

Arent you familiar with this place? Lu Yu raised an eyebrow.

Not at all. Hu Zhan chuckled nervously. Im not a local here. But follow the map, and well reach Blackwood Forest soon.

Lu Yu took the map from him but then waved it dismissively. Forget it. Ill go look for it myself. Just wait for me here. Ill definitely be back before night. Uh dont you need me anymore? Hu Zhan stammered, caught off guard.

Of course not, Lu Yu replied confidently. I can handle it alone. If I bring you along, it will waste my time. Swoos.h.!.+

A pair of dark dragon wings erupted from Lu Yus back, spreading out majestically.

After finis.h.i.+ng his sentence, Lu Yu flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

Hu Zhan stood rooted to the spot, watching Lu Yu disappear into the distance. He sighed helplessly.

Hes leaving just like that he muttered.

With a defeated shrug, Hu Zhan began to walk back towards the city gate.

Suddenly, a majestic figure emerged from the gate. Li Tianen, astride a white warhorse, approached slowly.

He spotted Hu Zhan immediately and let out a booming laugh.

Youre with that guy, Li Tianen said. Are you standing here waiting for him to set off? Unfortunately, youre already a step too late. My speed is definitely faster than yours.

I can see that you guys still arent professional enough. Since youve accepted the quest, you should set off immediately.

Hu Zhan looked up at him and asked. You dont think Im waiting for Lu Yu here, do you?

Li Tianen scoffed. Of course, isnt it? Otherwise, why are you standing here? Dont joke with me.

He smiled, but the amus.e.m.e.nt didnt reach his eyes. The compet.i.tive spirit burned brightly beneath the surface.

Hu Zhan spread his hands helplessly. I was left behind, he admitted with a bitter smile. Lu Yu went to complete his quest alone. To him, I was useless. If I followed him, I would only slow him down. So, he chose to act alone and let me come back on my own.

However, I think he can indeed complete the quest alone. I cant help much, so I came back.

Li Tianen raised an eyebrow. Hu Zhan, I remember that youre a Level 25 Dragon Trainer. Youre pretty strong, only a few levels lower than me. Youre not weak, so why cant you set off with him together?

His voice grew disdainful. I think hes too arrogant. If he wants to explore that place alone, its no different from courting death!

Hu Zhan smiled awkwardly. General Li Tianen, you know too little about him. But its okay. Youll know his strength when the quest is completed tonight.

Li Tianen snorted. I cant be bothered to talk nonsense with you. If you cant see whos stronger and whos weaker, then your eyesight has deteriorated.

He spurred his horse forward, his voice echoing. This quest, as well as the mission to annihilate the Venomous Dragon, I must complete them all. I must let Xu Lingyun and Zhao Qingya see me in a new light!

These two women have both strength, status, and beauty. As long as I can attract one of them, my status will rise along with it. I have to take down these two quests!

His words resonated through the air, revealing his determination to impress the two women.

Hu Zhan couldnt be bothered to waste his breath with Li Tianen. He plopped down on a nearby tree stump and settled into a bored wait.

The only option left was to wait for Lu Yus return. He firmly believed Lu Yu could complete the quest in a single day, returning well before nightfall.

Meanwhile, soaring through the air, Lu Yu quickly located Blackwood Forest. Lush greenery surrounded it, but Blackwood Forest itself stood out like spilled ink, staining a vast area with darkness.

It was impossible to see anything within; the entire region was cloaked in perpetual gloom, and even the sky above was perpetually shrouded in dark, unyielding clouds.

Locking onto his target, Lu Yu accelerated and dove directly toward Blackwood Forest. He descended rapidly, landing with a soft thud amidst a pile of fallen leaves that rustled under his feet.

Scanning his surroundings, Lu Yu found the light extremely dim, visibility barely reaching a few feet. It felt like venturing into a dense jungle at dusk, despite it being well past noon.

His eyes fell upon the black tree trunks, their surfaces covered in an a.s.sortment of mushrooms. No sign of animal life stirred within this eerie silence.

Cautiously, Lu Yu began to move forward, eyes peeled for any movement.

Nightmare Dragon, he spoke into his mind as he walked, report on the situation around us.

Yes, Master, the Nightmare Dragon responded. Very few spirit sources are scattered and weak in the vicinity. Some hidden places might hold powerful sources, likely harboring dangerous creatures. Its best to avoid them, though, of course, with your strength, Master, destroying them wouldnt be a problem.

As for the Azure Water Dragon, while I can sense its presence, I cant distinguish it from these other spirit sources. Theyre like stars in a dark universe; I can only perceive their brightness, not their details.

However, I did detect an immensely fearful mental signature.

Lu Yu frowned at this. Immensely fearful? Can you still sense emotions from spirit sources? he asked in surprise.

Certainly, Master. This source I detected was hiding in a corner, trembling in extreme terror, not daring to budge. Perhaps its the target, the Azure Water

Dragon, Master. We should investigate it.

Lu Yu nodded in agreement. Lead the way.

Certainly, Master. Follow the current direction and veer slightly left.

Lu Yu s.h.i.+fted his body accordingly. Alright, this seems like the right direction. Lets proceed. We should find the source soon, though theres no guarantee its the Azure Water Dragon.

Following the Nightmare Dragons guidance, Lu Yu continued his trek deeper into the forest. Soon, he spotted a cave, and the Nightmare Dragon spoke up again.

The cave ahead is the source of the spiritual energy, the one I scanned earlier..