Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1078 The Heart of Jealousy

Chapter 1078 The Heart of Jealousy

Chapter 1078: Chapter 1078 The Heart of Jealousy

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1078 The Heart of Jealousy

Li Tianen planted himself squarely in front of Zhao Qingya, his gaze unwavering. Miss Zhao, he began, his voice laced with feigned concern, you must consider this carefully. The badge is a symbol of the Empires glory, not to be bestowed lightly. As the mayor of a major district, wielding your

authority for personal gain would only sow discord.

Li Tianen, spare me the theatrics, Zhao Qingya countered sharply. The cla.s.sification of the quests outcome is entirely up to my discretion. Your interference is unnecessary.

Impatience flickered across Zhao Qingyas face.

Li Tianen, with a deep, dramatic breath, retreated to a corner, his back turned demonstratively. The surrounding crowd, cowed by his earlier outburst, remained silent, afraid to make a single sound.

Undeterred, Zhao Qingya proceeded to pin the badge onto Lu Yus chest. Henceforth, she declared, you are considered an honorary warrior of the Imperium. Your contribution to the Empire merits this recognition and reward.

This badge grants you exclusive benefits, such as access to special privileges at royal auctions and weapon shops. Treat it with respect.

Lu Yu acknowledged her words with a curt nod. I will.

A tense silence hung in the air. No one dared to express their approval, fearing Li Tianens wrath. His eyes swept across the crowd, a silent warning to anyone who dared to defy him.

I will dispatch someone to trace the Venomous Dragons trail, Zhao Qingya announced. Once we have a lead, Ill inform you, Lu Yu. Given your prior encounter, your experience would be invaluable.

At this, Li Tianen swiveled his head back, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Miss Zhao, why wasnt I informed about this? Is this some kind of favoritism? He demanded, his voice tinged with dissatisfaction.

Because you havent faced this creature before, Zhao Qingya explained. You lack the necessary experience and could potentially act rashly, endangering yourself.

Li Tianen bristled at this. What do you mean act rashly? Are you implying Im incompetent?

Not at all, Zhao Qingya rea.s.sured him. You are a highly skilled warrior who has served the Empire admirably on numerous occasions. However, regarding this specific task, Im inclined to entrust it to Lu Yu, if hes willing, of course.

Her gaze s.h.i.+fted towards Lu Yu, silently seeking his agreement.

Lu Yu offered a slight nod. I accept. Im prepared to take responsibility for this quest. If I manage to locate the dragon, I will engage it again and eliminate the threat.

A smile, laced with malice, stretched across Li Tianens face. Quite confident, arent we, Lu Yu? Just wait until you find yourself outmatched and whimpering for help.

Lu Yu cast him a disdainful glance. I have no time for your childish taunts. Im leaving now. Inform me if there are any developments.

Without another word, Lu Yu turned and exited the room.

Li Tianen watched Lu Yu depart, a growing unease settling within him. Who is this kid, anyway? This is my turf! Why is he suddenly stealing the spotlight?

Zhao Qingya sighed, her helplessness palpable. Enough with the dramatics, Li Tianen. The mission is open to you if you wish to take it on. Whoever eliminates the target first claims the glory. If my scouts locate the Venomous Dragon, youll be notified.

A smug laugh escaped Li Tianens lips. So you still acknowledge my strength, do you? If this quest had been mine from the beginning, it would have been resolved ages ago. All this wasted time truly frustrating.

As Lu Yu emerged from the crowd, Hu Zhan followed closely at his side.

It looks like theres no love lost between you and Li Tianen, Hu Zhan observed. Stealing his thunder might stir up some trouble for you.

Lu Yu chuckled. Let him come. Im not afraid of him.

Sure, I know that, Hu Zhan conceded. But a fight between you two could escalate quickly, and Li Tianen isnt exactly a n.o.body.

Lu Yu patted Hu Zhans shoulder rea.s.suringly. Dont worry about it. Go handle your business. Time for dinner.

Hu Zhan offered a helpless shrug. Youre far stronger than me. Guess Ill be following your lead in this team from now on.

Not necessarily, Lu Yu countered. As long as our overall goal is getting to the capital, I wouldnt mind helping you with quests. Besides, performing well reflects positively on me, making it easier to connect with higher-ups.

Alright, alright, Hu Zhan conceded with a grin. It seems like I still hold some weight as captain.

They continued their walk down the quiet path towards the villa. The villa complex wasnt bustling like the city center.

Upon returning, Lu Yu spotted Jiang Xun playing with the Frost Dragon in the courtyard. Though still a cub, the Frost Dragon was already the size of a tiger, dwarfing Jiang Xun standing beside it.

Thankfully, the Frost Dragon exhibited no hostility towards Jiang Xun. While they seemed to enjoy their playtime, taming the creature completely was another story.

Brother Lu Yu! Youre back! Jiang Xun exclaimed, rus.h.i.+ng towards him.

Big Brother Lu Yu, there was a big commotion in Skyplume City today! Wanna hear about it? Jiang Xun asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Let me guess, Lu Yu played along. A festival?

Nope, a big shot arrived!

The daughter of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber of Commerce president is in town! Everyones buzzing about her.

The daughter of the Heavenly Dragon Chamber of Commerce president is drop-dead gorgeous, has a killer figure, and is a high-level dragon trainer!

Shes practically a Level 30 Dragon Trainer!

Lu Yu acknowledged this with a nod. Level 30 at her age isnt bad at all.

Definitely impressive, Hu Zhan chimed in. Must have benefited from a lot of family resources to reach that level.

Did you get to see her? Lu Yu inquired, turning to Jiang Xun.

Yeah, for a brief moment before the crowd swarmed her. But man, is she ever pretty! Definitely a match for you, Brother Lu Yu!

Lu Yu chuckled, patting Jiang Xun on the shoulder. Dont be silly. I havent even met her, and youre already making comparisons.

Speaking of which, do you even have a girlfriend? Jiang Xun pressed.

Lu Yu playfully rubbed his head. Who do you think Im here for?

Ah, right, Jiang Xun acknowledged. But hey, if you have some free time, you should check her out. Apparently, shes in town to issue a high-paying quest. Skyplume City attracts a lot of skilled people, so thats why shes here.

Lu Yu nodded thoughtfully. I appreciate the offer, but money isnt my main concern. What I really need is a way to expedite my entry into the royal family..