Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1077 Arrogant and Overbearing

Chapter 1077 Arrogant and Overbearing

Chapter 1077: Chapter 1077 Arrogant and Overbearing

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1077 Arrogant and Overbearing

Zhao Qingyas a.s.sistant entered and briefed her on the progress of the quest.

Has the report arrived? Zhao Qingya inquired.

Yes, the a.s.sistant confirmed. I encountered both Hu Zhan and Lu Yu upon their return. The quest wasnt a complete successthey couldnt eliminate the enemy. However, they did manage to injure them, forcing a retreat. If the enemy chooses to withdraw now, theyre unlikely to return for a considerable time.

Zhao Qingya nodded in understanding. I see. While we havent definitively a.s.sessed his true potential, this can still be considered a mission accomplished.

A disdainful sneer contorted Li Tianens face at these words.

Is chasing the enemy away considered completing a quest? he scoffed. The objective was to eliminate the invading threat. Just driving them off hardly qualifies as success.

Such a task could be downgraded or even rea.s.signed to a group of hunters. All we need to do is send a messageSkyplume City is aware of their presence, and theyll be wise enough to flee.

So, does this const.i.tute quest completion? he pressed further.

Zhao Qingya offered a helpless shrug. I suppose it barely Hell receive his appropriate reward, and Ill a.s.sign him another quest to gauge his abilities.

That Lu Yu fellow, right? Theres no need for further testing. This quest alone makes his limitations abundantly clear. His strength simply isnt sufficient. Dont make hasty judgments, Zhao Qingya cautioned. Well wait and see.

Li Tianen shook his head in exasperation. Miss Zhao, why not allow me to handle this quest? Ill track down the enemy and deliver a decisive blow. Escape wont be an option for them.

That wouldnt be ideal. If word gets out that youve taken over the quest, it wouldnt look good.

Whats the harm? Ill keep a close eye on this situation. If I locate the enemy, I wont hesitate to engage them directly. He declared confidently.

Unfortunately, I currently lack their whereabouts. For now, I can only wait. The moment we have a lead, inform me immediately, and Ill set off.

A confident smile played on his lips.

Zhao Qingya offered a helpless nod. Alright then, I appreciate your a.s.sistance.

Eradicating this threat entirely would be a boon to Skyplume Citys safety. Over in the corner of the room, Hu Zhan chuckled as he leaned towards Lu Yu.

It seems he underestimated you, Lu Yu.

Maybe hes just trying to show off for Zhao Qingya.

Hu Zhan shook his head. No. Zhao Qingyas a few years older than him. Sure, shes still attractive and has a great figure, but Li Tianens surrounded by beautiful women.

Didnt you notice? When Li Tianen was boasting about completing the quest, his eyes were glued to Zhao Qingya. Her reaction mattered to him, not anyone elses. Its so obvious, and you still deny it?

Hu Zhan couldnt help but frown upon hearing this. From what youre saying, it seems youre right.

He stole a curious glance at the pair.

I should head over now and report on the quest.

Wait what if you get into a fight with Li Tianen? Hu Zhan stammered, a hint of fear creeping into his voice.

No worries, there wont be a fight. Dont fret; I know my limits, unless he deliberately provokes me.

With that, Lu Yu emerged from the crowd and approached Zhao Qingya.

A surprised smile lit up Zhao Qingyas face as she noticed Lu Yu approaching.

Lu Yu, youre here? When did you arrive? If Id known, I wouldve definitely come to greet you.

Lu Yu waved dismissively. No need for formalities. Im here to report on the quest.

Just then, Li Tianen materialized between them, effectively blocking Lu Yus path. A disingenuous smile played on his lips as he addressed Lu Yu. You must be Lu Yu, right?

Were already aware of the quests outcome. Theres no need to embellish the details, he a.s.serted, completely disregarding Lu Yu. His bravado was palpable, and Lu Yu wasnt oblivious to the source.

You failed the quest; you completely failed.

Testosterone was clearly coursing through Li Tianens veins, a desperate attempt to impress the woman he fancied.

Lu Yu remained unfazed. Im simply reporting on the quests completion. It doesnt concern you. He nudged Li Tianen aside and approached Zhao Qingya. During this mission, I discovered the enemys lair, where they unleashed magical creatures.

However, it wasnt a mere beast, but a dragon.

Zhao Qingyas brow furrowed. A dragon? Are you certain?

Absolutely, Lu Yu confirmed. We exchanged blows for a few rounds. While I managed to injure the creature, its owner intervened and facilitated their escape. Their escape methods were numerous, so pursuit was futile.

Li Tianen interjected with a cold sneer, So, youre admitting you couldnt catch them?

Ignoring him, Zhao Qingya pressed on. What kind of dragon was it? A Venomous Dragon, Lu Yu replied.

A Venomous Dragon?! Zhao Qingyas expression morphed into one of concern. Whats their plan? To use poison?

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. Indeed. Venomous Dragons are capable of producing Venom Ball Bombs. Upon detonation, they release a noxious cloud of poisonous fog laced with venom.

Anxiety etched itself into Zhao Qingyas features. Thats a dire situation! Skyplume City is sprawling with a dense population. Buildings and people are packed together. If even a few of those bombs were detonated, the consequences would beunimaginable!

s.h.i.+fting her gaze back to Lu Yu, she offered a grateful nod. Thank you for driving them away. The dragons strength is undeniable. An ordinary warrior wouldnt stand a chance. Only a Dragon Knight or a Dragon Trainer with a powerful dragon at their side could overpower a Venomous Dragon.

Therefore, I consider this quest a success. After all, the missions objective was to neutralize the threat to the city.

Lu Yu acknowledged her a.s.sessment with a slight nod.

Very well. Let me award you the badge.

Li Tianen bristled at this declaration. Absolutely not! He didnt complete the quest! he roared in protest..