"What's your name?" The man asked with a stern expression.
It's something I am even reluctant to show, but for the advancement of the Organization, I am willing to cause some stomachs to churn.
"Andrea." The rope-bound girl said shakily, her eyes wide with fear.
But you're gonna read it anyway.
"Aaahh!" The man intoned with a bit of hoa.r.s.eness in his voice. "Andrea! What a beautiful name!"
He says that all the time but not quite literally. Mary, Chris, Laura, Jean, Justin, Carol, Patricia, William. The man you see in front of you can still remember all these names like it all happened yesterday. However, he is a man who gets bored fast. Quite frankly, Andrea is boring him to death. The victim's resolute refusal to bow down to the very words of this man that we are seeing in front of us right now might have caused it. It might seem stupid to me, and it might even seem silly to you, but this is what this subject wanted. A person with the perfect body that would follow everything he would say with unconditional servitude, and he will make this happen without fail. After all, his pa.s.sion lies in making everyone whom he deems inferior bow down to his every word. That's why he's about to throw her to the trash where she belongs. They are garbage in his eyes, and when he's about to dispose of them, he says one last thing to them.
"Poor Andrea." He said, caressing her bleeding bruises.
Saying this doesn't bring that same feeling of euphoria he felt when he first laid eyes on her. It's just his way of finding closure. Before he finally puts an end to their relations.h.i.+p, he never fails to say that phrase to any woman! 'Poor, you.' he would say, replacing the word 'you' with his victim's name. In those moments, those last moments he would have with his fragile little victims, the man would very much wish to show the gentlest side of him. That's because when he says these words to his victim, it's game over for them. He would do this regardless of who they are, no matter what their background is, no matter what their gender is, and no matter what they do for a living. It would all end the same once he uttered those words.
They are going to die. They will die.
Just like Ms. Andrea, whom we just saw earlier, she will later be seen in a ditch somewhere outside of the small village with an abundant amount of s.e.m.e.n inside her genitals and the hole she uses to excrete waste. Bruises. Marks. Signs of a struggle. You will see a lot of this, and if you don't like it, ladies and gentlemen, well then, the door is open for you to leave. My team is only interested in people who want to talk about serious business.
That man you just saw is a person who kills and rapes people.
They all died. And if he has a knack for the murder business, then he might as well leave his day job, too, and consider doing this full-time.
Is there any underlying meaning behind it? Perhaps, he feels an unfathomable desire on the idea of death, and he envies the girls for finally reaching the inevitable destination he so eager to reach for a long time. Perhaps, he's just a deranged psychopath, and there is absolutely no meaning behind these. Only he knows.
Good day, ladies and gentlemen!
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I am V.
But I am more professionally known here in the Organization as the newly recruited Field Commander. I am the woman personally in charge of the Marching Band services after I was hired privately by the Man himself. Today, I will present to you what my team and I had gathered as the perfect subject for the one who would handle the selling of our merchandise.
That subject's name will be undisclosed for the time being, but for the purpose of this presentation, we will call him as Subject 1 or man, depending on the situation. Let me remind all of you that we based the quality of workers we are finding in that long month on the criteria that the Man had given us before the formal formation of the Marching Band services.
Looking at the PowerPoint presentation we had laid out, the Man had told us to seek a person who is pa.s.sionate, goal-oriented, unyielding, resilient, and more than anything, he wanted us to find a person who knows how to hide a secret. Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have found a perfect candidate.
Blood is poetry, and for him, nothing could cast better stanzas than the sight of a beautiful person. He will not stop until all women shed their blood to make the world's most celebrated poem!
One thing we know is that this man, whoever he might be, has been doing this for quite a long time. However, he had been much more active in his act of murderous aggression and s.e.xual tendencies towards people of his liking after the death of one of his only remaining family member, which is his sister.
After the events that unfolded after everyone else around him had either died or left him to his lonesome, Subject 1 realized that there is no stopping him now. Men and women, young and old, all felt terrified when it first happened. It was as if a thunder strike had erupted up in the sky on a bright Sunday morning. Their fear is very much understandable; when you live in this quiet village, you too would not believe your eyes when you saw blood splattered everywhere on the pavements of their beautiful town square. After all, the last time the villagers saw death is when their elder mayor, bless his soul, finally take the Grimm Reaper's hand to the other side.
That was the day he first unveiled to the world the depravity of his acts. None of them are all the wiser, for no one would honestly suspect a poor young orphan living in an isolated van in the middle of the woods at the foot of the mountain where their ancestors once wors.h.i.+pped many of their G.o.ds.
Ladies and gentlemen, after months of arduous field research on the other side of the door, in later slides, we will recount the many deaths Subject 1 had committed. He had committed all these crimes before his arrival in our realm for apparent reasons. Some of you might have probably already guessed how he came here without a proper members.h.i.+p. However, we would still tackle the causes as to how we managed to have him enter our realm later for the benefit of our newer and slower members who don't understand the requirements before one could be a part of this realm. Don't worry, ladies and gentlemen, we had ensured that he will not be a part of the others like him who are all up in the sky yet, for he is now in the care of my members before we decided his fate.
All of you may have already known this. Still, after our first research we conducted here last month, the Smiling-Men Capturers of the Marching Band services captured two girls in our behavioral experiment for the unveiling of our new lines of products in our new train services. However, it seems that we still need to work on that. Thus, for the time being, we will first focus our attention on the man of the hour. I am confident in my teammates, and I am sure that you will feel pleased after stepping out of this presentation with our findings in your mind.
Before the start of our recounting of his life a few weeks before stepping into our realm, we will first want to lay the foundations of our research. Our objective is to find a new perspective employee, seek a perfect face for our company, and to hire a man who met the standards of the Man.
With that out of the way, let me tell you the story of Subject 1 and Mary.