"What the h.e.l.l was that lame excuse you told Veronica about your stupid research?" He growled as I see his figure sticking out of the walls of my bathroom while trying to keep his balance so he wouldn't fall. He seemed like some sort mushroom sticking out and further sprouting forth on my wall. "There's nothing in this world far more important than me."
"Wh-what are you doing here?" I exclaimed as I turned my body to face him. "I wasn't lying!"
"I don't give a s.h.i.+t if you're lying! I should be your number one priority! That is non-negotiable!" He then pulled his other hand from out of my wall, and he used to grab hold of my shoulder as he stared at me with his star-like emerald eyes. "When I said you'll stay, your only job is to agree and stay!"
I took a step back, but I realized that there's no place for me to retreat, for there are only my sink and my mirror behind me, cornering me further to face what could be my Grimm Reaper.
"I'm so sorry!" I stuttered. "I'm so sorry, Ringmaster!"
"Don't call me that when you're with me!" He roared with the intensity of an angered chimera, spilling a few of his saliva on my face as he tried to articulate his words well, along with the burst of emotion in his heart. "You're gonna listen to me, and you're gonna listen well like a good boy, Timothy."
"Y-yes, Lucas!" I whimpered as I feel the weight of his arm on my shoulder, making my feet weak with fear. "I'm so sorry! I'll do better next time!"
"I expect you to be perfect every time!" He roared once again, but this time, I could sense a twinge of restraint in his tone. He then pulled his body forward using my shoulder and my shower pole, making it shake along the way. "You're perfect, and I expect your performance to be even better!"
I was speechless at what he just said. I am both afraid and overjoyed; it seemed like my emotions had pulled my thoughts away from my lips, making it impossible even to articulate a single phoneme. As Lucas pulled himself forward with the strength of his arm, he groaned until I see his left foot emerging from out of the wall.
"Agh! If only we still have a door available! Listen, Timothy! Your apartment is terrible; its garbage! I'm gonna buy a new one, and you're gonna allocate s.p.a.ce for two doorways from the Organization, understand?"
I nodded non-stop at high speed. I moved my head a bit to see what was behind Lucas and how he could enter through my wall because I am not at all aware that the Organization has an item that makes people pa.s.s through walls. I then realized that Lucas is coming from a square hole, no, a small pa.s.sage, like a window of some sort attached to the wall. He moved even further, entering through my cramp bathroom, using all the strength there is in his body. Since Lucas is rather bulky, perhaps because of the muscles Lucas has hidden beneath his usual uniform, both of us can't fit inside the bathroom. Thus he had to stick his face on my mirror hard, almost as if he's trying to bury his cheeks on it before Lucas could even pull his other foot from out of the small pa.s.sage where Lucas came from so he could reprimand me.
Finally, after gasping and panting a little bit, he grimaced at me once again. He grabbed on my nape, and forcefully pushed me out of the bathroom and threw me on the floor of my living room.
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"We're gonna have to do something about that att.i.tude of yours, because clearly, you don't know how to respect your superiors enough," Lucas said while pulling my hard to lead me towards the small couch near one of my small cabinets where I placed my mask on earlier.
"I'm so sorry, Lucas! It hurts, please stop! I will do better next time, I promise!" I pleaded at him as I crawled to follow him towards the couch, trying my hardest to lessen the pain on my scalp, but I am just a little boy, a weak child compared to a strong and physically superior man like Lucas.
"d.a.m.n right, you're sorry." Lucas then released my hair while exclaiming with a sarcastic tone as if to further sink my body on the floor. I quickly sighed as I felt a twinge of freedom when he released his grasp on my hair, but in all actuality, there is no such thing as freedom anymore as soon as I heard his voice. "I had to contact Gatekeeper just to give me that c.r.a.ppy window I used to come here, and what do I get? Are you purposely trying to embarra.s.s me, huh, boy?" He uttered while gasping as he sat on my couch before slapping my face hard with the back of his hand as I sat weakly on the cold floor. He sat on the sofa lazily with his feet open wide and his arms even wider as he placed them at the back of the couch.
I tried to stand up before giving a reply, but then, Lucas kicked the area between my thighs, causing me to kneel back again on the floor with my hands grasping my crotch. I could suddenly feel a sudden electric feeling rus.h.i.+ng from where Lucas kicked me, making me sink even deeper down the pain train as I feel my tears welling up on my eyes.
"Who said you could stand up, huh? You're still trying to humiliate me, boy?" He scowled as he unb.u.t.toned his vest and three b.u.t.tons from his collar downward before pulling it to reveal a bit of his puffed chest. "Is that what you want, huh? Is this how you want our partners.h.i.+p to be?"
"No!" I tried to yell, but what only came out of my lips was a restrained whisper as I feel the pain seething through the lower half of my body. "No, Lucas, I'm so sorry, Lucas!"
"Address me properly!"
"Yes, sir!"
"That's right, boy, don't you dare forget to respect me when we're alone ever again!" He said before flapping his collar to fan his sweaty chest. "Come here." He ordered while looking at me straight to my soul without looking away.
I couldn't help but feel weak in the presence of those eyes as I diverted my gaze away from him while crawling an inch forward to get closer to him. I then kneeled in front of him again, still with my hands in between my thighs.
I looked up at him to see what I should do again when I see his hand approaching my face before it hit my cheek as it resounded a loud bang when his hand contacted my skin. "I said, closer, boy, are you deaf?"
I raised the upper half of my body when his slap threw my body away, making me hit the floor. I then sniffed while looking down, gazing at a drop of blood on the floor. I then crawled again towards Lucas until I'm close enough that my face was just about a few centimeters away from his crotch.
He then placed his hands on my face, making me feel a ma.s.sive surge of electricity, way stronger than anything he had given me, surge upon my skin, heating me as if my veins were the insides of an electrical cord. He forcefully grabbed my face to make me face his direction as I feel the electricity scattering from my cheeks down to my neck. I tried my best to stay awake or sane enough to understand what Lucas wants me to do and stared right into his eyes. Oddly, I fear those eyes more than the power coming from out of his hands.
"Are you gonna disrespect me again, boy?" He asked as I see him grit his teeth with every word he says. Slowly, I feel my thoughts going blank and the only energy I have left is the ones I needed to hear Lucas, respond to what he has to say, and look at his face.
"No, sir."
"Are you willing to follow all of my orders now, huh?"
"Yes, sir."
"Who owns you?"
"You own me, sir."
"Say it louder, boy, I can't hear you!"
"You own me, sir!"
"Tell me how you feel about me."
"I love you, sir!"
"You love me, but you can't even follow a simple instruction I told you, huh?"
"I'm so sorry, sir!"
"Are you gonna obey everything I'll tell you from now on?"
"Everything you say, sir, I'm your property!"
"Say it again, boy! Say it like you're telling it to the world!"
"I am master Lucas' property, and I will obey and do everything he will tell me!"
"Tell me how you feel about me again, boy!"
"I love you, sir!"
"I love you, sir!"
"You're gonna have to do better than that, or else I'll leave you and make you forget everything about me."
"No, please, sir, don't leave me, sir, I love you so much, sir, please don't leave me, sir, I love you, sir, I love you, Master Lucas, sir, I love you, sir--"
He then took his hands off my face, and as he did so, every pain and every sizzling sensation creeping through my body. Suddenly, I felt every energy within me, disappearing in a flash, and I could finally feel the exhaustion conquering my weak and feeble body. I then felt a dizzying sensation, making my vision blurry, spiraling out of control along with my upper body as it circled in a back and forth motion. I felt every part of my body failing to respond appropriately to Lucas. My mind had been blank for a while now because of the punishment I endured from him. It seemed that my senses had surrendered completely to his will all over again. My head landed on the s.p.a.ce between his well-defined thighs.
Lucas then carried my limp and weak body, making me sit on top of his lap like a damp rag. I then fell on his chest with my head landing on his shoulder, making my lips touch his neck.
"You did well." He whispered as he patted my head. "You did great, Tim."
I tried to reply, but what I could only release a silent groan in response, trying so hard to thank him for the kindness he had given me today.
He then patted my head, gently scratching my scalp while playing with my thick locks of hair. "I'm sorry, Tim." He then pulled my body tightly towards his physique as he remained patting my head. "Did it hurt."
I then gulped on the remaining saliva on my mouth before answering in a coa.r.s.e voice, "... I'm... sorry... Lucas."
"Shh. It's gonna be okay now." He whispered like a silent lullaby. "Your hair is so beautiful. Don't let anyone pull this hair ever again unless it's me."
"Yes... sir..." I whispered weakly while I tried to kiss his neck. He continued patting my head while he held me tight on his arms.
"I see that you still have all of my pictures around your house just like I told you." He said while holding a picture frame with his image inside on his hands. "You did a great job, Tim."
"Thank... you..."
He then patted my back, which calmed my nerves down until I could only think about the way he touches and how secure I feel in his touch. "Listen, Tim; I want you to do something."
"I will do... anything..."
"I heard from Veronica that you would be the lead forensic pathologist for the gold men case?"
I nodded as a response with a soft whimper to show my agreement.
"I want you to do something for me. It's for the Organization. We need to stop them from knowing more about our products, or else we'll have to kill everybody."
I tried to reply that I will do everything he would tell me to do, but I couldn't utter a reply. Once again, my head has started to stop thinking like a blank slate, although I could still feel and sense everything around me. As my vision blur, the last thing I could feel was the warm embrace of the man who owns me as my consciousness sinks the primordial waters of my inner universe at long last to give myself a needed rest. I don't even care anymore about anything else. All I know is that I have served Lucas well, and now all is well.
Everything had stopped.
But I could still somehow hear everything around me.
The voices echoed; his voice echoed. "Don't worry. I'm here, and things are gonna be much faster this time. You don't have to wait for days, weeks, and months just to get the show you're finding. The wait is finally over for you. And you're gonna be here with me. With us. You'll be a part of us now, boy."
"What are you planning to do to him now, Luc?"
"Oh, Veronica, it's you. Huh, I don't know, really. I think I'll be looking after him more; tell everyone that I won't be able to come to the meeting. I have more pressing matters at hand."
"Timothy is much more important than the company?"
"Isn't he one of your failed experiments? Just throw him away--"
"No! The love capsule experiments failed, but I will not abandon, Timothy."
"Clearly. You're getting sidetracked. You need to explain this properly to everyone next time, and tell everyone in the board meeting that your little failed project is important to the plan."
"Timothy is not a failed project, Veronica! He's just... Ugh... It just had a different result. Instead of love, the product gives absolute obedience instead. Well, at least we have a product for that thing now. Our people in the field are researching it. It's not a failure. Just a different result."
"Psh, yeah, yeah! The camera guy is researching it, but
"Please do. I'll make it up to all of you. I promise."
"Hmph. I'm leaving. "
"Hey, Veronica."
"Thank you..."
"You made Timothy work on that case, so he would important to us, right? So they wouldn't dispose of him and throw his soul away."
"Hmph. I don't know what you're talking about."