Oh well. The only thing that matters now is the fact that the contestants of the cooking show are both starting to plate the meals they have oh so graciously prepared for this stupid bet.
Oh yeah, I remembered that there's going to be a judge. I wonder if it's going to be the other Crawler. I looked around me and saw no separate entryway for anyone to get into other than the two doors at the end of this narrow room and the two secret pa.s.sages on the wall. As I am contemplating the judging issue, I saw that Christopher finished preparing his dish first as I noticed that the policeman is still very nonchalantly making the dish boiling in his black cauldron.
"That smells nice," Christopher said as he looked at the side of the policeman. It seemed like the dish he had prepared for this compet.i.tion was already adequately laid out on a pure white gla.s.s plate.
"Thanks." The policeman said delightfully with a relaxed smile before uttering a chuckle. "Yours look great too. You must be a pro." He added as he scooped his dish using a ladle and placed it on a white porcelain bowl. He then looked at Christopher with his hands on his waist as he spoke with a nod. "I'm ready."
"Great!" Christopher said as he clapped his hands twice, which made the nurse and the salesman flinch. The two people then looked all around them with a clear look of confusion on their faces. The nurse then dropped her knives as her hands suddenly began to shake profusely. Meanwhile, the salesman merely looked around him with his hands tightly clenched as if he's preventing himself from puking.
Hmm? Is this the part where the judge comes out of nowhere or something?
However, no such thing happened. Instead, the two contestants raised their dishes and slowly turned their heads to face me with their still smoking hot meals on their hands. I then saw distorted smiles on their faces, which is enough to send tremors of fear all over my bounded body.
"Wh-what's up?" I said with a chuckle as I moved my body as far away from them as possible, but I just can't do that since the electric chair is glued on tightly on the floor. What the f.u.c.k!? How the f.u.c.k did this thing even got here? I could swear that it's not here earlier!
Suddenly, small square-shaped holes appeared on my sides. After a while, a loud hissing noise resounded with the deafening sound of a metallic beeping below the floor. While the chaotic noisecore music reverberated around me, I then saw two, white, thin coffee tables with circular surfaces ascended from the hole that appeared beside me. The porcelain coffee tables came out of the darkness lurking below us effortlessly, and from the looks of it, these things have been placed there for a very long time because there's dust, spider webs, and c.o.c.kroach eggs all around it.
Once the whole table fiasco was over, the two contestants swiftly came towards the porcelain tables around me and placed their dishes on it without even cleaning the d.a.m.n thing.
Wait a minute...
What is happening here?
Why are they looking at me with that stupid f.u.c.king smiles on their faces like they're about to rape a virgin high school girl or something? What the f.u.c.k is going on here!?
"Wh-what's going on, guys?" I said as I chuckled nervously while looking at the two dishes around me. They all look great, but holy f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t! After knowing that the d.a.m.n thing is made out of those slug people, the sight of these seemingly harmless dishes makes me wanna puke instead.
The smile on Christopher's face then changed into that of a blank expression before he started to roar out, "OKAY, IT'S TIME FOR DINNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!"
His scream echoed all over the room that it seemed like it had woken up one of the slug people on the ground. Contrary to my expectations, the nurse didn't kill the slimy man like what she had been doing in her little beast mode moment, which is a huge disappointment. She then shrieked after seeing the knives on her hands and dropped them instantly like she's utterly grossed out by the sight of it alone. Instead of doing another murder spree, she ran towards the salesman instead with a high pitched scream upon finally realizing the amount of death around her. No, really, she had just not realized that s.h.i.+t. Dumb b.i.t.c.h.
"What is the meaning of this?" I asked the two people standing around me with visible confusion as I saw them taking a moldy and dusty spoon that's hiding beneath the white coffee table.
"Didn't you hear what the gentleman said, father?" The policeman said with his usual crescent-shaped smirk, which sounded more like he's trying his hardest to stop himself from mocking me further than this. "It's time for dinner! YOUR dinner!" He said as he pointed his spoon at me before plunging it deep into his stew.
"That's right..." Christopher said as he squinted his dim eyes as I could see him visibly trying his hardest to keep his laughter within him. "... father."
"... are you saying I'm the judge?" I asked Christopher, who's standing before me with a perfectly straight posture.
"That's about right."
Christopher is clearly shocked upon seeing me losing my cool and cursing like that since he began to blink uncontrollably with a wave of perplexity covering his dumbfounded expression. He does not even wish to look at me anymore. Wordlessly, he cleared his throat and just continued to look at me with his mouth agape.
"Hey, hey, hey, father! Keep it chill, man! You've always been the chill one here; what's with all these rackets?" The policeman said with a mockingly gentle tone like he's talking to a girl in the club or something.
"I would retain my calmness, sure, if you decided to eat that garbage you've cooked for yourself," I said as I looked back at Christopher with an apparent look of condemnation written all over my face. I only have one message to him: I will make him die and pull his soul back to the earth again just so I can kill him again before doing that same s.h.i.+t over and over again until we're both sick of it. I then looked back at the policeman with a clearly indignant expression. "If you won't do that, then no thank you."
"You don't get to dictate the rules, father!" The policeman said as he raised his spoon from his bowl to reveal a piece of sliced meat swimming on a brown sauce. "You know what this dish has in it other than those f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t on the ground right now? It's simple really: olive oil, carrots, diced onion, and of course, looooooove!" The policeman said as he looked at the mold sitting on the arc of his spoon while more brown sauce dripped out of it, falling towards the bowl before him. "The rules are simple. The sacrifice will get to be the judge, and that's it! NOW OPEN UP, FATHER!"
The policeman then grabbed my chin and pulled it to force my mouth to open as wide as it possibly can. The policeman then plunged his spoon deep into my mouth until it reached my throat.
"Is it good? IT'S GOOD ISN'T IT!? YOU LIKE IT, RIGHT?" The policeman then laughed heartily as he moved his spoon in and out of my mouth like he's using it to brush my teeth. After that, he pulled the spoon out of my mouth and dropped it onto his bowl, letting it sink deep into the sauce until I couldn't see it anymore. "It's your turn now, man." The policeman said while looking at Christopher with his hands on his chest.
"Erm... uh..." Christopher said as he saw how I forcefully gulped down the meat that the policeman had stuck in my throat. He then looked at the steak on his plate with a pang of both regret and worry.
"What's the matter, man?" The policeman said with a disgusted scowl. "If you can't do it..." He said as he walked briskly towards Christopher's side. The muscled policeman then pushed my family's loyal servant and took the steak on the plate with his bare hands. "THEN I'LL DO IT MYSELF!" The policeman then grabbed my face and smashed the steak into my face, not even putting it inside of my face. He's literally just shoving it on my face. Is he expecting my pores to eat it?
Christopher then sighed while looking at this pathetic sight. He then tapped the policeman's shoulder. "Clearly, the priest doesn't want to eat my dish even when he very willingly ate yours." When he did so, the servant took a minigun on his back pocket, which made the policeman panic for a bit, so he took his hands off me and stepped away from Christopher. "You won!" Christopher then pointed the barrel of the minigun on his temples and pulled the trigger just like that.
The policeman just looked at Christopher fall into the ground with his gaze rooted at the hole on the side of his opponent's head. Meanwhile, I heard the nurse scream when the loud sound of the gun resounded throughout the air.
"Haha..." The policeman then threw Christopher's steak on the hole on his head. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He continued on with his hands outstretched while his upper body was leaning back.