All I know for sure is that the nurse and the salesman are all looking around them as countless still living people started to climb out of the open pa.s.sage on the wall like slime creatures. Their bones and blood and innards are all mashed together into an incohesive mess that almost looked like a postmodern art project critiquing the sliminess of reality or some similar pretentious modern bulls.h.i.+t. I could see one of those slimy-looking men crawl towards Kirstel and Francis like they cling to the remaining hope they have to remain living in this world. Their bloodied and mangled bodies are mixed with the s.h.i.+t on the floor, the grease on their bodies, and the p.i.s.s scattered about. Meanwhile, their bones stick out of their crushed muscles, making them all look like slimy uncooked chicken wings.
"Greeaagghhh... hrraaghh..." one of the crawling men said as he extended his arms towards the salesman and the nurse.
"Get the f.u.c.k away from me!" The salesman said as he pushed the nurse behind him to hide her away from this crawling monstrosity.
"Heel... eeelllpp..." One of the crawling men uttered in a weak and raspy voice, which made me feel like something was clawing right inside of the slimy man's throat.
"STAY AWAY! STAY AWAY FROM MEEEE!" The nurse said in his excruciating high-pitched voice as he smashes her hands on the sweaty back of the salesman.
More and more men started to crawl out of the wall, leaving trails of black and red all over the floor as they all reached out towards the trembling nurse and salesman. These f.u.c.ked up people that came out of the wall had faces that are barely recognizable and bodies that are so mushy and mangled up that it can't even be considered human-like anymore. They all looked like slimes that had come out of their only for us to find out that they're covered in this sticky red and black bile.
While still in the middle of cooking, Christopher saw this, seemingly troubled that the panicked faces of Kirstel and Francis are disturbing his peaceful moment while cooking with the policeman. He then gently threw a sharp knife towards the direction of the salesman and the nurse with a playful smile.
"Just use that to kill them if you like!" Christopher said as he continued cooking his meal again, not anymore disturbed by the wailings and groaning all around him.
"Are you insane!? You want me to kill them!?" The salesman said as he walked back into the corner of the room with the nurse hiding behind him. "YOU'RE A f.u.c.kING PSYCHO! THE TWO OF YOU ARE PSYCHOS! YOU'RE INSANE!"
"Oh, grow up, man!" The policeman said while doing something with his pan. I can't quite see it, but it looks like he's doing some kind of saucy dish? "Those people are already dead! They will die once we leave this place! What's the worst that could happen!? Just f.u.c.king use your knife and end their suffering already! I bet that's what they want you to do anyway! So help yourself, please! Kill them! They're already dead!" The policeman then pointed his hand towards the knife on the floor. "Kill them!" He repeated with a tone that both sounded condescending and impatient.
Francis wanted to say something as a reb.u.t.tal to what the policeman had just said. However, before he could utter a single syllable, the nurse had already run towards the knife. She then let out a harrowing scream, which sounded a whole lot like a pig being slaughtered mixed with the sound that an old car engine makes. Kirstel then knelt on the floor while pointing the sharp knife towards the almost brainless slug creatures on the floor. The d.a.m.n dying men are still approaching her, probably because they can't hear or see everything around them anymore.
"C-calm down, Kirstel!" Francis said as he rushed towards the trembling Kirstel, who's still trembling on the floor with a knife on her hands, pointed at the approaching slugs. "This is not like you! Don't do what that b.a.s.t.a.r.d is telling your head! We've already gone past that; we're better now! We don't blindly follow people's orders anymore! That's not how we are now after we left that cult! We're better now, Kirstel! Don't waste that!"
"We're better..." The nurse slowly whispered as she listened to what the salesman had just said. However, her tight grip around the hilt of the knife never loosened as she continued to point the d.a.m.n thing towards the crawling slug men on the ground.
Francis then wrapped his sweaty hands around the trembling shoulders of Kirstel. "Yes..." He gently whispered with a relaxed smile as he pulled the nurse towards his wet chest. "Yes, we're better now..." He reiterated with a smile as tears started to well upon his face.
After hearing this, the nurse suddenly gritted her teeth loudly, making me hear the sound of it gnas.h.i.+ng together as if it's being ground into a pulp. Kirstel then screamed loudly as she very meekly slashed the knife she's holding towards the puddle of sweat in between Francis' Luckily, the salesman managed to see through this and avoid the nurse's strike before it reaches his skin. However, it was still enough to leave a visible tear around the upper left side of his clothes. The nurse, in a maddened frenzy, slashed her weapon around like she's desperately trying to scar the air surrounding her. She then screeched like a trapped banshee while moving her head about in the same rapid motion of her arms, making her hair cover the entirety of her face that's already wet with sweat.
Suddenly, a slug man had finally managed to approach her, but before it could even touch the nurse's bare thighs, Kirstel had already plunged her knife deep into the slimy man's head, killing him effortlessly.
"THAT'S EXACTLY WHY WE'RE f.u.c.kING HERE, YOU f.u.c.kING FAT f.u.c.k!" The nurse said while looking at the salesman with unequivocal condemnation written all over her disgusted scowl. Her reddened eyes then continued to show a flaming fury as she pulled the knife out of the slug man's head with the greatest of ease. "I AM SUFFERING IN THIS GARBAGE HEAP WITH A f.u.c.kING UGLY f.u.c.k LIKE YOU, AND EVERYONE ELSE JUST EXPECTS ME TO TAKE IT! I'M DONE! I'M f.u.c.kING DONE; I'M f.u.c.kING OVER IT--NO MORE! IF THE PRICE OF BEING BETTER IS TO BE IN THIS s.h.i.+TTY f.u.c.kING PLACE, THEN I WISH I DIDN'T LEAVE PLURAL HEIGHTS INSTEAD AND JUST STAYED ON MY MANSION WITH MY HUSBAND AND MY TWO LOVELY KIDS AND MY AMAZING CAREER AND... AND... and..."
"I-it's okay, Kirstel... breathe..." The salesman uttered weakly as he waved his hands towards the nurse with a panicked and saddened expression. He doesn't seem to mind how the nurse had almost murdered him earlier.
However, the nurse doesn't give a s.h.i.+t about him anymore and just started going berserk all over the place. She crawled from one play to another, stabbing all around her and digging her knife into the slug men's heads like she's playing whack-mole. Blood, sweat, tears, p.i.s.s, s.h.i.+t, and bile then splattered all over her white uniform as she continued to stab, stab, stab, stab, f.u.c.kING STAB everything around her that would lock contact with her eyes. I was even already starting to feel partly scared that she might see me and start running like she's in a marathon towards my bound body just so she could kill me too.
"Look at her go!" The policeman uttered as she continued to go about his business on the table, cooking away while the nurse went on her merry way to murder everyone and everything in the immediate vicinity. He then laughed out loud while in the middle of cooking as he stared at the way the nurse screeched while plunging her knife onto the slug men's heads.
Christopher remained quiet while listening to the policeman's hearty laugh. It seemed that he would rather focus on his dish than to get on the policeman's comedy trip. Meanwhile, I just sat there, completely f.u.c.king bored while waiting for these two people to unbound me and move on to the next area already. I'm already getting bored. Why am I even placed here? How f.u.c.king unfair! How come those two people get to stay there and kill to their heart content!
The policeman then threw his knife towards the salesman, sending a loud metallic clanking sound all over the room. "Go on now, pal! Get on with the party too!"
However, the salesman just decided to walk back while shaking his head as he glared at the knife on the floor. After a while, the nurse noticed the second weapon sitting there and took it without a second thought as she continued to hack and stab every head around her, dead or alive, using both her hands.