Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Hurricane Pirates

"War?" Rand froze for a moment.

"Yeah, he's crazy." Xinran looked at Wang Ye.

Although Wang Ye said 30% chance, she didn't think there was even a 50% chance.

That is a dark energy level powerhouse!

There is a qualitative difference from the universe-level powerhouse!

Not to mention that there are team leaders who are as strong as Lu Jie, but with stronger dark energy equipment.

Plus twenty-seven players who are basically high-level cosmic powerhouses.

The strength of the Monroe Star Guard can almost be said to be crushed.

"Great!" Rand clenched his fists, eyes full of fighting spirit: "Finally, I have a chance to take revenge."

Meng Luo Tieshan's death left many regrets in his heart.

If he was stronger than now, Iron Mountain might not have died.

but no if.

All he can do is practice hard, wait for the opportunity, and hope that one day he can avenge Tieshan.

I didn't expect this day to come so soon!

Xinran looked at the two with her beautiful eyes.

Are all the humans in Blue Star so crazy?

Almost blind self-confidence.

But this kind of indomitable emotion is really touching.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Xinran looked at the two of them.

"Is there a way for us to enter the Honghe virtual network?" Wang Ye looked at Xinran, his pupils changed suddenly, and switched to Lingling's control in an instant.

He could feel Xinran's sincerity.

But need to be more certain.

"It is necessary to bind identity information, confirm consciousness, and triple verification of the universe bank before entering." Xinran said: "The possibility of using the spirit technique, control technique, and enslavement technique to enter is eliminated."

Didn't lie.

The Honghe virtual network, including the virtual networks of other cosmic countries, is a part of the human virtual universe, storing the civilization and knowledge crystallization of the human universe, and the management is extremely strict.

"I need to learn cosmic-level supernatural powers. Is there any way?" Wang Ye asked.

"One Strike, Virtual Image, Control, Origin, Weak Core, which one should you learn?" Xinran asked.

"Strength-type one-hit technique and release-type virtual image technique." Wang Ye said.

"I've been studying the virtual image technique, and it's not far from getting started. As for the one-strike technique..." Xinran looked at Wang Ye: "I can only learn as much as I can and describe it to you."

"Okay, thank you." Wang Ye said.

"You're welcome."

Nuclear force drives the spaceship, speed up!

Now that a decision has been made, Wang Ye will no longer hesitate.

In the battle at the moon base, there was a narrow escape.

Raid the Colonial Inspectorate to save the day.

Compared to the previous two battles when there was nothing at that time, this time I have enough time to prepare, I have a clear picture of the enemy's strength, I have a rough estimate of my own strength, and the most important thing is

They have resources!

Monro King Amber left them a rich legacy!

The cultivation time of 10 to 20 cosmic days is almost equivalent to half a year on the earth.

And under pressure and crisis, it is easier to break through!

Wang Ye has not fiddled with equipment for the time being.

All the thoughts are spent on improving strength and breaking through the universe level.

The most important thing!

Cosmic starry sky.

A scarred and slightly old nuclear-powered spaceship is flying.

and Wang Ye's high-end nuclear power-driven spaceship are obviously different models, somewhat similar to the base spaceship, but slightly smaller.

Even so, it can accommodate hundreds of people.

At the head of the spaceship, there is a totem logo that looks like a hurricane skull. There are two shining stars below the totem, which are particularly conspicuous.

Two-star space pirates!

"It's been a long time since I ate such delicious meat!"

"Eating dry food every day, I am almost pregnant!"

"Fortunately, I was lucky. I finally had a full meal when I ran into the transport spaceship of Yunlan Xingyun."

One by one, the space pirates drank wine, ate meat, and reveled wantonly.

Some of them are wanted criminals, some are slaves, and some are ordinary humans.

But no one here cares about their origins, only their strength.

"It's clear, miss, one is the spaceship of the Monroe Star Guard, and the other is the spaceship of the Colonial Inspector." A thin man said in a deep voice.

"What are these two ships chasing after?" The woman sitting in the main control room has a melon-shaped face, beautiful as a peach blossom, her hair is messy and casually tied up, and she is wearing a red battle suit showing a graceful and slim figure. There was a sassy energy on the seat.

The head of the Hurricane Pirates, Yumin, a ninth-rank space warrior.

"That's needless to say, I must have committed a crime." A white-haired old woman's face was like a ghost, but her pupils were particularly spirited.

"Mother-in-law, you have a lot of experience, can you guess what happened?" Yumin respected the white-haired old woman.

"It doesn't matter what happens, the important thing is that the colonial inspectors are rich." The white-haired old woman squinted and said: "The net worth is at least hundreds of millions of stars, and there may be dozens of universes."

Yu Min raised the corner of her mouth: "Grandma, do you mean to take it down?"

"Miss, we can't eat the Monroe star guards." The skinny man reminded.

"You can't say that, we space pirates, how can we go where we have money." The white-haired old woman said with a smile: "Catch up and take a look. In case they fight and lose both sides, isn't our chance coming?"

"Even if a scrapped high-profile nuclear-powered spaceship is sold, there are hundreds of millions of star points."

Yumin's eyes lit up, and she finally made a decision: "Listen to my mother-in-law, Uncle Feng, catch up!"

"Yes, miss."

Extreme chase!

Original five cosmic days to enter the Oort cloud.

Now entered one cosmic day earlier.

In the Oort cloud, there are a lot of gas and dust, densely covered with trillions of cold rocks.

They vary in size, some are only a few meters in diameter, while others are as big as giant mountains!

Many comets are moving according to their unique orbits, but at this time they are awakened by two nuclear-powered spaceships, flying around.

"How is the positioning situation?" Monro Uti's face was stern.

"My lord, the magnetic field is very disturbing, and the target's flight direction is constantly changing." The female assistant said: "It will be difficult for us to catch him before his energy is exhausted."

"Ten positioning times per cosmic day, to ensure that they are close to the target." Monro Utina said: "They have limited energy and cannot escape from the 996 colony system nebula."

"Yes, Captain." The female assistant said: "Another nuclear-powered spaceship detected earlier is following us from afar."

"Not adventurers in the starry sky, but a group of sneaky pirates!" Monro Uti showed disdain on his face: "Ignore them, the task is the priority, and we can't let the target person escape. The superiors are already extremely dissatisfied."

"Yes, Captain!"

The third cosmic day after entering the Oort cloud.

Wang Ye continuously absorbed three-star energy crystals.

The continuous energy transforms the body!

Threshold reached!


9th level perfect genetic warrior!

The cells in the whole body are jumping for joy, and the fusion of the body and the world has been upgraded to another level!

Approaching the last threshold!

Wang Ye tirelessly absorbed energy.

The body, which was almost saturated, may be improved again after the basic improvement, but it is getting closer and closer to the limit.

But the supernatural beings and the sea of souls did not.

Keep developing!

Wang Ye faintly saw the line at the boundary of the soul sea.

Ninth-level nova abilities, 70%!

In the soul sea, Ling Ling has the experience of breaking through the universe level.

When the brain area is close to 100%, that is, when the talent of the supernatural person is strong enough, the breakthrough can be completed with the help of a huge external force.

Self is not enough.

And now there is no external force of huge energy.

Continue to practice!

Try to improve your own strength level as much as possible to reach the limit!

The fifth cosmic day after entering the Oort cloud.

9th-level perfect genetic warrior, 20%!

Ninth-level nova abilities, 100%!

Wang Ye looked at 100% on the personal panel and let out a sigh of relief.

With the absorption of energy crystals, the cultivation of ninth-level nova superpowers, and the expansion of the soul sea, the breadth of the brain will be improved.

According to my own estimation, it is close to 90%.

Through the breadth of the brain, there are currently two methods for the path of supernatural beings to break through the universe level.

One is to continue to absorb energy crystals.

Although the level of cultivation of supernatural beings reaches 100%, they can still absorb energy from the soul sea and slowly grow their brain domains.

This is what Tieshan said, that the human beings in the universe, from the new star to the universe level, have no bottlenecks except for the requirement of willpower.

Second, through external force promotion, one brain directly opens the soul sea bondage, breaks through to the next level, and drives the brain width to increase by 100%!

Neither is easy.

Including the absorption of the body, it gradually reached the limit.

Can no longer be promoted.

Compared with the brain width, it is only a little over 10%, and the cosmic genetic warrior is still far from a perfect body.

Exit from the storage room.

Suddenly, Wang Ye showed surprise.

He noticed a change in a familiar breath.


He broke through! ?

Although Rand's strength level has always been higher than his own, the improvement of his brain width has not been smooth.

The farther the distance is from 100%, the more difficult it is to break through.

Equivalent to three exams, one of which only scored 60 points.

To achieve a total score of 250 or more, the requirements for the other two subjects are very high.

Go and see.

Wang Ye was moved by his heart.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

In the martial arts room, there were bursts of piercing sounds.

After the breakthrough, Rand is still practicing guns persistently.

I can't see any joy after the breakthrough at all, and I am devoted to the practice of marksmanship with a focused expression, and I am immersed in it.

Wang Ye stood aside and watched.

At some point, Xin Ran also stood beside her, quietly accompanying her.

"Control of the space environment." Wang Ye thought to himself.

Rand's accomplishments on this road are getting better and better.

His marksmanship gives people a strong sense of oppression, which cannot be escaped.

Before, the third level of the demon-killing spear technique was the third level, spanning a full level. With the strength of the perfect genetic warrior alone, he injured Lu Jie, who was at the ninth level of the universe level, which shows that his marksmanship is excellent.

Now, it's even better.

After a round of marksmanship training was over, Rand's pupils flickered, and surprise appeared on his face.

"Congratulations on the breakthrough." Wang Ye smiled, clapped his hands, and greeted him.

"Haha, Wang Ye, I'm awakened too!" Rand laughed heartily.

50% chance, hit?

"What bloodline?" Wang Ye was curious.

"It's not blood, it's talent!" Rand beamed with joy.

Wang Ye and Xin Ran were all surprised.

Rand, who took the perfect genetic warrior and practiced physical breakthrough, awakened his talent! ?

(end of this chapter)