Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Just do it!

40,000 km/s.

50,000 km/s.

Wang Ye drove the nuclear-powered spaceship to accelerate continuously.

Sitting next to him was a curious and eager Rand.

After flying the Munro 1 fighter jet, he became addicted to flying a spaceship.

Simply put, people are addicted to food.

"Crack." The speed of the nuclear-powered spacecraft finally stopped at 60,000 km/s.

One-fifth the speed of light.

The average speed is stable.

Although the top speed of this highly equipped nuclear-powered spaceship is close to 100,000 km/s, it consumes a lot of energy.

Too late to resupply in the starry sky.

One-fifth of the speed of light, just in a balance range.

It can make the nuclear force drive the spacecraft to run stably, and at the same time, continuously obtain hydrogen atoms from the void and convert them into energy.

Compared with ordinary nuclear-powered spaceships, the average speed is twice as fast.

"It's me!" Rand's eyes were shining.

"Okay." Wang Ye handed over the control position to Rand.

Although there is no route planned by Hongqi Supernet, there are not many obstacles in the vast starry sky.

Ordinary gravel materials cannot cause any damage to this nuclear-powered spaceship.

Fly normally without any difficulty.

"It's too stable." Wang Ye stood on the nuclear-powered spaceship, and he couldn't feel the vibration at all, just like he was on flat ground.

Compared with the lowest spaceship of the base spacecraft, it is more than one level stronger.

The average speed has been increased by 20 times, and the speed is fast towards the Oort cloud!

It takes about 5 cosmic days to enter.

There is not much difference between manual operation and Hongqi Supernet control.

The latter is more refined and will not make mistakes.

The former

There is no mistake to make, it just takes manpower.

There must always be one person sitting in the main control room.

When Rand gets tired of driving, let the two chief engineers take turns driving.

Spaceships must have repairmen, which is more important than women...

Wang Ye entered the storage room.

Open the second door, like opening a vault.

A large number of energy crystals were piled up randomly, Wang Ye cleared an open space in the middle, and then took three-star energy crystals to start absorbing.

There are no four-star energy crystals here.

On the one hand, four-star energy crystals are more expensive.

On the other hand, Monro Wang Amber only practiced the triple compression technique and was unable to decompose the energy of the four-star energy crystal.


Decompose, absorb!

take off!

Majestic energy poured into the body. Although the body cells metamorphose a bit slowly, the expansion of the soul sea is extremely amazing!

It is much stronger than the absorption of a star energy crystal!




Just one cosmic day.

The eighth-level nova abilities increased from 45% to 78%!

Too fast!

Breakthrough is not far away.

"Physical improvement is a bit slower." Wang Ye glanced at the progress.

The eighth-level perfect genetic warrior, 20%.

One cosmic day increased by 18%.

To say slow, that is a bit too much.

But compared with the improvement rate of the supernatural person, it is only half.

Has nothing to do with your fighter talent.

Humans on four-star life planets are born with genetic defects and are not perfect, so the upper limit is lower than that of humans on high-order life planets.

However, if there are enough resources, it can also quickly pile up to the universe level.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three nuclear-powered spaceships pass through the wormhole of the 996 colony planet.

Monro Star Guard Ninth Team!

"Can you confirm the location?" Captain Meng Luowuti's eyes were serious and meticulous.

"The other party has completely disassembled the Hongqi Supernet." The female assistant said: "The location cannot be obtained through the Internet."

"Is there Jiutian Heavy Industry?" Monro Utina asked.

The female assistant said: "They refused to provide the position of the spaceship, do I need to apply to the superior?"

"Not for the time being." Monro Utina said: "They need to be repaired before starting. The escape distance will not be too far, and there should be no other nuclear-powered spaceships nearby. Use the large-scale magnetic field search of the Hongqi Supernet."

"Yes, my lord." The female assistant quickly executed.

After a long time.

"There are coordinates, my lord." The female assistant turned on the touch screen: "But in the search area of Hongqi Supernet, two nuclear-powered spaceships appeared."

Munro Outina was slightly taken aback, and clicked on the information to take a closer look: "The one closest to us has a stronger magnetic field response. It should be the target Wang Ye, and the other one is just an ordinary nuclear-powered spaceship."

"Do you need to send a signal?" the female assistant asked.

"It's not necessary." Monro Utina said: "It may be a family who came to search for a living planet, or it may be a certain starry sky adventure team. There is no need to cause trouble."

"Understood." The female assistant nodded.

Monro Utina immediately ordered: "Prepare energy, turn on the highest acceleration, and hunt down Wang Ye!"

"Yes, Captain!"


Ninth-order supernatural powers!

Only less than two cosmic days, a rapid breakthrough.

Wang Ye also sighed.

This speed of cultivation is beyond the sky.

And this is not his fastest, if he can get a lot of four-star energy crystals, his cultivation speed can be doubled again!

But at present, the 1-star energy crystal has been absorbed completely.

The most important thing is that the number of energy crystals in the storage room is still full as if it has not been touched!

Complete the practice of this cosmic day.

Eighth-order perfect genetic warrior, 38%!

Ninth-level nova abilities, 6%!

"Three-star energy crystals are enough." Wang Ye quickly calculated.

"According to the current speed, in another four cosmic days, I will be able to break through to the ninth-order perfect genetic warrior, and the nova superpowers will reach 100% in about six cosmic days."

"It was already in the Oort cloud."

Leave the storage room.

The main control room has been replaced by a chief engineer.

Dangtang, a technical maintenance worker, now has to start flying the spaceship.

Manually flying the spaceship is quite boring.

It's like being a little excited when I first got on the highway, but it's numb after two hours of driving, and after twenty hours of driving...

That's a highway block.

"Where's Rand?" Wang Ye looked at Xinran.

Snow-white skin, plump figure, profound knowledge, the new female assistant is much more eye-catching than before.

"I'm absorbing energy stones." Xinran put down the thick tome in her hand and cast her gaze.

"Isn't there no energy stone?" Wang Ye was surprised.

"Just find some empty energy crystals, and use agglomeration to gather some cosmic energy." Xin Ran said.

"Can you perform coagulation?" Wang Ye was surprised.

"It's not difficult." Xinran said calmly, "But I only practiced to level one."

Agglutination, a cosmic supernatural power.

It can condense the energy of the universe and integrate it for your own use.

New star power users can only use the power of their own soul sea.

But cosmic-level supernatural beings have been able to call upon the endless energy of the universe.

The stronger the coagulation technique, the more it will be called.

"Teach me then." Wang Ye said.

I don't lack the evolution method, especially if there are enough energy crystals.

But the cosmic-level powers are lacking.

Moreover, agglutination is also the basis of the five major series of cosmic abilities.

"Yes, but my cultivation level is too low, it may be difficult to teach you." Xinran said.

"It's okay, teach me by hand, we have plenty of time." Wang Ye said.

Xinran stared at Wang Ye with her beautiful eyes, and was silent for a while: "You are a good person, I don't want to lie to you, you don't have much time."

"Oh?" Wang Ye looked at her.

Xinran said: "The Monroe star guards will search for the position of the spacecraft through the large-scale magnetic field of the Hongqi Supernet. Unless the nuclear force drives the spacecraft to stop flying, the change in energy will definitely be discovered."

Wang Ye smiled and said: "Then rely on the inexhaustible backup energy, continue to increase to the highest speed, and hunt us down."

Xinran opened her eyes wide: "You already knew?"

Wang Ye nodded: "When refitting the spaceship, I have already asked the two chief engineers. The maximum acceleration of everyone is almost the same, both are 93,000 kilometers per second, but we have no way to obtain backup energy."

Xinran looked at Wang Ye: "Have you thought of a solution?"

"There are many ways." Wang Yedao: "The first thing I thought of was to feign death to escape, but Hongqi Supernet has already recorded my information, and there is a high probability that the Monroe Star Guard knows my talent and will not let me escape easily. "

Xinran nodded.

Wang Ye continued: "Afterwards, I want to use the unique geographical environment of the Oort Cloud to create the illusion that the spacecraft ran out of control and hit a comet, and then hide. It is not easy to search for a life in the majestic and endless Oort Cloud. thing."

"But the risk is still too high."

"Thinking about it..."

Wang Ye smiled suddenly: "I don't want to hide anymore, just do it."

"If you fight too much, you will easily lose your fighting spirit and will. It's better to try to fight in the most dangerous situation."

"According to the information you gave, the ninth team of the Monroe Star Guard, a home team and a second team, twenty-nine cosmic-level powerhouses, plus a dark energy-level powerhouse, are indeed very strong."

"The two captains alone may be stronger than Lu Jie, let alone the captain."

"I was only a new star when I played against Lu Jie, although I am still a star now."

"But not soon."

"After entering the Oort cloud, it is not so easy to locate the Hongqi supernet. In addition to our existing energy supply, it should be able to delay ten to twenty cosmic days."

"During this time, it is enough for my strength to undergo a qualitative change."

"Including Rand, there is a high probability that they can become a universe-level powerhouse."

"Equipped with the best dark energy weapons and equipment, there is actually a chance to give it a go."

Wang Ye smiled.

Xinran looked at the young man in front of her, and her heart beat faster for no reason.

She didn't like him before.

One is the identity level.

She is an ordinary human from the territory of the five-star life planet, but Wang Ye is just an inferior human from the colonial star.

The second is the encounter.

She originally had a bright future, but she broke through the third-level interview and became an assistant to the colonial inspector.

But he was captured for no reason. Although he didn't become a prisoner, he was not much better, and became a **** for others to manipulate.

Even if Wang Ye wanted her, she couldn't resist, even if it was her first time, because it was far less important than life.

but now

Looking at this human from a colonial planet, Xin Ran's heart suddenly moved.

His ability, his courage, his hard work...

Everything Wang Ye showed these days made her deeply feel the difference between him and the humans on Monroe.

In him, there is a kind of desire to break through the cage, fearless power!

He has an incredibly strong heart!

And he's a nice guy, and he's not lecherous.

"Are you sure?" Xinran looked at the first man who made her heart flutter, and didn't want him to lose.

"Thirty percent." Wang Ye laughed.

(end of this chapter)