Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 994

Chapter 994

The sound of the broken neck sounded clearly in everyone's ears.

All the members of the Chen family were silent, their eyes widened, they couldn't believe it, and they didn't dare to gasp.

Even though they have anger in their hearts, they dare not say anything. If Su Han dares to kill one of them, he dares to leave all of them here!

"Sect Master Su, you..."

Chen Qing, as an outside historian of the Chen family, knew that it was time for him to speak at this moment, but he bit his head, and after only spitting out a few words, he swallowed the rest of the words in Su Han's cold eyes.

"Do you dare to kill my Chen family!!!"

However, Chen Qing did not speak, but a young man from the Chen family screamed, his eyes were red and his expression looked like crazy, he pointed at Su Han and screamed.

Su Han swept his eyes, grabbed his palm fiercely, and grabbed the person directly as he did before.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he squeezed fiercely, only listening to the sound of clicking, the young man of the Chen family's eyes widened and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, staring at him!


This time, everyone in the Chen family took a deep breath.

They know, Su Palliu, really dare to kill!

The so-called two-country war between the two countries, if you don't cut it to make you say, here in Su Baliu, it is nothing but fart!

But everyone in the Phoenix Sect was all sneered, gloating, and their hearts were extremely happy.

Before Su Han returned, Chen Lie brought everyone from the Chen family to come, like the emperor, all arrogantly dying.

Without Su Han, they could not offend the Chen family without authorization, so they had to bear it down.

At this moment, this bad breath finally came out fiercely.


Su Han turned his head and looked at everyone in the Chen family. Under his gaze, no one dared to look at him, even Chen Qing, the outside history of the Chen family, and the two elders at the peak of the pseudo-imperial realm. When, they all lower their heads quickly, with a strong sense of dodge.

"This is the Chen family, ha ha...a bunch of things taking advantage of the danger."

Su Han muttered to himself, amidst the ugly faces of the Chen family, he said: "The two countries are at war and don't cut the enemy. There is some truth to this. I will not kill you, but the Chen family insults me, Su Han. My Su Han's wife insulted my Phoenix Sect. I can't take this matter as if it didn't happen.

"If you want to leave, you can."

"Outside of my Phoenix Sect Hall, I knelt on my knees willingly for three days, knocked my head ninety-nine times, and then I can leave."


"This is impossible!"

"Su Palliu, don't deceive people too much!"

The moment Su Han's voice fell, several of the Chen family's faces flushed, and they shouted angrily.


However, just after they finished speaking, Su Lengren snorted, and his fingers tapped several times among the Chen family.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the tap of Su Han's finger, a muffled sound continued to be heard, but blood was splashed, but all the people of the Chen family who had just spoken had their bodies exploded!

A strong **** atmosphere filled the hall. Looking down, I could see pieces of stumps and broken arms scattered on the ground, and scarlet blood flowing on the ground.

Some members of the Chen family who were close by were all splashed on their clothes and faces by the blood. The hot blood seemed to wake them up from their anger, and their bodies kept trembling.

"If anyone disagrees, it will be the same as their end." Su Han said lightly.

Chen Qing's face was gloomy, his teeth clenched, and he never expected that this would be the result of coming to Phoenix Sect today.

It was the first time that he saw Su Han, and he was finally convinced that this Su Baliu, as in the rumors, shot harshly and vigorously.

When those Chen family children spoke, Chen Qing actually planned to say something, but at this moment, this hell-like scene caused his words to suffocate.

"I am not a benevolent person. If I offend me, I should have considered the consequences long ago."

"Chen Lie must die. If the Chen family wants to protect him, then prepare to go to war with my Phoenix Sect."

Su Han said lightly: "Also, don't think that the peak of the pseudo-imperial realm is very strong. I can kill Wang Family Mozu before entering the Demon Immortal Sanctuary. Now, it's even simpler."

"Lian Yuze, take good care of them, kneel on the ground for three days, knocked his head for ninety-nine times, and let them go."

"If otherwise... kill!"

The voice fell, Su Han lifted his steps, and walked out of the hall step by step with the company of Xiao Yuhui and Xiao Yuran.

Many people from the Phoenix Sect followed, but Lian Yuze led a few people to stay.

Looking at Su Han's back, these Chen family members hated and feared, clenched their fists, and exposed the blue veins on their foreheads.

"This is in the Phoenix Sect, don't take a fluke mentality."

Lian Yuze looked at them and sneered: "Don't think you can leave here safe and sound. The Sect Master has returned, and the Dragon Emperor Realm is here. The Sect Master will not let you go, and you can't get out!"

A few days later.

Some news broke out

The Chen family dispatched hundreds of people including Chen Qing, a foreigner, to visit the Phoenix Sect, wanting to reconcile with the Phoenix Sect regarding Chen Lie, the second son of the Chen family.

However, Su Baliu was too overbearing and had no intention of reconciliation directly killed several members of the Chen family.

As for the others, including Chen Qing and the Chen family two peak powers of the pseudo-emperor, they were all outside the Phoenix Sect Hall. They knelt on the ground for three days and knocked their heads for ninety-nine times before they retreated safely.

At the same time, if Su Ba exiles, Chen Lie must die. If the Chen family dares to protect, the Phoenix Sect will go to war with the Chen family and let the whole Chen family be buried together!

The news immediately shook countless forces, and it made many people applaud.

Everyone who applauds Su Han is someone who admires Su Han and can call him "Su Zun". ..

And what shocked those forces was, why on earth did Su Palliu have so much confidence and confidence?

The Phoenix Sect, no matter how strong it is, is at best only a first-class sect, but the Chen family is one of the thirteen families. In terms of background and status, they are all above the first-class sect.

Besides, the Phoenix Sect has already offended so many forces, don't you know how to restrain it?

Although this matter is indeed the fault of the Chen family, in Longwu Continent, strength is respected and it is not reasonable at all. Your strength is too weak, even if it is reasonable?

The news came from the Phoenix Sect. A few days after Su Han let out the words, the Chen family finally stopped being silent, and also let out the words.

"Shame on your face, if you want to fight, then fight!"

The news of the Chen family shocked countless people again.

This is a situation where I really plan to live forever!

Many people are speculating, can the Phoenix Sect now compete with the Chen Family? And the Chen family, did they dare to risk offending a big power such as Yidao Gong to really go to war with Phoenix Sect?