Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 993

Chapter 993


"I have seen the lord!"

Su Han came in, and everyone in the Phoenix Sect got up quickly, including Lian Yuze, who had just been domineering and leaked. The expressions on his face were unified, that was respect!

Except for the Chen family, everyone bowed and bowed to Su Han.

This scene shocked everyone in the Chen family. Although the Chen family's children were the same when the Chen family's head appeared, they felt a little different from the moment. They couldn't tell where they were different.

"Chen Qing, the outside history of the Chen family, met Su Sovereign." Chen Qing also got up and gave Su Han a fist.

When he said this, he looked at the two women next to Su Han again, and said in his heart that they were really beautiful. No wonder the unlearned fellow Chen Lie took such a big risk and wanted to take Su Baliu's The wife is in the bag.

But he is not Chen Lie, he is not so attractive to female sex, just glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze.

Su Han looked calm, as if he hadn't heard Chen Qing's words, more like he hadn't seen everyone in the Chen family, step by step, slowly walked to the main hall and sat down.

Chen Qing frowned, but after all, he was a foreigner and had a lot of experience. He clasped his fist again and said, "Chen Family Waishi Chen Qing, I have seen Su Sect Master."

"Is Chen Lie here?" Su Han said lightly.

"The second son originally planned to come, but before leaving, he was in ill health, so..."

"Just don't die."

Su Han interrupted Chen Qing's words: "Could it be that it was too much alcohol and died under a woman's pomegranate skirt, right?"

Chen Qing's face flushed suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer.

The Chen family's children showed their anger again. Since they entered the Phoenix Sect, no one in the Phoenix Sect has given them a good face, and after entering the hall, there is no place to sit.

At this moment, Su Han appeared. The first sentence was such contempt and disdain. No matter how Chen Lie was the second son of the Chen family, to insult Chen Lie was to insult the Chen family!

"Let's talk quickly if you have anything, the time of this sect is limited." Su Han waved his hand, and said a little impatiently.

Chen Qing took a breath, lowered the fire pressure in his heart, waved his palm, and immediately three spatial rings appeared.

"Among the three spatial rings, one contains tens of billions of low-grade spirit stones, one contains hundreds of weapons and equipment, and the last one contains a thousand pills."

Chen Qingdao: "For Mrs. Su's matter, Young Master Chen Lie asked me to apologize to Sect Master Su on his behalf. Before Sect Master Su was besieged by the five super sects, the entire Longwu Continent thought that Sect Master Su had fallen, and the second master did. There is no other meaning. I just want to protect the two suzerain wives for Sect Master Su. But now that Sect Master Su has returned, this matter will not happen again. I hope that many misunderstandings have occurred during this period. Sect Master Su must not blame it."

The voice fell, and Chen Qing took the space ring and walked slowly to Su Han.

Su Han did not pick it up, but said lightly: "I accept the gift, go back and tell Chen Lie, let him come to Phoenix Sect to die, so be it."

After finished speaking, Su Han got up and was about to leave.

"Sect Master Su, you..."

Chen Qing quickly stood in front of Su Han, frowning.

He came here today because of Chen Lie's business.

From Chen Lie, I have seen the beauty of Xiao Yuhui and Xiao Yuran, as if they were possessed by a demon. Although Su Han had returned, if it were not for the Chen Family Patriarch, he would even close them up, fearing that he would still not give up.

After all, nothing happened between Chen Lie, Xiao Yuhui, and Xiao Yuran. Moreover, Chen Lie is the second son of the Chen family. Even if it is for the face of the Chen family, Su Han should have agreed.

Moreover, in order to eliminate this 'misunderstanding', the Chen family is willing to come up with tens of billions of spiritual stones, hundreds of weapons and equipment, and thousands of pills.

This matter will be spread out soon. It is nothing more than the Chen family's compromise and an apology to Su Han. This is undoubtedly detrimental to the Chen family's reputation.

To sum up all the above, Chen Qing felt that Su Han should make this matter small and small, but he didn't expect that after he had said so much, Su Han didn't even listen.

"Is there anything else?" Su Han asked when Chen Qing stopped him.

Chen Qing hesitated slightly and said: "Sect Master Su, there is no substantial relationship between the Second Young Master and your two wives, and the Second Young Master has taken the initiative to admit his mistake and wants to eliminate the misunderstanding with Su Sect Master. Sect Master Wang Su has a lot of people, don't keep this matter in mind."

Hearing this, before Su Han could speak, the Xiao Yuhui and Xiao Yuran beside them had already looked cold and their pretty faces were chilling.

Before Su Han came back, Chen Lie had harassed them in every possible way, and it was almost impossible to use it. At this moment, it is good, just sending Chen Qing such an outside history, want to solve the matter?


But they didn't speak, they knew that Su Han would definitely handle this matter.

"You don't understand me?"

Su Han narrowed his eyes, stared at Chen Qing, and slowly said: "Then I will say it again, let Chen Lie, the second son of the Chen family, come to my Phoenix Sect to die, do you understand?"

Chen Qing frowned and said: "Sect Master Su, you have to be forgiven and forgiving. There is no right or wrong about feelings. Moreover, the second son fell in love with the two overlord wives, and it was also in the news that Sect Master Su had fallen. After coming out, if there was no such thing as the fall of Sect Master Su, how could this happen?"


Su Han suddenly laughed: "You mean He Chen Lie has a crush on my woman, or is Su Han's fault?"

"No, Chen did not mean that, but..."

Chen Qing was about to explain immediately, but Su Han waved his hand to make the words behind him unable to speak.

"I gave the Chen family two choices, you can hear them clearly."

Su Han said: "First, send Chen Lie to the Phoenix Sect to die at the fastest speed. Second, everyone in the Chen family will be buried with him!"


Hearing Su Han's words, the Chen family's face changed before he spoke, and he immediately said angrily: "Let me be buried with the Chen family? Who do you think you are? My Chen family is one of the thirteen families with profound background. Is it your Phoenix? Zong Kebi! If you let the Patriarch know such big words, they will surely let you..."


Before his words fell, a big hand suddenly appeared, pinched his neck directly, and brought it to Su Han abruptly.

"You...what are you going to do?" The Chen family's son was pinched by his palms, and his entire body was solidified, and he couldn't lift the slightest.

Chen Qing also changed his face, saying: "Sect Master Su, the two countries are at war, don't cut the enemy, even if today's matter is not settled, you can't..."


Before he could finish speaking, the sound of a broken neck came directly.

Until this time, Su Han threw the Chen family child on the ground and turned his head to look at Chen Qing.

"How can't it?"

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