Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 6126

Chapter 6126

Please indicate the source of the reprint of "The Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor":

The space battleship stopped completely.

Before the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry, there was a dead silence!

Any living being can feel the strong anger coming from Su Han's heart!

Hu Po and his subordinates looked at each other, immediately understood each other's inner thoughts, and then retreated back silently.

Su Han, who was in anger, didn't notice it.

Su Xue, who was in surprise, didn't notice it either.

But Duan Yihan, who is still standing on the bow, is also blind?

"be honest!"

Duan Yihan's gaze turned cold, and she stared at Hu Po and the others.

"Before today's matter is investigated, all the creatures present will die if they leave!"

There is no need to show her own coercion at all.

Just this sentence, just the cold eyes of the countless guards on the hull.

Just let Hu Po and the others froze there!

"My lord, we...we still have urgent matters, please sir..." Hu Po's face was pale, and he wanted to pray.

But Duan Yihan snorted coldly: "My princess, no matter what matters you have, my husband's matter is the most important thing!"


Hu Po's mind almost exploded!

This woman is actually a princess of the legendary kingdom of God? !

That man in white is her husband? Is it the son-in-law of the legendary kingdom of God?

in this case

Hu Po turned his gaze, and reflexively looked towards the cage.

"I captured the daughter of a son-in-law of the Kingdom of God???"

All the other creatures around had their eyelids twitching and their scalps tingling!

They never imagined

That blue-clothed woman whom they call 'superior' actually has such a big background!

What a coincidence.

When Hu Po looked towards the cage.

Su Xue's gaze was also passing through the cage, and met Hu Po's gaze!

That moment.

Hupo's crotch was warm again, and he didn't know whether he pulled it or peed.

Obviously, no one can keep him this time!

"Daddy, it's them!"

Su Xue pointed at Hu Po and said: "I heard, this orc is called 'Hu Po', he is the one who arrested us and wants to send us to Master Hu in the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry!"


Hearing this, before Su Han could respond, Duan Yihan frowned.

"Master Hu from the Ministry of Industry base? In other words, the Ministry of Industry base in the Yuan Demon Realm is colluding with these evil cultivators?"


Su Xue said loudly: "I have stayed in the Yuan Demon Realm for twenty years, and I often heard that many human women were sent to Mr. Hu. It is said that Mr. Hu loves human women very much and has practiced a special skill. You can use human women as furnaces to improve his cultivation! It seems that those women's final fate is very miserable!"

Hearing this, Duan Yihan's eyes instantly turned cold!

Su Han's heartache was even stronger, and he was even more indescribably afraid!

If you come by yourself at night...

Does that mean that Su Xue will also be treated as a cauldron? ? ?


From Duan Yihan's body, that terrifying coercion erupted violently!

In a place like the Yuan Demon Realm, Duan Yihan's Yin Swallowing Realm cultivation is enough to be called a super strong!

When her coercion broke out, the world in all directions plunged into freezing cold!

All the creatures present felt that their opportunity had been completely locked!

Not to mention leaving, even if the thought of leaving arises in him, the other party can also make him disappear invisibly!

"What a guts!"

Duan Yihan shouted loudly: "As the head of the Yuan Demon Realm appointed by the Ministry of Industry, you dare to collude with these **** and treat human women as furnaces?!"

"Hurry up and get out of this princess!"

These words were obviously mixed with the power of cultivation, and even directly turned into sound waves, causing those creatures with lower cultivation to shake their ears and spit out blood!


The buildings belonging to the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry collapsed at this moment!

Even the defensive array protecting the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry collapsed immediately, and there was no possibility of persistence!

This is just a realm, and the defensive array is naturally not much stronger.

And as the building collapsed, a large number of figures appeared in front of everyone.

There are staff at the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry, and there are also many creatures who are working inside.

Duan Yihan's gaze immediately fell on a hulking, very burly beastman with a human face, but two huge ears, like a fan.

Because among so many creatures, the opponent has the strongest breath!

After the orc was stunned for a moment, he crawled towards the space battleship.

"Villain Hu Shengfei, pay homage to the Princess of the Kingdom of God!"

"It really is you!"

Duan Yihan's eyes showed murderous intent: "How should you explain this matter?"

"Princess, you are wronged!"

Hu Shengfei wailed: "What this woman said is not true, it's just the rumors of those evil monks!"

"As the person in charge of the base of the Yuan Demon Realm's Ministry of Industry, the villain has been working hard, vowing to clear all the evil creatures in the Yuan Demon Realm, and return the Yuan Demon Realm to a clean world!"

"It is precisely because of this that those evil monks regard the villain as a thorn in their side, a thorn in their flesh, and try every means to get rid of the villain!"

"It's just a way for them to frame the villain by saying that the villain is in league with these evil creatures. Your Highness, don't listen to their rumors. The villain has always hated those evil creatures to death!"

"Really?" Duan Yihan sneered, UU Reading obviously didn't believe it.

She turned to look at Su Han.

At this moment, Su Han was tearing the cage into pieces.

When he walked out with Su Xue in his arms, the other seven women followed suit and knelt behind to thank her.

It's a pity that Su Han doesn't accept their kind thoughts at all now.

With a blank expression on his face, he escorted Su Xue to the space battleship.

Go to Hupo, and grab it fiercely!

Hu Po subconsciously wanted to avoid it, and wanted to stop it even more.

But his mid-stage Earth Spirit cultivation could still be called a strong man in the Yuan Demon Realm, but in front of Su Han, he was as fragile as thin paper!


A muffled sound came out, and all the defenses of Hu Po were destroyed!

Just like he grabbed Su Xue's throat before.

Su Han grabbed Hupo's neck and pulled it back hard!

Hu Po only felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the surrounding scenery flashed, and then came to Su Han.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!

! "Hu Po roared loudly.

Su Han had no intention of opening his mouth at all.

He raised his left hand, and under the watchful eyes of countless creatures, he ruthlessly grabbed the top of Hu Po's head.

Astonishing cultivation power poured from it, and Hu Po immediately let out a shrill roar.

Everyone knowsSu Han is searching for souls!

In the blink of an eye, Hu Po turned his eyes white, and his screams became smaller and smaller.

In the end, his body seemed to be turned into a puddle of mud, and Su Han threw him off the space battleship, and he couldn't die anymore!

That kind of miserable scene made other creatures around feel suffocated!

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