Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 6125

Chapter 6125

Please indicate the source of the reprint of "The Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor":

This sudden roar stunned the countless creatures present.

Immediately afterwards.

Swish Swish Swish Swish

All eyes turned to where the sound came from.

I saw a huge space battleship, like a dark cloud, attacking from a distance.

As they approached, the roar became even more deafening, as if it wanted to penetrate the souls of these creatures.

The monstrous momentum and coercion came from the space battleship.

There is no need to think too much, just this huge form is enough to make all living beings stand still in place.

It's not like they haven't seen space battleships before.

But this is the first time they have seen it so big!

The word "Legend" on both sides of the ship is shining with golden brilliance, which can be seen clearly at a glance.

It formed a stark contrast with the jet-black hull!

"Golden Legend... This is the battleship of the Cosmos God Kingdom!

Someone suddenly roared, shaking the other creatures around!

Kingdom of God...

How far away, how ethereal, how unreachable words!

Comparing the Yuan Demon Realm to the earth of the universe, the ten kingdoms of God are the heavens of the universe!

If there is nothing to do on weekdays, people from the Kingdom of God will never appear here, and it is not uncommon to see them only once in tens of millions of years.

Even if something really happened, the Kingdom of God would arrange for other universe countries, or even the Fourth Division of the Universe to deal with it, and they would not come easily by themselves!

And at this moment...

The people from the Kingdom of God not only came, but also took such a big space battleship!

The goal is very clear, it is the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry in the Yuan Demon Realm!

"What... what happened?"

"Greetings, Lords of the Kingdom of God!

All creatures trembled.

Because they know who they really are.

In the Yuan Demon Realm, more than 90% of the creatures are evil ways that cannot be tolerated!

Not only that, even the stronghold of the Ministry of Industry in the Yuan Demon Realm has been infiltrated by evil monks, colluding with them and collaborating with them.

Hu Po's affair with Hu Shengfei is one of them!

Otherwise, how could these evil beings live so comfortably?

The holy light of the kingdom of God illuminates the universe!

When it comes, all evil beings will tremble involuntarily in their hearts!

In the cage.

Hu Po looked pale, with fear on his face, he quickly let go of the big hand that was holding Su Xue's throat.

He also did not expect that the space battleship from the legendary Kingdom of God would descend suddenly.

But all of this, I'm afraid the other party has already seen it.

Hu Po can only hope that the people of Legendary Kingdom of God will turn a blind eye to this kind of thing just like Changshan Universe Kingdom.

After all, the gap between the two sides is too great, and the Legendary Kingdom of God may really be too lazy to take care of it.

As for Su Xue, she was panting heavily and coughing violently.

Even knowing that it was a space battleship from the legendary kingdom of God, she didn't have the slightest emotion.

Just as Hu Po thought.

How could such a big man care about such a mess?


When the space battleship stopped in the void, when a divine sense swept over...

When Su Xue raised her head inadvertently, she saw a figure in white clothes standing at the bow of the ship, with a worried face and fire-breathing eyes!

Su Xue was stunned.

She sat there blankly, her mind was blank!

The sudden appearance of the other party gave her the feeling that she was dreaming.

So unreal!

But after a long pause.

Su Xue murmured subconsciously: "Daddy?"

The tone was full of doubts, grievances, and deep disbelief!

at the same time.

Su Han standing on the bow of the ship was also looking at Su Xue.

The difference was that he wasn't in a daze, but his shoulders were shaking rapidly because of the boundless anger!

In the Milky Way Starry Sky, the Phoenix Sect dominates the world, and Su Xue's living environment is just like Duan Yihan's today.

That is one of the little princesses of the Phoenix Sect!

Who dares to blaspheme?

But the current scene made Su Han tear up!

He would never have imagined that his daughter would be treated so roughly!

Although it does not appear to be injured.

But that messy hair, that dusty face, that pale look, those lifeless eyes...

Everything hurt Su Han!

This is my daughter!

What did she go through?

"Su Han..."

Duan Yihan spoke softly.

From Su Han's expression and gaze, she could guess that the woman in blue who was sitting in the cage at the moment should be Su Han's daughter.

Su Han is not handsome, but his daughter is beautiful in appearance and has a good temperament, which must have inherited her biological mother's genes.


Duan Yihan's voice finally woke up Su Han.

His figure flashed, and he came directly to the cage.

Behind him, a large number of figures descended, including more than twenty members of Linlang Pavilion.

They are protecting Su Han's safety all the time.


I don't know what kind of material it is made of. In short, Su Xue, a cage that is difficult to break in the early stage of the Human Emperor, is directly broken under the tugging of Su Han's big hand!

Seeing this scene, Hu Poyantong shrank severely!

The first thought that came to his mind was two words - strong!

The second thought, or two words - it's over!

It can be seen from Su Han's expression.

No matter who he was looking for, one of the eight women in the cage must be his target!

" is it possible..." Hu Po murmured to himself trembling in his heart.

At this moment, Su Han, UU Reading has already rushed to Su Xue's side, hugging her tightly in his arms.


From being dazed at the beginning, Su Xue felt Su Han's temperature, and then broke down in tears.


"It's really you... it's really you!"

"You came to really came to me..."

Tears wet Su Han's skirt, but they couldn't quench the anger in Su Han's heart.

"Xiaoxue, don't be afraid, Daddy is here."

Su Han hugged his daughter tightly, the pain in his heart made him twitch all over.

If Ren Qinghuan saw her daughter being treated like this, she would definitely hate herself to death, wouldn't she?

As a father, he failed to protect his daughter well, causing her to suffer this kind of grievance, and even risked death.

This is simply **** extreme!

"who is it!"

Su Han's eyes were red, and his delicate face was extremely distorted, even looking a little ferocious.

"Tell Daddy, who brought you here, Daddy will definitely let him not live, not die!

This kind of roar made Hu Po's legs tremble as the master of the earth spirit, and he was so scared that he pissed!

There is no need for Su Xue to answer now.

Su Han's filial piety had already told him who the father of the woman in blue was!

at the same time.

Another thought popped out of Hu Po's mind.

"This woman...could be the 'Su Xue' whom the Ministry of Industry is looking for?"

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, the facts seem to have given him the answer!

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