Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5480

Chapter 5480

, Update the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor as soon as possible! outside world.

A year flies by in a blink of an eye.

In the blood-colored river, the spirit emperor and other extraterritorial demons were still standing in front of the blood gate according to their original posture.

Under their blood, the True Emperor's Battle Armor has only melted in half even though it has been a year.

This kind of speed is not unpleasant, after all, it is a true emperor's battle armor, an item that can even be used by the masters of the dominion realm!

The Spirit Sovereign and the others were able to turn it into blood because the True Sovereign of the highest clan deliberately did tricks on the True Sovereign's battle armor, and because of the assistance of the Heavenly Demon and the Holy Law.

Otherwise, let alone these extraterritorial demons, even if it were ten times more, it would be impossible to turn the true emperor's battle armor into blood.

That feeling is like ants on the ground, never reaching the sky!

If you really want to say that you can reach it, there are people who have built a bridge between heaven and earth!

The true emperor's battle armor is the sky, the spirit emperor and other extraterrestrial demons are the ants on the ground, and the hands and feet of the highest tribe on the true emperor's battle armor are the bridge between heaven and earth!

Of course, within a year, the Spirit Emperor and other extraterrestrial demons did not gain anything.

Even if it is not completely bloody, it is impossible to pull the top half emperor to come, but because it has been **** half, resulting in the **** river of countless blood gates, there are a full twenty blood gates, and the color gradually deepens!

The Linghuang had expected sixteen blood gates, and each blood gate could accommodate a top half emperor.

But in fact, it greatly exceeded its expectations, and it also made it feel ecstatic, and it made it even more awe-inspiring to the real emperor level!

Four more blood gates is equivalent to attracting four more top half emperors!

You must know that under this kind of war, even if there is one more top half emperor, it may be the last straw that crushes the galaxy, let alone four!

Therefore, at the same time as these four blood gates were created, the Emperor Ling also felt that he had made the most correct decision!

Twenty top half emperors are enough.

If the true emperor's battle armor is used to draw the true emperor's arrival, he can only lead one person, and it will take a lot of time. The true emperor who is pulled over will not be strong.

How can a true emperor resist the master of the digital galaxy at the same time?

The top half emperor is different!

The Spirit Emperor can be considered to have seen through the Milky Way starry sky. As long as the powerhouse of the true emperor level does not come, the master of the Milky Way starry sky will not take action.

They are the strongest foundation of the Milky Way Starry Sky, and they are also the last reliance, and they are the spiritual pillar of the entire Milky Way Starry Sky!

If he had made the first move, he would undoubtedly have weakened the extraterritorial demons in terms of morale.

To put it more simply, when the real emperor of the extraterritorial demons arrives, what will the Galaxy Starry Sky have to contend with?

Having confirmed this, the Emperor Ling was even more looking forward to the arrival of the twenty top half emperors.

With the current combat power of the Galaxy Starry Sky, once the twenty top half emperors really arrive, it will definitely be crushed!

"Without the primordial spirit, there are only two in total in the Galaxy Starry Sky, and there are only three rulers at most. This amount is really too precious for an entire plane!"

The anticipation on Linghuang's face turned into arrogance. The severe pain that lasted for a year had already made it numb, and the expression he unintentionally showed was particularly hideous.

"This hall wants to see, how long can you so-called masters last?"

"When the twenty top half emperors of our clan arrive, they will slaughter the Milky Way starry sky. Can you still watch it?"

Looking back at the bottom, there are monks of various races patrolling, and there are also human race powerhouses who have always existed outside the **** river, staring at them.

"Hehe, surveillance?"

"The ignorant and weak race... It's still rare for you to survive this time!"

"Soon, you will become the food of our clan!"

Middle domain.

The first dominant peak.



The roar came out, and the yellow robe clone was sitting on the spot with a distorted expression.

However, that twisted expression soon disappeared, and calm was restored.

"This sacred celestial technique is really painful!"

From the mouth of the yellow robe clone, Jing Zhong's voice came out.

"Forcibly taking away a dominion avatar with holy thoughts, not only this side, but even my deity will suffer incomparably!"

"In the final analysis, my cultivation is still a bit low. If I am a ruler of the realm of the gods, or even the ruler of the three-life level, how can it be so difficult?"

Speaking of this, the yellow robe clone paused slightly, and his face suddenly showed hideous and violent!

"It's all about you... my lovely cousin... it's all because of you!

"Since I found you, I have been playing chess on you. How much time has been wasted until now?"

"Eight million years? Ten million years? Twenty million years?"

"If I used this time to cultivate, I would have already reached the peak of the Three Gods!"


"Hehe, it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter!"

"You have brought me too many surprises and expectations. Even if my breakthrough is a little slower, what can I do?"

"Nine origins, nine deities, nine domains, nine domain techniques..."

"Even, there is the Demon Dragon Emperor Technique, which is suspected to be one of the nine techniques of Chaos Supreme Sutra!"

"What does it matter? Hahaha... What does it matter!"

"My lovely cousin, I didn't feel much luck in you, you said, why are you so powerful? Even with my brother's knowledge, UU reading was very shocked. "

"One more year... no more than two years at most, my brother will succeed in winning the house and truly come to the galaxy starry sky."

"My good brother, why don't you just do your best brother so honestly?"

"After all, we are cousins of blood relatives!"

After a series of words, the eyes of the yellow robe clone already showed a morbid madness, and the thick greed permeated the whole body.

To Jing Zhong, everything that Su Han possessed greatly exceeded his expectations.

For Su Han, his only purpose is to seize the house!

With the help of the power of the clone of Yuanling, we will seize the house again!

Only by taking the house can we have everything that Su Han has, otherwise, everything will be forfeited.

In order to succeed in winning the house, Jing Zhong is willing to pay any price, even if it is the deity who has reached the pinnacle of Earth Spirit, he can refuse it!

Because it is so clear, so clear how huge Su Han's potential is!

Under the Supreme Dao, the source is the strongest power, and Su Han alone has nine Dao!

And the domain, and the art of the domain...

For ordinary monks, it is very difficult to create a field, right?

Su Han, on the basis of the source, opened up nine fields and created nine kinds of field techniques!

Once he can successfully use the source, the combat power brought to him by this field will increase dramatically!

Jing Zhong, how can you not be jealous?

What he didn't know was that he knew too little about Su Han.

Because these aside, Su Han still has the Kaitian Cauldron, the Yin-Yang Bow, the Phoenix Hatchling, and the Jiuji Kai Soul Chain...

Also, the divine and magical weapons possessed by the Phoenix Sect!