Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5479

Chapter 5479

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Another three months have passed.

After swallowing over a thousand fist-sized green pills, Su Han finally stepped into the Dragon Venerable Realm.

For him, however, this is just the beginning.

One year, two years, three years, four years...

If someone was standing in the sea, they would definitely be able to see that as time passed, the dark green light that originally made the island look extremely bright was gradually dimming.

That is Su Han, plundering all the resources on the island!

It took him less than a year to go from the Dragon Vein Realm to the Dragon Venerable Realm.

From Dragon Venerable Realm to Spirit Transformation Realm...

He used it for thirty years!

This is not only an improvement in a big realm, but also a transition between levels.

Mortal realm, to spiritual realm!

The strength and confidence of those days seemed to be gradually returning to Su Han, and when he opened his eyes, he found that all the light on the island had completely dimmed.

"It seems that I have already swallowed them all..." Su Han showed a wry smile.

There are not many resources on this island, and even Su Han believes that it should not just break through to the spiritual realm.

However, once again, Su Han still underestimated his need for resources.

In addition, when breaking through the spiritual realm, Su Han also made an unexpected discovery.

That is, a red thread appeared in the surging and invisible power of cultivation in his body.

The color of the red silk is very dark and difficult to detect. If the dead wood emperor technique was not running all the time, even if the red silk was captured immediately, and then completely purified, Su Han would not have felt it.

"What is that?" Su Han subconsciously gave birth to caution.

He found that after the red silk disappeared, his overall combat power also dropped a little.

To be precise, the overall combat power has not actually declined, it is exactly the same as what he cultivated after his rebirth, but because of the appearance of the red silk, his overall combat power has increased a little on the original basis.

It's a pity that Su Han didn't have time to check it carefully, the dead wood emperor technique is to purify it completely, and even Su Han can't stop it.

"At the time of the mortal realm, there was no red thread. After breaking through the spiritual realm, the red thread appeared?"

Su Han, who has lived in two generations, is definitely not the kind of person with a big head.

The dead wood emperor technique can be purified on its own without giving Su Han time to think about it, which made him keenly aware that although the red silk can increase the combat power, it seems... not a good thing!

Thinking of stepping into the Sea of Mysteries and everything that happened at this moment, and thinking of the 'suppression' of the Sea of Mysteries on his own cultivation, Su Han couldn't help frowning.

"All the monks who enter the sea of mystery will temporarily disappear, and then start from scratch... What is the purpose of this sea of mystery?"

"Furthermore, you only need to reach a certain level in the sea of mysteries to obtain specific rewards. Does the existence of the soaring world just want us to realize the hard-won cultivation? Or, do you want to? Should we judge our potential by the speed of our training, the strength of our comprehensive combat power, etc.?

If it's only the first type, Su Han really doesn't believe it.

After all, the power of cultivation is equivalent to one's own flesh and blood for any cultivator. Although he is used to it, he can always know the importance of the power of cultivation. There is absolutely no need to remind him in this way.

To put it horribly, this is superfluous.

But if it's the second...

That's a little suspicious!

Why should the other party judge the potential of themselves and others? What is the purpose of this judgment?

"Is the red silk that appeared before that the standard for judgment? Or, is this the trace left by the master of the Chongtian Realm on us?"

Su Han clearly remembered that although Tai A Gong had mastered the use of Chongtian Realm, he was not able to completely control Chongtian Realm.

That is to say, if the owner of the tower is not dead, as long as he appears, the tower will be taken back by him immediately!

However, when I think of the items erupted from the ancient well in the sky, they generally come from the ancient times, and the ancient times have long since become the past, so Su Han questioned his guesses again.

Anyway, he didn't believe that the sky-high world would be so easy to let those who entered it get rewards.

Although there are crises in the other three places, here in the Sea of Mystery, apart from the previous flood dragon, Su Han really didn't notice any major crises.

After thinking for a long time, Su Han finally shook his head.

It's the same sentence - when it comes, it's safe!

For so many years, Tai A Palace has opened the sky-high world, and nothing strange has happened, so I don't need to think about it.

What's more, from the moment he entered the sea of mystery, until this moment, everything seemed to happen, and it was inevitable, and there was absolutely no place for Su Han to question.

Even if... he thinks this mysterious sea is very strange!

"No matter what, I have only one purpose in entering the Sea of Mysteries, and that is to get rewards and break through the tenth-level Dao Sage!" Su Han strengthened his Even if there is really some conspiracy in this sky-high world, Su Han was no longer able to control him. The most important thing was to make a breakthrough as soon as possible, so that he had the ability to fight against extraterrestrial demons.

Thinking of this, Su Han soared into the air, and his cultivation in the Spirit Transformation Realm gave him the power of surging cultivation. For the time being, it is unlikely that the power of cultivation will be exhausted when facing Jiaolong.

At this moment, Su Han's target is no longer those species in the sea, but other islands in the distance.

Standing here, every island is like the dawn in the dark, full of thick dark green, there are obviously resources there, and there are only a lot more than the island under your feet!

"The spirit realm has given me the ability to protect myself completely. Next, it's time to consume."

After pursing his lips, Su Han stretched out the nine steps of the Heavenly Dragon and walked directly towards the distant island.

There was thunder and lightning roaring in the air, as if it had found a target, and sometimes fell towards Su Han.

However, compared to the Wanlei Canyon, this lightning is really insignificant, and Su Han can easily resist it by waving his hand at will.

Wangshan ran the dead horse.

There is indeed some truth to this.

When looking at the first island, the distance from the other islands is obviously only a few thousand miles away.

However, it took Su Han a full month to reach the second island while he was on his way.

Although it has something to do with Su Han retaining the strength of his cultivation and not marching with all his strength, after all, he has already reached the spiritual realm, and the speed is still very fast.

However, after seeing the countless big trees around and the countless dark green 'fruits' hanging on the big trees, the one-month trip seems to be worth it.