Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5172

Chapter 5172

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Liu Chenfeng has already mentioned this level, and in fact, everyone has already understood what he meant.

In the same situation, God gave him two chances.

For the first time, he did something that he regretted immensely.

The second time, so what?

"Great grandfather."

It was Liu He who got up first and said, "If you don't mention the matter with the old aunt, but only speak his own words, the grandson still admires it very much."

"As the first ruler of the human race, it is precisely because of him that he set a precedent that our human race can find a way other than the ancestors."

"When Tushen Pavilion was in charge of the world, the Sanctuary was in such a peaceful and prosperous world. Compared with the previous chaotic situation, it can be said that there are many talents, and the arrogance is like a cloud!"

"Let's talk about the demon clan, if it wasn't for the ancient demon dragon to suppress it, how could the Sanctuary have a chance to breathe for so many years?"

"No matter what, the merits of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor are indelible. After the emergence of later generations, if someone has to leave a name for eternity, he must be the first!"

Hearing Liu He's words, all the senior members of the Liu family were moved.

Not to mention they don't understand this, but sometimes, because of various interests, or grievances, many people will selectively forget.

"Ancestor, no matter how you decide, I will wait, there will be no objection!"

The next moment, all the senior Liu family members stood up and spoke in unison. .

Liu Qingyao raised her head sharply.

She thought that the old concept could not be changed, and many people would still ignore Su Han's affairs for the safety of the Liu family.

But at this moment, it seems that the incident of that year really touched them a lot and made them undergo a huge transformation.


Liu Chenfeng grabbed Liu Qingyao with both hands and looked at her kindly: "Because of that supreme heavenly soul, coupled with the blood of my Liu family beast, and the assistance of the God of Time, your current cultivation level, It has also reached the Origin Saint level."

"Do you want to... go see him?"

Liu Qingyao couldn't hold it any longer, tears fell down drop by drop, and tears filled her face.

"Think... my daughter thinks!!"

"Then you go."

Liu Chenfeng smiled: "This time, I will let my father go completely, no matter what the result is, even if I become a sinner of the Liu family, I am willing to bet once for you for my father!"


Liu Qingyao slammed into Liu Chenfeng's arms, and all the resentment of the year disappeared at this moment.

"younger sister."

Liu Tianyuan coughed lightly and said, "Actually... that guy came to you before, but I didn't promise to let you see him. You won't hate me, will you?"

"No." Liu Qingyao shook her head.

She naturally knew that Liu Tianyuan was not only the person closest to her, but also the person who treated her the best.

If it wasn't for Liu Tianyuan back then, she and Su Han might have been forcibly separated.

For this reason, Liu Tianyuan also suffered an unknown amount of punishment, but every time he faced Liu Qingyao, he would show that kind of smile that the sky was falling and he was wearing it.


Liu Tianyuan touched Liu Qingyao's head, still the same as before, Liu Qingyao's strongest protective umbrella.

"Big brother has prepared the Poro formation for you. The speed is countless times faster than those top teleportation formations. The Heavenly Spirit Guard will also go with you."

Liu Tianyuan blinked at Liu Qingyao: "And grandma Sheng Luo, I would like to go with you too."

"Grandma Shengluo..." Liu Qingyao murmured.

The so-called 'Sheng Luo Granny' is not actually a human race, but a plant that has grown for an unknown number of years, and is also one of the guardian beasts of the Liu family.

According to legend, Granny Shengluo was countless times older than Liu Chenfeng, and she was brought back from outside when the second head of the Liu family took over.

No one knows what kind of cultivation she is now, but there are only five guardian beasts in the Liu family. If she can be one of them, it must be extremely terrifying.

In addition to Granny Shengluo, the Liu family's Tianling Guard is also one of the Liu family's town clan army, with a number of more than five million.

The fact that the Tianling **** team followed with Granny Shengluo had already demonstrated the determination of the Liu family.

Not only to protect Liu Qingyao, but also to show the Star Alliance!

War Clan Headquarters.

on the huge square.

"Pass the Holy Order"

"The children of the war clan, all come back!"

"The first team is assembled, the second team is assembled, the third team is assembled..."

"My war clan, what do I do for a living?"


"My war clan, what are you proud of?"


"My war clan, what are you proud of?"


Xuanyuan Qiong, Xuanyuan Wulie, Xuanyuan Shengyi

All the Zhan Clan disciples who had joined the Phoenix Sect had returned to the Zhan Clan headquarters at this moment, standing among the millions of Zhan Clan disciples, shouting in high spirits.




In the entire Sanctuary, if you want to ask who is the most straightforward, there must be many.

But if you want to ask, which race is the most straightforward, the Zhan clan is the first!

This is originally a fighting race, and they will never fear any forces. As long as they identify things, they don't need to think about it and move forward!

Su Han unearthed nearly 6 million children of the war clan, which can no longer be described as kindness for the total number of war clan in the sanctuary, whose total number is less than 10 million.

Su Han is the honored guest of the Zhan Clan. Whoever dares to move him must first ask the Zhan Clan's fist, whether they agree or not!

Tai A Palace.

The second dominant peak.

The old figure violently overturned the chessboard.

"Go to his mother's chess piece!"

"Su Han, Su Han, UU reading you can really cause me trouble!"

"I just blew up a clone from the starry sky and rescued you. You guy, just declared war on me."

"What should I do? How should I choose Gu Ling?"


"Then fight!"

"The east wind is blowing, the war drums are beating, but I want to see, who the **** is afraid of who!"

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves, just like a street boy who wanted to fight.

Li Changqing stood aside, staring at the old ancestor in a daze, almost stunned!

When... Old Ancestor became so unstable?

Is this still the master who has been immersed in the second peak of **** for many years, and has always been the master of the ancient well?

"Stinky boy, what are you looking at?!"

At this moment, Gu Ling's voice suddenly entered his ears.

Li Changqing's body was shocked, and he wanted to pull out his eyeballs, so that he really couldn't see it.

"Go on and monitor every move of the Star Alliance at all times!" Gu Ling said.


Li Changqing responded, and then said cautiously: "Ancestor, if there is really any change in the Star Alliance?"


Gu Ling's nose crooked: "Full firepower!"

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